Why Christian Manhood Must Prevail (CD)

Why Christian Manhood Must Prevail (CD)


Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Audio CD (69 minutes)

How can we disciple our sons to be the true heirs of Christendom? In this powerful message, Doug Phillips calls the men and boys of our generation back to the lost legacy of Christian manhood, urging them to recover the old chivalric code that was once a hallmark of Western culture. Christian manhood, he maintains, must be recaptured or else our civilization will be destroyed. Yet there is hope: If we raise our sons to preserve, protect, and promote the ancient doctrine of “women and children first,” they can become “the repairer of the breach” and lead the West to greatness once again.

To order do one of the following:

send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax 06 357-4389

phone 06 357-4399

order here:   http://www.sella.co.nz/user/hef/

Information from:  http://www.visionforum.com/search/productdetail.aspx?search=Why+Christian+Manhood+Must+Prevail&productid=87438

The Visionary Father’s Role in Home Education (CD)

The Visionary Father’s Role in Home Education (CD)


Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Audio CD (63 minutes)
Age Range: Great for the Entire Family

The Scriptures offer a powerful vision of what a father’s role is to be in discipling his children. Sadly, many men today are falling short in discharging their God-given duties as family shepherds. In this powerful message, Doug Phillips lays out seven critical components of a father’s role in home education.

He is to be:

1) a vision communicator;

2) a Hebrew discipler;

3) a defender of the realm;

4) a household manager;

5) a discipline enforcer;

6) the family’s resident historian;

7) and the leader of family worship.

The Visionary Father’s Role in Home Education is a great primer for dads who want to faithfully lead their families with vision.

To order do one of the following:

send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax 06 357-4389

phone 06 357-4399

order here:  http://www.sella.co.nz/user/BarbaraNZ/

Information from:   http://www.visionforum.com/search/productdetail.aspx?search=The+Visionaries+Father%27smRole+in+Home+Education&productid=47748

A Home School Vision of Victory (CD)

A Home School Vision of Victory (CD)

Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Audio CD (60 minutes)


If a generation is to rise up and call America (and Australia and New Zealand) back to its biblical foundations, it must surely come from the ranks of her home schoolers. But home education is not an end in itself — only a God-ordained means of accomplishing God’s purpose in the home, in the heart of a young person, and in society as a whole. This message is for every exhausted parent who needs to be reminded of the beauty and greatness of the home school vision.

To order do one of the following:

send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax 06 357-4389

phone 06 357-4399

order here:  http://www.sella.co.nz/user/BarbaraNZ/

Information from: http://www.visionforum.com/search/productdetail.aspx?search=A+Home+School+vision+of+Victory&productid=74706

Raising Maidens of Virtue

Raising Maidens of Virtue


Author: Stacy McDonald
Format: Hardback (227 pages)
Age Range: Great for the Entire Family

A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters

Do you want your daughter to cherish her purity and honor God by the chaste and lovely way she presents herself? Raising Maidens of Virtue is an engaging tool for mothers to use in training daughters who are approaching womanhood to think biblically. Through stories, allegories, illustrations, and memory-making projects, Raising Maidens of Virtue covers topics such as guarding the tongue, idleness, sibling relationships, honoring parents, contentment, modesty, purity, cleanliness, and feminine biblical beauty. Illustrated with winsome watercolor vignettes by Johannah Bluedorn, mothers and daughters alike will be encouraged in the wonder and beauty of godly femininity.

To order do one of the following:

send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax 06 357-4389

phone 06 357-4399

order here:


Information from: http://www.visionforum.com/search/productdetail.aspx?search=Raising+Maidrens+of+virtue&productid=68538

Curriculum Advice from Victoria Botkin Volumes 1 & 2

Curriculum Advice from Victoria Botkin Volumes 1 & 2

Curriculum Advice from Victoria

Botkin Volumes 1 & 2


Curriculum Advice from Victoria Botkin, Volumes 1 & 2 BUNDLE

Homeschooling. Lots of families have done it. But can you do it? How hard is it? What does it actually look like? How do you know if you’re on the right track for success?

Victoria Botkin has seven well-educated children who love home education and who plan to continue the tradition when they have children of their own. This inspiring home educator will tell you how you can teach your child ­ at home ­ successfully, inexpensively, calmly, and with the powerful confidence that you are doing the right thing before God.

Her advice will give you not only practical ideas, but confidence, enthusiasm, and a vision for the importance of your labors. If you want to combine a godly home life with high academic standards, listen carefully to these CDs.

In Volume 1, learn about:

  • Developing the right attitude
  • Choosing materials
  • Choosing curriculum
  • Inspiring them with creativity
  • Turning your home into an incubator of curiosity, exploration and discovery
  • And much more!
  • In Volume 2, you will also hear from Victoria’s seven well-educated children as you learn about:

  • Guiding children into character, maturity and integrity
  • How children can take responsibility for their own education
  • Teaching children to love writing
  • How to use the media
  • Helping your child develop a vision for the future
  • Recognizing and encouraging your children’s gifts
  • Teaching life skills
  • And much more!
  • This message is also available as a US$14 digital download.

    To order do one of the following:

    send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

    post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

    fax 06 357-4389

    phone 06 357-4399

    order here:   


    Information from: http://firstpacificmedia.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=25