Videos of the 2nd Reading of the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Families Children and Parents TogetherHere are the speeches in Parliament prior to the vote for the Second Reading of the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill – Part 3 – Do listen to this speech..Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill – Second Reading – Part 2 Video Post 20th Mar 13
Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill – Second Reading – Part 1 Video Post 20th Mar 13
20.3.13 – Question 7: Alfred Ngaro to the Minister for Social Development Video Post 20th Mar 13

The 2nd Reading Vote:

61 For
60 against

Thankyou New Zealand First

We have some work ahead to see if we can get Act and United Future to change their vote at the 3rd reading

Please ring and email John Banks and Peter Dunne

ACT:  John Banks 07 817 9999 or

United Future:  Peter Dunne 04 817 6827 and

and all the National MPs

The Issues as I see them. We will fight this Bill:

1. While ECE is compulsory for any 3 and 4 year old child

2. While the Government is making it compulsory for any mother to have to go to work while she still has children at home

3. While it is compulsory for any child to have to complete the Well Child Checks

Please ask these MPs to vote against this Bill while these three items are still in the Social and Work Obligations and Sanctions.

Then CC your email to all the other MPs so that they don’t change their vote from being against this Bill

In 1877 New Zealanders lost the freedom to educate our children at home without applying for permission. Our forefathers let us down by not standing up for their rights.

In 2013, will we be the generation that begins to lose the freedom to preschool our own children, to make our own decisions about health care, or to invest our time in our families above a job?

We say NO

Let us protect the children of Beneficiaries

Because this could extend to ALL children

if this passes



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Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill