Dear Subscribers,
In July 2011 we wrote informing you of Craig’s brain tumour and saying that we wouldn’t be doing anything with the Home Education Foundation (“HEF”) for at least the remainder of 2011. Craig died on 30 September 2011 and we are now ready to give you an update on the status and direction of HEF. Thank you very much for your patience.

The Trustees of HEF made the following decisions at an AGM in January 2012:
A. This will continue however it will change from being published four times a year to being published when time permits.
B. Subscriptions will be changed from expiring with a certain month to expiring after a certain number of issues. Your address label will change slightly to now indicate how many issues you still have to come.
C. New subscribers will sign up for a particular number of issues.
D. Craig was halfway through the July 2011 issue of Keystone when he died. Barbara will complete this and send it out as time is permitting.
E. After this another family will take over sourcing articles and putting Keystone together.
F. If you are not happy with this for your future Keystones please let Barbara know and she will send you a full refund of your remaining subscriptions.
TEACH Bulletin
A. This will no longer continue in published form.
B. Material which would previously have appeared in TEACH will now be put straight up on the website:
C. Refunds on TEACH subscriptions will be posted out after we have finished fixing up all the end of year financial reports.
D. Thank you to everyone who said that HEF may keep the remainder of their subscriptions as a donation if we cease publication.
The Home Education Foundation will continue to sell books and has some new books which will be advertised soon.
Trademe (fees added):
Sella (No added fees):
Enquiries from new home educators and those seeking curriculum or general advice
A. Barbara has to guard her time in order to home educate her own young ones, so,
B. These sorts of enquiries will be passed on to local support groups, or,
C. Anybody who would like us to advertise their availability to assist with such enquiries.
Difficult home educating cases
A. Barbara is available to help with difficult cases with the MoE, ERO, CYPs and the Police.
B. She has helped with a number already since Craig’s death and so far all have had a good outcome—even if just that the ERO has agreed to another review in three or six months
C. Craig was very good at this and while Barbara is on a very fast learning curve she has certainly benefited from helping Craig on various cases over so many years.
Thank you for your prayers, support and patience over the past nine months. God has been gracious.
Yours sincerely,
The Trustees
Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
This link is motivational: