Is New Zealand a free Country?

From Michael Farris of the HSLDA in the USA:

I am amazed by the public response to the Romeikes’ story of a surprising turnaround victory. Over 250,000 people read the story just on my personal FB page. Nearly 1.5 million people read it on HSLDA’s FB page. And, of course, there were many news stories and other outlets. The public response was overwhelming.

A reporter asked me why I thought the public was reacting in this way. Here was my basic answer:

There are times when an event touches the heart of what it means to be an American. There are controversial aspects of nearly every issue–including both immigration and religion. But, when a family wants to come here lawfully and seeks nothing more from America than the freedom to practice their faith with their own family, our country is united. We welcome good people who seek this freedom.

People were outraged when our nation seemed not only to turn its back on this family, but on the essence of why America was founded in the first place. We rejoiced with the victory knowing that a thread of freedom is still possible.

We want America to always be refuge for people who face persecution and who need a place where freedom to follow God is possible.
~~Michael Farris

My response:

What does this say about New Zealand? We had a home schooling family, who had lived here peacefully for over 5 years, declined Asylum and then have threatening letters about being deported in the near future. They returned to Germany under this threat just before they could be deported. To quote Michael Farris “our nation seemed not only to turn its back on this family, but on the essence of why America was founded in the first place. We rejoiced with the victory knowing that a thread of freedom is still possible.”

Our Nation did turned it’s back on our German family. What freedoms do we still have in New Zealand. Can New Zealand ever be a refuge for people who face persecution and who need a place where freedom to follow God is possible?


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started:


Information on getting an exemption:

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:

NEW RESOURCE To Help You Defend Marriage

Family First has put together a one page summary of the key points to help you defend marriage as it has always been defined.

Perfect to slip in your wallet or handbag or have on your smartphone. Leave it lying around on the coffee table, or include it in your newsletters or church bulletins or public notices. It will be a great conversaton starter!

It quickly and succintly deals with all the issues including the ‘right’ to marry, marriage ‘equality’, why gender matters, what will be next, and the effect of changing the definition of marriage.


Family First’s understanding is that oral submissions will be called up over the next month or so. Remember that even if you can’t appear in person, you can make your oral submission by telephone or teleconference. They have some basic guidelines and advice for you as you prepare for your submission. CLICK HERE



To view all this information:


From the Smiths:

Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational:


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds

Marriage Website: please sign the petition

Marriage Website Launched

Dear Barbara
A website to protect the current definition of marriage as ‘one man one woman’ has been launched today. The website is has been launched in response to the private members bill of Labour MP Louisa Wall which seeks to redefine marriage.“The website will provide research, latest news, quotes of interest, free downloadable resources about the role and function of marriage, and will host an online petition which will be presented to Parliament,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “It also has the haveyoursaytool which enables people to easily contact their local MP, all MP’s, or a select group of MP’s to express their view.”

“Politicians have been hammered recently with the reasons for taking the twink bottle to the dictionary and to redefine ‘marriage’. This website will help balance the debate. Ultimately, the state – which did not invent marriage – has no authority to re-invent it.”

Family First also rejects the notion that NZ’ers are ready for same-sex marriage. In the US, polls have also shown support for same-sex marriage increasing, yet in every state where the issue has been on the ballet, voters have rejected it.

“Equality does not mean we must redefine marriage. Same-sex couples have the option of civil unions to recognise their relationship so there is no need for redefining marriage. If the law was redefined to allow same-sex marriage, and only same-sex marriage, we would then be discriminating against those seeking, for example, polygamous, polyamorous, or adult incest unions,” says Mr McCoskrie. “If we are going to have a debate about same-sex marriage and liberalising adoption laws, it is essential that the politicians acknowledge just how far this is going to go.”

“Almost every culture in every time and place has had some institution that resembles what we know as marriage, and it has always been associated with procreation. Every society needs natural marriage. Nature also discriminates against same-sex couples. Same-sex couples cannot have children. Only a man and a woman can produce children. This discloses something of the purposes and providence of nature, and the role and purpose of marriage,”

“We would encourage politicians to spend their valuable time focussing on major issues such as family poverty, negotiating our way through the world recession, child abuse, and getting people employed – rather than taking to the dictionary with a twink bottle,” says Mr McCoskrie.

Kind regards
Bob McCoskrie
National Director


From the Smiths:

Updated  28 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational:

Colin Craig is a homeschool Dad!

From Jillian Wilson a home educator in Auckland:

Colin Craig is a homeschool Dad!

Today I got talking to Colin’s wife, Helen. and I believe that Colin is a man of integrity and ability. They also homeschool their 6 year old daughter, Mckenzie.
If your family would like to learn about government and the electoral process perhaps you might like to volunteer for a few hours this week at Conservative HQ, stuffing envelopes.  You might end up sitting next to a former mayor of North Shore Council, as I did, this afternoon 🙂
Conservative HQ is at 29 Gillies Ave, Epsom.  Volunteers can work from 9am this week. Ph 520 2082 or better still send a txt to Abigail on 021 024 89478.  Homeschoolers would be very welcome to come in and help during the day, when the office is fairly quiet.

From the Smiths:

New 14/11/11: Craig Smith’s Health page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

My Mummy’s A Criminal

WWW.PROTECTGOODPARENTS.ORG.NZ – In 2007 the NZ Parliament removed the right of Kiwi parents to use reasonable force to physically discipline their children for the purpose of correction. Despite assurances to the contrary, families have been torn apart, accused of lying and dragged through the courts with disturbing results. These are just a few of the many examples….