A Big Fat Rumour: Homeschooling Applications Closing

A Big Fat Rumour: Homeschooling applications closing

An article from Cynthia Hancox:

There is a rumour circulating on social media. The wording varies a wee bit depending who is passing it on, but basically it goes something like this:

“Homeschooling applications being closed for 2 years from the end of October. This is to enable them to jab your child..” Apparently told to someone’s neighbour by the homeschooling team. (Chinese whispers anyone?)

This is complete nonsense! 

Read more in link below:


Help defend Homeschool freedoms

Home educators in other parts of the world need our help!

Today we will focus on an email sent out by the HSLDA to encourage us to help home educators in Portugal.

Please take the time to read this link and send a few emails. You can copy and paste information from the link or you can write your own email then use the link provided to translate your email before sending it off.


Thanks for your help!

Home Education Statistics for 1 July 2020


“As at 1 July 2020, there were 7,192 homeschooled students. This represents 0.9% of total school enrolments as at 1 July 2020.

“Out of the 7,192 homeschoolers 65.0% were aged 12 or under, 70.2% had been home-schooled for less than 5 years, and only 4.2% had been home-schooled for 10 years or more.

Time Series Data

The box below provides a number of downloads relating to the number of students in homeschooling.

Homeschooling Turnover

Between 1 July 2019 and 1 July 2020 there was an overall net increase of 619 students; 1,607 students entered into homeschooling and 988 students finished homeschooling.

There were 1,347 students entering into homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 82.2% were aged 12 or under and 0.9% were age 16 or above. Of the students entering homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 20, 70.9% identified as European/P?keh?, 14.8% identified as M?ori, 3.4% identified as Pacific, 4.2% identified as Asian, and for 0.7% of homeschoolers ethnicity is unknown.

There were 1,005 students finishing homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 43.5% were aged 12 or under, and 22.7% were 16-years old or above. Of the students finishing homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 2020, 25.5% had been in homeschooling less than a year, 43.2% had been in homeschooling for 1 – 5 years, and 10.9% had been in homeschooling for 10 years or more.

One-on-One Tables

The box below provides a number of one-on-one dimensional tables relating to homeschooling turnover.

For more information go to: https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/statistics/homeschooling