Keystone January 2006

January 2006

Feature Family: Lamb-Miller Family

The Faith of Us Fathers: Why Do You Educate Your Own Children? by Rodger Williams

Over a Cuppa: Two Schools, Two Choices; Parent-Directed Christian Education by Andrea Schwartz; Why Christian Education? by Michael Drake

When the Going Gets Tough: Rest for Weary Homeschool Mums, Pt. 2 by Jane Bentley

Graduates Speak: Brett’s 2005 Resolutions by Brett Harris

Home Education Research: Will Your Children Be Christian? by Bruce Shortt

Tough Questions People Ask: “What Will You Do If Homeschooling (or Smacking) Becomes Illegal?” – Conviction versus Preference, Pt. 1 by Attorney David Gibbs

Learning Disabilities: My Experiences with Visual Thinking Sensory Problems and Communication Difficulties, Pt. 1 by Temple Grandin, Ph.D

Teaching Tips: Suggestions to Combat Homeschool Burnout by Laurie Bluedorn

plus more……..

KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.V1 November 2005

To read the Keystone magazine click this link:



Feature Family: Dirk & Joanne Den Harder

The Faith of Us Fathers: A Father’s Resolutions by Cotton Mather

Teaching Tips: The Wonders of Classical Music by Jude Wanniski

When the Going Gets Tough:Rest for Weary Homeschool Mums by Jane Bentley

Bits of Books:  WARNING! Public Schools Aren’t for Christians!?? Part 5 by Richard “Little Bear” Wheeler

Worldviews in Focus: Christians, Dominion and Filmmaking by Douglas Phillips

Graduates Speak: “Amputation” and the Art of Christian Parenting by Amber L. DeLadurantey; Convocation Speech by Noah Riner

Home Educators Did It!:  Journal Entries by Isaac Botkin

Over a Cuppa: Seven Weeks in the USA by Craig Smith
