Sanctifying our Sons and Daughters by Craig Smith


Sanctifying our Sons and Daughters

by Craig Smith

This book is A4 size 35 pages

$10.00 including postage

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

TEACH Bulletin – March 2010 Issue

TEACH Bulletin – March 2010 Issue

teach only

Edited by Craig S. Smith

$9.00 for subscription
$1.00 for individual copy

Plus $0.50 postage

This issue:


**National (Non-) Standards

-Social Engineering

-What are the National Standards

**Conflicting Research Results

**Kids Crushed Beneath Backpacks

**The State Schooling Institutions Are without Question Centres of Political Indoctrination and Social Engineering

**Coming Events

TEACH Bulletin in photo is different to one on this page.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

Keystone Magazine January 2010


Edited by Craig S. Smith

36-page Journal.
The 21cm x 29.7cm (A4 sized), 36-page

CONTENTS of January 2010:

*Feature Family – North Island NZ
*15 Things a Father Must Do With His Son
*Motivation by Andrew Pudewa
*Humour in Teaching by Andrew Pudewa
*The Philosophy of Christian Curriculum
– Teaching Composition
– Mathematics
*Lies Public Schools  Tell – Part 5
*10 Things NOT to Do with Young Children by Harvey Bluedorn
*Home Education Research – 15 Years Later: Home Educated Canadian Adults
*What is Your World View? And How Did you Get it?

Photo on this Keystone different to photo shown here.


DIANA WARING a veteran of more than 10 years as a key-note speaker to home school conventions said, We LOVE Keystone!! Its a fabulous magazine for Home Schoolers!

JOHN ANGELICO editor of the Australian Home Schooling newsletter Families Honouring Christ said, This top quality journal of international ranking comes out of New Zealand.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

TEACH Bulletin – January 2010 Issue

TEACH Bulletin – January 2010 Issue

teach only

Edited by Craig S. Smith

$9.00 for subscription
$1.00 for individual copy plus $o.50 postage

This issue:


*Early institutionalisation of children questioned
*Numbers of home educated hit new high
*Schools start self-deconstration
*Schooling is big business
*The blind making others blind
*Coming events

TEACH Bulletin in photo is different to one in this auction.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

Feeding Covers

Feeding Covers

Blue/Pink sheep option pictured, other reversible option: Pink/Cream floral
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Blue/Pink sheep option pictured, other reversible option: Pink/Cream floral

Single-sided Colour Options: (Listed top to bottom of picture) ~ Daisy ~ Blue Floral ~ Purple ~ Pale Pink ~ Classic Floral ~ Blue Dot (Pictured) ~ Pink Dot ~ Candy Plaid ~ Crazy Pink
Click here to add text

Single-sided Colour Options:
(Listed top to bottom of picture)
~ Daisy
~ Blue Floral
~ Purple
~ Pale Pink
~ Classic Floral
~ Blue Dot (Pictured)
~ Pink Dot
~ Candy Plaid
~ Crazy Pink

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Be comfortable with breastfeeding! – no more awkwardness when feeding in public!

This feeding cover simply hangs around mum’s neck to provide modesty and makes breastfeeding instantly discreet!

Two coloured Reversible Covers
Single colour bound edge Covers

Generous width to give plenty of cover whichever side you are feeding on

Adjustable button-closed neck strap

The apron has boning around neck edge which gives mum a kind of peep-hole to keep an eye on her baby

Made of light-weight breathable fabric so mum and baby won’t get hot

Makes a great present for a first-time mother

Perfect as a baby shower gift

May shrink when first washed

This from a Kiwi mum who lives in Australia:
“These are JUST WONDERFUL! Perfect design. I love it. And because it is cotton it is nice and light for the baby to feed under it and doesn’t make either of us too hot on these hot Australia days (last week temps up to 50 degrees!). My favourite feature (there are a lot of good features in this simple design) is the boning to allow me to see [baby] and get her attached. This (and the great size) differentiates this feeding cloth from your average blanket which you might use when feeding.”

To purchase email: charmagne_smith [at] yahoo [dot]
