Best Video..EVER!!

Want your children to excel… want them to be the best that they can be…

Yes, we all do.
This boy may not have been home educated but he has become good at something that he really loves.


You may have seen this video before but it is worth another look…AMAZING!!!

Home education gives you the time to be able to follow your children’s passions……..

Come to these conferences to find out more:

Living, Laughing and Learning Conferences with Diana Waring

11-12 September  —-Christchurch

15 September —-Palmerston North

16 September —-Hastings

19 September —-Auckland

Sept 22 – Inverell, New England
Sept 25 & 26 – Sydney conference
Sept 28 – Maitland, Hunter conference

Oct 9 & 10 Brisbane Conference
Oct 16 & 17 – Melbourne conference
Oct 19 & 20 – Adelaide conference
Oct 23 & 24 – Canberra conference

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Family Integrity #462 — Dennis Morris-Traveller returns for 2nd interview on Youtube

Family Integrity #462 — Dennis Morris-Traveller returns for 2nd interview on Youtube.
You’ll love these interviews!

Craig Smith

Family Integrity


Dennis Morris-Traveller of Baanaadoze, and spokesperson for the Yes Vote campaign re the upcoming referendum, returns for a second enlightening and entertaining interview with host Renton Maclachlan.

The topic is the much publicized ‘Ambiguity of the question’ – ‘Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?’

See at:

If you like it, tell others about it. Pass the link or this email on…


The 1st Interview:

Dennis’s first  interview which teases out bullet points on the Yes Vote website Home page, can be found at:

For some of the controversy generated by the first interview, see:


ALSO… two other informative videos on the referendum issue:

‘The NZ ‘anti-correction law’ – ‘What it says!’


The aim is to remove any confusion people may have about the law. Clear, concise, and unemotional, it puts the issues plainly.


‘The NZ ‘anti-correction law’ – ‘Why correction is needed.’

Concise, fast paced, in your face yet unemotional. An analysis of the worldviews behind both the old and the new Section 59s.

Includes discussion of the ideas of Drs Brian Edwards, Lloyd Geering, Richard Dawkins, William Provine.

With thanks

Renton  Maclachlan