Social Security Bill and the Human Rights Commission

Sorry everyone I had unexpected things come up this week so didn’t get everything completed like I wanted to.

On Wednesday I posted my letter to the Human Rights Commission.

Tuesday morning, 22 January, I plan to send out a media release. I want to make sure the Human Rights Commission gets my letter before sending the media release out.

It would be good if as many people as possible write to the Human Rights Commission and to the Select Committee members. I have found out that it is much better to send LETTERS to the MPs rather than emails. MPs get something like 2000 emails a day and about one letter a day. They read the letters but have no way of reading all the emails.

Select Committee MPs Against the Bill at the 1st reading:

Jacinda Ardern, Jan Logie, Rajen Prasad and Su’a William Sio

Select Committee MPs who voted for the Bill at the 1st reading

Simon BridgesMelissa LeeAsenati Lole-Taylor , Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga, Tim Macindoe, Alfred Ngaro, and Mike Sabin

Please send seperate letters to each MP to this address. No stamp necessary.

Parliament Office
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

The Select Committee’s report is due by 20 March 2013 – they may complete it before this date.

We need to have a letter writing campaign to the Select Committee Members over the next few weeks. And for those who feel up to it please ring and/or visit the Select Committee Members. So my challenge to you all and to myself is to write a letter each week to the Select Committe members until the report has been written. I will try to have new ideas here for each week. So this week and next week it is the Human Rights issues (but please feel free to write about anything that is on your heart).

In every letter and contact that you have with the Select Committee members please ask them to “PLEASE REJECT THE SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS AND SANCTIONS IN THIS BILL (Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill) .”



Please feel free to repost, forward or pass on  this email

Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


Related Links to Social Security Bill:


From the Smiths:

Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational:


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

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