Craig’s blog: What does it mean by “Registered School” in the NZ Education Act?

What does it mean by “Registered School” in the

NZ Education Act?

Because the NZ Education Act says that one who wants to home educate must “satisfy” the Ministry of Education that the child “will be taught at lease as regularly and well as in a registered school,” I always explain to enquirers what it means by “registered school.”

It means any school that exists out there in Kiwiland…all schools are registered, or else the government does not allow them to stay open. That is, we’re not just talking about government or state schools but also about any of those weird and wonderful alternative schools, church schools, integrated schools, Hare Krishna, Hindu, Muslim…you name it.

To illustrate what that meant by way of “as regularly and well as”, I would then describe what I imagined would go on at two “alternative” schools I know of down in Christchurch. Discovery I is a state school and Tamariki is an integrated private school. If Johnny bothered to turn up, a teacher would say, “Oh, Johnny, it’s so good to see you! What would you like to do today?”

Johnny: “Gidday Jim. [No such thing as a respectful “Teacher” or “Sir”…just“Jim”.] What I’d really like to do today is sit in the beanbags and watch videos.”

Jim: “Johnny…there are the bean bags…there are the videos…see you at lunch time.”

One day I was telling this story to a mum who rang for some guidance about the exemption process, and she began to laugh uproariously.

“What’s the story?” I tried to probe, a little bit wary of striking someone who just thought I was telling a whopper and was laughing at me with scorn and derision.

“I attended a school exactly like that!” she declared. “That’s just how they operate!”

“Where was that?” I asked.

“Up in Auckland,” she said.

“That wasn’t Metropolitan College, was it?”

“Yes, it was!” she replied. “How on earth did you know?”

Well, I felt doubly justified. I’d heard plenty about all three of these schools, and now here was a graduate of one of them telling me I was describing them faithfully.

Metropolitan College failed its ERO reviews eight years in a row. It was finally closed down. So when the ERO would fail a home educator, with maybe 4 children, and tell them they had to send them to school, why is it they never told Metropolitan College, with dozens of students, to close down until after most of those students had spent up to four years in the place? Shouldn’t they let home educators fail their ERO reviews for an equitable eight years running…you know, to be fair and all that.

Actually, this mum went on to say that she never saw a more accomplished group of people than her fellow Metropolitan College graduates: yes, they were all non-conformists but went on to be very successful in businesses, performing arts and entrepreneurial enterprises. Non-conformity was a value of Metropolitan, just as it is a value of all home educators (whether they consciously think so or not). It is (to a large degree) this crushing conformity which is unrelentingly imposed upon conventionally schooled children that causes me to plead with parents to rescue their children from these places of institutionalised child abuse, otherwise known as public schools.

Craig’s blog: Early Release Exemption

Early Release Exemption

“Hi Craig and Barbara
We are a homeschooling family, and I’ve enjoyed reading your Keystone Articles over the last few years.  Thank you.  They so often confirm things to me, when I have my doubts.
A query….our eldest turns 16 in May 2011, and we have been looking at doing a Telford Agricultural Polytechnic Correspondence Course.  It will be educating my child in the right track for the ultimate dream of an animal park or vet nursing. Am I doing the right thing by getting an exemption to ‘leave school’ early in order to slot into one of these courses in January, or is there a benefit in waiting till May.  Can we enrol in a course then and can we still get the Homeschool Allowance while my child studies since my child would then be 16.  I’m having problems trying to source this information from the MOE website, and thought you might have some greater insight into this.
Thanks for your time.”

Good questions.

The early release exemption, letting 15-year-olds get out early, is an option designed for drongos and trouble makers. Teachers under Labour last political term made too much use of this option, and so it has been pretty well closed off. You’d need to put a pretty good case to the MoE in order for them to consider it.

It is a real hassle, isn’t it, that the Polytechs generally are not allowed to enrol someone until they turn 16. You may be able to enrol your child by simply doing it and not mentioningthe child’s age…they may or may not check. This obviously is not a very satisfying way to go. However, if you can make a good case, being very insistent, the Polytech may be able to make an exception…the admission officers do have a degree of discretion and can get exemptions, if needed, from the MoE. I don’t have any idea how difficult such a move is.

Here is the deal with the home schooling allowance:

The exemption is automatically cancelled by law as soon as your child turns 16. However, the MoE will keep your child on its database as a home educator, and will continue to pay out the allowance, until the 1st of January after your child’s 19th birthday as long as you can keep signing the statutory declarations. So the question is, can your child enrol at Polytech and still get the allowance?

The MoE decided that one can enrol in the NZ Correspondence School for one or two papers (three is considered by them a full-time student) and still get the allowance. The NZ Correspondence School trades notes with the MoE, looking for home educators, so if you take three papers or more, they’ll find you out. I don’t know if they have a similar deal with any Polytech. I don’t see why not, if your child only takes one or two papers, but sadly, I’m not the one who makes the decisions. You may need to contact the MoE to get a ruling on that.

Is getting the NCEA qualification an issue for you at all? The NZ Correspondence School now gives its lessons free of charge to all 16, 17, 18 and 19 year olds so that they can study at home to get the NCEA Levels 1, 2 or 3. One does not need to get Levels 1 and 2 in order to get Level 3, but can enrol straight into Level 3 as a 16 year old…if you’d want NCEA Level 3. It is a University Entrance qualification.

If you find you’re stuck waiting until your child turns 16 and then having to wait for the Polytech’s starting date to roll around again, your child can make good use of his/her time in self-study and paid or voluntary work with vet clubs around the place…most of them are quite happy to take on genuinely interested volunteers.

Trust that helps! All the best!

In His service,
Craig Smith