The Call to Dunkirk

Christian Home Educators in the USA are getting serious about helping their fellow Christians rescue the next generation — their own children — from Moloch’s pagan schools.

The featured speakers in this video clip “The Call to Dunkirk”, E. Ray Moore, Bruce Shortt and Vodie Baucham, are all passionate Christian home educators. E. Ray Moore is one of the early pioneers of home education in the USA, and our family has stayed with both E. Ray Moore in South Carolina and with Bruce Shortt in Houston, Texas.

Like these men, I can find little … well, let me be honest … I can find nothing positive to say about NZ’s state, compulsory, secular schooling system. It is a total disaster area, way beyond any kind of reform. We Christians MUST pull our children out — and I am particularly concerned about the primary school aged children. Christian children are not just forced to attend by law, they are being defiled in spirit, in body and in mind…and often also suffer physical violence and abuse as well.

And Christians pay for this abuse of their own Children with their taxes.

It’s time to get out of it, get serious, makes some sacrifices and think of creative and effective ways to help our Christian friends and relations disciple their children at home.


The YouTube Video produced by Exodus Mandate, “A Call To Dunkirk”  calls parents to get their children out of government schools and to provide them with a Christian education