Preparing for an ERO Review by Craig Smith

Revised edition – October 2008

Preparing for an ERO Review by Craig Smith

New Zealand Home Educator’s Guidebook

Twenty A5 pages of insightful and helpful comment on the imminent arrival of the Review Officer. Chapters include: Overall Strategies, What They”re Looking For, What if You”ve Changed Curriculum, Access to Children, Home or Neutral Venue, Coping with a Negative Report, etc.

Revised edition includes having a review from an unschoolers perspective plus more.

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fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

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An Introduction to Home Education in New Zealand

An Introduction to Home Education in New Zealand by Craig Smith

What does it cost, what are the legal issues, a bit about socialisation, can they get into University or the workplace after being home educated? What do the experts say? Was anyone of note ever educated at home? (On that last one, how about Wolfgang Mozart, Thomas
Edison, the Wright Brothers, Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Charlie Chaplin, Andrew Carnegie, Ben Franklin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt…and NZs own inventor of the jet boat, C.W.F. Hamilton.)

A5, 20 pages. NZD$7.00.

Please order by sending an email to or ringing 06 357-4399 or on Trademe: Here

The Evidence of the Superiority of Home Education over Conventional Schooling

The Evidence of the Superiority of Home Education over Conventional Schooling

edited by Craig Smith

Comments by professional educators and others, research evidence, philosophers, government agents all agree the tutoring and mentoring aspects of home education allow ordinary parents to routinely produce students who are superior in both academic acumen and social engagement.

The twenty-three different snippets of evidence, with references both to professional journals as well as the Internet, are just the tip of the ice berg. There is more material here, given the Internet references, than youre ever likely to read. But this will put you on the trail of even more material. The evidence is indeed overwhelming.

A5, 12 pages. NZD$7.00.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to 4 Tawa Street, Palmerston North, 4414

phone: 06 357-4399


Training our Children

Training our Children by Craig and Barbara Smith

Two of New Zealand’s pioneer home educators share some of their best advice, borrowed and original, re-worked and developed, over 28 years of training their own eight children (some adopted) and fostering many others.

Topics covered include reading aloud, the art of buying used books, home discipleship, training our children’s minds, training our children in worship, keeping going when the going gets tough, marriage, discipline, interpersonal relationships, an integrated lifestyle and much more.

Paper back, 142 pages A5 size


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Thoughts for Young Men

Thoughts for Young Men now available in New Zealand for NZ$12.00

Author: J.C. Ryle
Format: Paperback (101 pages)
Product Number: 52014

If it was difficult to be a young man in the days of the nineteenth century when Ryle penned Thoughts for Young Men, it is all the more difficult to be a young man in the twenty-first century world of image overload, radical individualism, and rampant sensuality. Thanks be to God, the answers available for the boys of Ryle’s day remain every bit as potent for boys today. The reason, of course, is that these truths spring from an eternal font of life — the Word of God — which knows no historical boundaries.

Thoughts for Young Men addresses the four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure. J.C. Ryle, the last of the great Puritans, tackles each of these subjects with a tenderness and tact that is unsurpassed. First written toward the end of the nineteenth century, it remains to this day the most relevant and helpful book on the subject in print.

There is more good news: it is wonderful to be a young man. Notwithstanding the many temptations and challenges that all young men face, there is a world of tremendous possibility in Jesus Christ. Young men are brimming with potential, in part because they have yet to be jaded by the cynicism and compromise that often cloud the thinking of adults. For this reason, we must never brush aside young men. We must invest in their lives, listen to their dreams, and encourage them to have a big vision for Jesus Christ.

There is great urgency for us to raise strong, courageous men of faith. The twenty-first century, with its terrorism, its changing cultural and social climate, and its technological and ethical challenges, demands a new type of Christian boy — a hearty, ferociously principled, chivalrous, Christ-loving boy who is willing to stand alone. Without such boys, our culture is doomed. It is these boys who will be the fathers of the next generation.

Customer Comments

Thank you so much for … J.C. Ryle’s book Thoughts for Young Men. This book has been such a blessing to me, and I look forward to sharing it with family and friends. I have just ordered a copy for each of my sons and nephews. May God continue to bless the mighty work you do.

Thank you, thank you. The first brochure you sent out with Thoughts for Young Men caught my attention. When I read the description of the book, I ordered seven copies. My husband and I have read it cover to cover and are sharing it with our sons (age 12 and 15). We are constantly on the lookout for quality reading that will encourage our sons to look to God in EVERY situation. Thank you again for your vision!!!

M. and M. W.

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