NZ-r-Online Encouragement for Home Educators
- .Christian Classical Home Educators (ccednet)
- .Christian Home Educators (chednetnz)
- .Diana Waring History Alive (dwha)
- .Home Education Foundation (hefnetnz)
- .TEACH-eForum
- Auckland – East (East Auckland Home Educators)
- Auckland South Home Educators
- Auckland unschoolers
- CMandFriends-ANZ · Australians, New Zealanders-Down-Under
- Designer Kids
- Facebook : Te Anau Home Schoolers
- Facebook: AS Homeschooling NZ
- Facebook: ASD Homeschooling South Auckland
- Facebook: Canterbury Home Education
- Facebook: Far North Homeschoolers
- Facebook: Gifted Homeschoolers NZ
- Facebook: Gisbornehomeschoolgroup
- Facebook: HamiltoNZ HomeEducation
- Facebook: Harvest-Curric-Swap-New-Zealand
- Facebook: HASCA – Homeschool Auckland Sport & Cultural Association
- Facebook: Home Education Foundation
- Facebook: Home Education in NZ
- Facebook: HomeEducationNZ
- Facebook: Homeschool-Outings-Auckland-Area
- Facebook: Homeschoolednz
- Facebook: Kapiti Homeschool Families
- Facebook: Manawatu Home Educators
- Facebook: NCHENZ
- Facebook: NelsonHomeSchool
- Facebook: NZ Homeschool Curriculum Sell/Trade/Swap
- Facebook: NZ Homeschool Curriculum Sell/Trade/Swap
- Facebook: Secular Home Education Discussions (SHED)
- Facebook: SHEAF Dunedin
- Facebook: SHENET (Shore Home Educators Network)
- Facebook: Single Parent Home Education NZ
- Facebook: Sth Taranaki Home Educators
- Facebook: Trademe-Homeschoolers-Support-Group
- Facebook: Unschooling NZ retreat/networking
- Facebook: Waldorf Inspired Homeschool NZ
- Facebook: West Auckland Natural Learners / Unschoolers
- Franklin Homeschool Group
- Frugal-Kiwis-In-Christ
- Harvest – for new books
- Harvest – for Second Hand material
- HE Trading post – furniture, books, clothes and appliances
- Home School Holiday Accommodation/Home-swaps
- Home Spun Learning
- Homeschool-Outings-Auckland-Area
- Horowhenua Home Educators
- HS Free Thinkers NZ
- Kapiti homeschoolers
- Manukau Home School Support
- NZ Catholic Home Ed
- NZ Home Ed using Cambridge
- NZ Home Educators
- NZ Home Educators (Political)
- NZ homeschooling (Christian textbooks)
- NZUnschoolers
- Radial Unschoolers (RUA)
- Sharing (Diana) Waring
- Single parent homeschool NZ
- Single Parent Homeschooling
- Taught of the Lord
- Taupo home school
- TAURANGA treasure chest
- TePuke support group
- THEN-Waikato
- Trademe MessageBoard Unschoolers / Homeschoolers Support Thread
- Twin City
- Wairarapa Homeschool
- Waldorf Steiner at home in New Zealand
- West Auckland Natural Learners / Unschoolers
- WHSA-Wellington
Please share/forward this link with other home educators.
Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
Information on getting started:
Information on getting an exemption:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online:
Coming Events:
Red Tape Cluster Buster Meetings and the Scoping Survey: