Scoping Survey: Long term plans for our personal “survey/email”

Craig with children and timelineMany home educating families are wondering what will be happening to the Scoping Survey/email they sent into the MoE. So I wrote an email on Friday:

Scoping Survey feedback future

Thanks for your letter saying

“You have expressed some concerns that have been voiced from some home educators. We would like for them to know that no one will be getting an ERO review because of the feedback they have given – that wasn’t the point of the feedback process. The feedback will not be used at an individual level and no one will be penalised because of any individual feedback given.”

Home educators have been greatly relieved that they wont be getting an ERO review as a result of what they have put in the Scoping Survey.

There has been some more discussions about the information that people have given to the MoE. We thank you for your assurances that the feedback will not be used at an individual level and that no one will be penalised because of any individual feedback given.The next question that many home educators have is what is going to happen to the feedback once you have finished with it?

Home educators are wondering:

  1. Will it be destroyed?
  2. Will it remain on the files for someone in the future to do something else with the feedback
  3. Does the information still have individual names attached to the individual feedback forms/surveys/emails and if so, if the feedback is not destroyed after you have finished with it, will they be removed?

Home educators want to know that when those responsible for the information (Jim, Sonya and Lucy) leave your current jobs, that no one else will be able to come in and use the feedback in any way that can be used against individual home educators, nor that it will be used for any other purpose than the scoping document.

Here is the reply from Lucy:

Good Morning Barbara,

Once we have finished collating these feedback forms for the purposes of this exercise, they will be destroyed (hard copies) and deleted (emailed ones) so they cannot be used again.

Hope that clears things up, let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind Regards,

Home Education Foundation letter which covers exemption form, beneficiaries, International home educators and Keystone.

– MoE/ERO issues

– Changes in the MoE

– MoE discussions introduction to the Red Tape Cluster Buster meetings

– Preparation for the MoE discussions with Red Tape Cluster Buster meetings andrelevant for the Problem Scoping Survey
– Discussions home educators had online at Clutter buster group or (for ease of reading as not everyone can get onto the Google docs) here… (Also a lot of very good information to aid you in filling out the Problem Scoping Survey)

– Record of Progress and Achievement (an example of the new National MoE office staff understanding home educators)

– Truancy and the Home Schooler/Home Educator (another success with the National Office in that Megan showed us alternatives)

– Scoping Meeting 15 July 2014 – Getting to know you

– 2nd Meeting 28 July 2014 – Red Tape Cluster Buster Meeting

– MoE scoping Home Educators – email

– Feedback Form (Problem Scoping Survey) on MoE website

– Email to the MoE about the Scoping Survey from a Home Educator

– Problem Scoping Survey: ideas and deadline

– MoE’s reply to Yumiko’s email about the Scoping Survey

– MoE Problem Scoping Survey: please make it known and fill it out

– The last of Craig Smith’s writings before he died 3 years ago

– MoE Problem Scoping Survey

Home Education Foundation’s Problem Scoping Survey

Scoping Survey: Barbara Smith

Problem Scoping Survey – Update


Please share/forward this link with other home educators.


From the Smiths:

Updated 1 October 2014:  Three years on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:
