Father to Son – How to Talk to Your Sons – 6 DVDs

Father to Son


430 minutes in length
Widescreen NTSC, all regions
103 pages of study materials

Fathers need to begin speaking to their sons. But the conversation can’t be aimless or trivial. Fathers need to talk in manly and specific ways about the duties of Christian manhood. This six-part DVD series is designed to provide fathers and future fathers with simple examples of manly discussion. Where does a dad begin? With the pressing issues that weigh on young minds, these informal, unrehearsed conversations between Geoffrey Botkin and his five sons show how it can be done. Click below to watch the trailer:

Each episode tackles an age appropriate discipline of manhood and how it is developed with fathers. Sons learn the disciplines of manhood through hard work. Fathers interpret the world for sons through shared adventures. Sons learn leadership duties through worship. Sons learn to conquer the world by dominion and to hold the ground they take through spiritual battle. Each rich conversation is broken into short study segments, and thorough Bible-study notes are provided as PDFs which can jump-start family or Bible-study discussions. Also included is the sixth bonus DVD: How To Talk to Your Sons.

I’d like to prescribe this series for every father in America (and Australia and New Zealand). Fathers desperately need to turn their hearts to their sons. This series will give them confidence to do it.”
— D. Matthew Clark, M.D.

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So Much More

So Much More


By Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin

Hardback (333 pages)

This book is not another Christian-teenage-girl “survival guide.” So Much More shows how Christian girls can wage war with the world and win. The Botkin sisters focus on how young women can rise above their God-hating culture and change it for the better.

Today, countless young ladies face difficult problems and challenging questions. While many long for godly purpose in their lives, their bewilderment mounts when they observe broken homes, distant fathers, overwhelmed mothers, degrading college courses, and a lack of spiritual guidance — both at home and at church. As hope for security and stability fades, it is no wonder that many young ladies feel orphaned, unprotected, and without hope for their futures.

Within the pages of this book, discover practical, biblical solutions for the young woman who wants to do so much more than just “survive” in a savagely feministic, anti-Christian culture. Find the answers a girl is not likely to get from her church, her peers, or her culture.

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The League of Grateful Sons (DVD)

0 The League of Grateful Sons (DVD)

Format: DVD (74 minutes)

Watch the Trailer

What is the godly legacy of the fathers of World War II? Their story has not been told — until now!

More than 406,000 American soldiers died during the Second World War, leaving an estimated 183,000 children fatherless. Hundreds of thousands of other U.S. troops did return, but many never connected with their children. However, within the ranks of these survivors was a remarkable collection of men who made it their life mission to speak the providences of God and the meaning of manhood to the boys who would one day fill their shoes. Through wartime letters and present-day pilgrimages to the bloody battlefields of their youth, the ancient warriors have spoken. Their thankful children rise to honor and surpass their legacy. They are “The League of Grateful Sons.”

Marine “Colonel” Bill Henderson

Meet tough-as-nails Marine “Colonel” Bill Henderson. He survived thirty-six days of brutal fighting on Iwo Jima and maintained moral purity, while in the midst of immoral wartime circumstances, because of the influence of his manly Christian father. Meet P-51 Mustang flyboy Bill Brown. He was shot down over Japan, but survived to train generations to sing praises to God. Now in their eighties, these ancient warriors return to the black sand of Iwo Jima to disciple a new generation in the art of Christian manhood.

Leonard and Fletcher Isacks

Joining them are sons whose fathers never returned — the Isacks brothers and “Johnny Boy” Butler — all heirs to a treasure trove of fatherly wisdom penned from the battlefield.Shot on location on Iwo Jima, Guam, Hawaii, and in Texas, and directed by veteran filmmaker, Geoff Botkin, The League of Grateful Sons will leave you grateful for America’s heroic fathers and motivated to surpass their legacy.

Bonus Features:

  • “This is Guadalcanal” — a victorious War Department message of thanks to the home-front (playing time 20 mins.)
  • “Target: Invisible” — a dramatized bombing mission over Japan explaining the use of radar (playing time 7 mins.)
  • “War Time Memories” — historic photos from the Pacific and home-fronts
  • “Trip of a Lifetime” — photos hightlighting the sixtieth anniversary journey to Iwo Jima


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Information from http://www.visionforum.com/booksandmedia/productdetail.aspx?productid=67880&categoryid=159

Outside Hollywood

Author: Isaac Botkin

Isaac Botkin
Format: Paperback (313 pages)
Product Number: 44858

The Young Christian’s Guide to Vocational Filmmaking

Like the Berlin Wall, the seemingly impenetrable colossus of Hollywood, with its enslaving influence on American culture, will someday come crashing down, destroyed by inexpensive technologies, new distribution methods, and a rising tide of independent filmmakers. All of these factors represent unprecedented opportunities for innovative Christian visionaries who are willing to take every thought captive through a presuppositionally biblical approach to making films outside the Hollywood system.

In this groundbreaking book, experienced cinematographer, writer, and animator Isaac Botkin prepares Christians for successful Christ-honoring leadership as writers, directors, and producers. Botkin has worked as both a Hollywood outsider and an insider, and is a leading proponent of a new independent film industry. In Outside Hollywood, he smashes the myth of methodological and cultural neutrality and offers a paradigm for developing a family-friendly approach to this hugely important field of cultural influence.

Readers will benefit from his insights on the proper training and qualifications and the history and future of the Hollywood industry, as well as the key to courageous script writing, and the responsibilities of professional directing. Several appendices explain ways to get the most out of modern equipment, how to avoid the common mistakes of new filmmakers, and more.


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Information from http://www.visionforum.com

The Thinking Toolbox

The Thinking Toolbox

Thirty-Five Lessons That Will Build Your Reasoning Skills


by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn

This book is like a toolbox, full of different kinds of tools you can use for different thinking tasks. Just as you use the wrench in a regular tool box to fix the sink, so you can use the tools we give you in this book to solve thinking problems.

  • When it is dumb to argue
  • Using the scientific method
  • Five rules of brainstorming
  • Who has a reason to lie?
  • How to analyze opposing viewpoints
  • How to analyze evidence and sources
  • How to list reasons why you believe something
  • And much more

We wrote this book for children and adults who want to learn logic and critical thinking skills. The Thinking Toolbox follows the same style as The Fallacy Detective with lessons and exercises and an answer key in the back. Parents and teachers, as well as anybody who wants to learn logic, will find The Thinking Toolbox easy to use and practical.


  • Fun to use – not dry like a math textbook
  • Can be used after The Fallacy Detective
  • Introductory – teaches skills you can use right away
  • Self-teaching format
  • For ages thirteen and older
  • Over 60 cartoon illustrations by Richard LaPierre

See Also
Trivium Pursuit

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