NZ-wide speech competition


We are writing to let you know about a new NZ-wide speech competition we have started for Year 9 & 10 students.
This could work well for Home Schooled students.

The purpose of this competition is to encourage students to make a speech on any social justice topic, with the hope of increasing the understanding of social justice issues amongst NZ students.

This competition is being run by a partnership of justice focussed NZ organisations, including Tear Fund, Stand Against Slavery, Effective Altruism NZ & Kings Trust.

The competition is very simple –
– open to any Year 9 & 10 students
– speech can be on any social justice topic
– filmed by phone or any other easy method – submitted via our website
– entries close 10th Dec
– judged by independent judges
– first prize of $1000 for student + $1000 for charity of their choice + $1000 for their school
– 5 spot prizes of $100 each (to encourage participation)

There is a pdf of a poster/flyer advertising this competition available for download at

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best wishes for the rest of this year


David Allis
021 655 485


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:


Home Education Awareness Week (HEAW) 9 – 14 October 2017

Home Education Awareness Week (HEAW) 9 – 14 October 2017

Home Educators all over the country use this as an opportunity to do something special to raise their profile locally and develop a bit of positive public relations. This helps in gaining the movement a bit more credibility, especially when applying for grants or discounts with resource suppliers, or for admission to tertiary institutions or gaining help and advice from schools and perhaps even the use of some of their resources. And of course the benefits would be examined by more people, thereby bringing more people into the home schooling movement and your local support group.

For more information on HEAW go to:

Please share this information with other home educators and home education groups you are in


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:



An email from Joanna about Tales2go:

 I would like to start a group subscription to Tales2go. I was in this when I lived in Australia and it was a fantastic resource. A homeschooling group membership costs $US10 per year, instead of their individual membership rate of $US100. While in Aus our family listenend to heaps of books while doing chores, travelling, for bedtime stories when my voice was hoarse etc. The catch is that I need 50 families. As soon as I get 50 interested people I will get a code, then all interested people can subscribe with their own email address and the code. Thanks!

Please reply to:



Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:



Following our well-received Family Discipleship conferences in 2014 and 2015,Family Heritage NZ Ministries is pleased to now present:


Thurs 28 Sept – Fri 29 Sept

Venue: Manawatu

Keynote Speaker: Norm Wakefield  (Spirit of Elijah Ministries) coming from Texas, USA

Conference Theme: Building a Godly Legacy

Our Family Discipleship conferences are directed more to the spiritual aspect of home education rather than academics and curriculum.

Visit or our Facebook page Family Heritage NZ for more details and to register.


– Norm Wakefield will be coming from Texas USA.

Norm established Spirit of Elijah Ministries while he was pastor at Coast Community Church, California.  He’s been a speaker at international homeschool conferences for 25 years and is a homeschool father and grandfather.

– AND Ken Carpenter, Franklin Springs Family Media (skype)

– AND Robert Hunt, Creation Ministries International

– AND Roy Savage, Tasmania, Australia (skype)

– AND local homeschooling parents and graduates

CHOIR: Registrations are now open for our popular conference choir.

Visit for details and to register for choir.

We are excited to announce two new initiatives for this year’s conference: 

Christian Homeschool Video Competition

Prize of $250 for best entry.

Produce a 3-6 min video on the Conference Theme or Scripture verse.

Judged before the conference, the winning entry will be shown at conference.

Entries close 13 Sept 2017.

Contact us to receive conditions of entry.

Talents for Christ Presentations

Discover and upskill the talents that lie within you or your family. You’re invited to present an item as a solo or family group item from 3 categories (vocal, stringed instrument including piano or memorised scripture recitation) and be given tips as to how you can make your presentation more effective in Christian ministry.

Contact us to get full details and to register.


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:


From Homeschool Heartbeat: WORK+HOMESCHOOL

I have not listened to this yet. Whenever I have listened to Homeschool Heartbeat it has always been helpful and encouraging. So I think this will be as well.

Work + Homeschool: The Paradox That’s Helping Families Soar: An Interview with Pamela Price
How can you successfully homeschool your kids and work at the
same time? Is that even possible?
Tune in to this week’s Homeschool Heartbeat as Pamela Price—a
blogger, author, and homeschooling mom—offers tips and guidance
for working homeschool parents.
In this podcast, you’ll learn about:
  • How to become a successful ‘homeschool entrepreneur’
  • The diversity of homeschooling
  • Why self-care is so important
  • How to homeschool as a single parent
  • The most essential thing for working homeschool parents
  • to remember



Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:


