Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home



For more information view this YouTube video where Craig is promoting this book:

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to 4 Tawa Street, Palmerston North, 4414

phone: 06 357-4399



15 Things Every Father Must Do With His Sons

15 Things Every Father Must Do

With His Sons

By Craig Smith

The main objective here is to help dads develop good personal relationships with their sons; to win their hearts and keep their hearts, so that the hearts of the sons will not as easily be enticed, seduced and captured by the many agents of subversion, perversion and evil out there committed to doing just that: stealing your child away from you.

Dads, I know how busy we get and how easy it is to tell the boy not to bother you just now. I know how tired we can be at the end of the day and what a hassle it is to have a few littlies crawling all over you, clamouring for a story. It is just so easy to tell them to go off and play somewhere else for a while.

But men, this is a recipe for the ruin of your family, a terrible habit to get into. It is the same mind-set the world around us has, one that looks for every opportunity under the sun to shunt the sprogs off somewhere else, anywhere else, as long as me and the wife can have a bit of relaxed time to ourselves. Listen, we have these sons and

daughters for only such a short season in life; they will be gone and out from under our influence and our roofs soon enough, and “me and the wife” will be on our own with an empty nest soon enough, desperately wishing we had those days back again. Let us not push them out by being emotionally or physically absent and unavailable to them. No! Instead, we need to learn how to invest in our children’s lives, disciple them for Jesus Christ to become fearless and committed soldiers of the Cross. This certainly won’t happen by itself.

This booklet is a first step along the way.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

Introduction to Home Education in NZ – $1.00 reserve on Trademe

Introduction to Home Education in NZ

$1.00 reserve on Trademe

only 2 day auctions

An Introduction to Home Education in New Zealand by Craig Smith – Updated

What does it cost, what are the legal issues, a bit about socialisation, can they get into University or the workplace after being home educated? What do the experts say? Was anyone of note ever educated at home? (On that last one, how about Wolfgang Mozart, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Charlie Chaplin, Andrew Carnegie, Ben Franklin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt…and NZs own inventor of the jet boat, C.W.F. Hamilton.)

A5, 20 pages. NZD$5.00.

If you miss out on this one then check for more here as there are 10 up for the $1.00 reserve price:

Keep an eye out here for other $1.00 reserve items coming up soon:

TEACH Bulletin – May 2010 Issue

TEACH Bulletin – May 2010 Issue

teach only

Edited by Craig S. Smith

$9.00 for subscription
$1.00 for individual copy

Plus $0.50 postage

This issue:


*Take a Break…and Do Better at University
*Meeting with the MoE on Exemptions
*The Social Assistance (Future Focus) Bill
*PhD on Home Education
*Home educator Youngest at Cambridge, UK, since 1773
*Islamic Home educators
*Would You Want These People Teaching Your Children?
*Would You Want Your Children to Be Forced to Attend a Place Like This?
*What’s Wrong with These Figures
-The cost of bringing up your kids
*Brilliant comments

*Coming Events

TEACH Bulletin in photo is different to one on this page.

To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):

Naturally Healthy Woman

Naturally Healthy Woman

Whole Health for the Whole Women

By Shonda Parker

Written for women, young and old (of course, we really mean wise instead of old), who want to understand how their bodies are designed to function normally and what to do when it doesn’t. Shonda wrote this book for her three daughters, so that they could understand the beauty of being made a woman.


To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):