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Greetings, here are some of the home education events in New Zealand over the next few months.
There are some great camps and workshops/conferences coming up. We seem to have a feast this year.
The five camps look like a lot of fun with two in the South Island and three in the North Island – two unschoolers camps, one Christian camp, one West Coasters camp and a Girls camp.
I have a family reunion over Easter in Wanaka. So I am planning (a bit late) a tour around the South Island. If you would like me to speak in your area please get back to me soon and I will see if I can fit it into our schedule. At this stage some events are already confirmed and others hopefully will be confirmed over the next few days. So please keep checking this link for updates.
In amongst all this activity please make sure you write/phone/visit the MPs about this beneficiary Bill – we don’t want to see ECE and Government Health checks becoming compulsory for the beneficiaries and perhaps later for all of us. None of us know when we could become jobless, ill or widowed and could be relying on the benefit. So please write, phone and/or visit the MPs for those on a benefit now. As of July those on a benefit will have to send their 3 – 5 year olds to an ECE for 15 hours a week and begin working 15 hours a week once their youngest turns 5 and 30 hours a week once their youngest turns 14. Please support the beneficiaries and write/ring or visit an MP to have this taken out of the Social Security Bill. It is hard enough home educating on your own without having all this going on too.
Then don’t forget the HEART retreats where Mums get pampered.
Home Education Coming Events
21/1/13 – 20/3/13 Letter writing campaign to the Select Committee members: Social Security Bill and the Human Rights Commission and URGENT ACTION required: Social Security Bill
7 February 2013 Not-back-to-school Picnics/Days
- Auckland: 13th Regional Home Education Celebration (Thursday) – Auckland
- Memorial Park Picnic – Palmerston North
- NOT-back-to-school day at Quinney’s Bush, Motupiko – Nelson
16 February 2013 Wanganui Home Education Workshop
15-17 February13 Christian Homeschoolers Family Summer Getaway
15-18 February 2013 South Island Unschoolers Camp/Gathering
21st-26th February 2013 NZ Unschooling Retreat: February 2013. Foxton, Horowhenua
22-24 February Inspire 2013 – Girl’s camp
5-7 March 2013 World Education Games
13 March 2013 AHE Art & Craft Fair 2013
March Christian Homeschool
23 March 2013 Refresh Conference – Nelson
26 March-16 April 2013 South Island tour
23 March all day workshop in Nelson (cancelled due to Refresh confence same day)25 March half day workshop in Westport (cancelled)
26 March half day workshop in Greymouth (programme now at link)27 March half day workshop in Hokitika (confirmed)28 March possibly Haast29 March – 1 April Hay family reunion in Wanaka
2 April event in Wanaka (programme now at link)3 April possible event in Queenstown (or other Central towns )
4 April half day workshop in Te Anau (confirmed)
6 April all day Workshop in Invercargill (programme now at link)
8 April all day workshop in Dunedin (programme now at link)
9 April half day workshop in Oamaru (confirmed)
10 April half day workshop in Timaru (cancelled so could do something inland – MacKenzie Country or Fairlie)
11 April half day workshop in Ashburton
13 April all day workshop in Christchurch or Rangiora (confirmed)
16 April half day workshop in Blenheim (Progrmme at link)
3 June 2013 Auckland Meeting with Scott Brown, Kevin Swanson,Anthony Courter and possibly Geoffrey Botkin – more later
4 June 2013 (evening) Home Educators Leaders Meeting – more later
28-30 June Matamata HEART Retreat
9-13 September 2013 Homeschool Outings: Mt Ruapehu Whakapapa Alpine Mountain Adventure Skiing, Snowboarding, & Tramping
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From the Smiths:
Updated 2 February 2013: One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here
Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online:
Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill
Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds