“Home schooling” or “Home education”?

“Home schooling” or “Home education”?

Posted in Over a Cuppa

The term “home schooling” will virtually always conjure up an image of children at the kitchen table or at desks awkwardly arranged around the living room with Mum-turned-teacher standing in front lecturing from a book or trying to illustrate something on a jury-rigged white board-on-easel arrangement. In other words, a home school is just conventional schooling taking place in the home. This is how we started out nine years ago. At their desks with assignments before them and me prowling behind them, my children’s attention span would hover around the 12 minute mark. One day it was more like a 4 to 5 minute attention span, and I got so frustrated with it all, that I just flopped on the sofa, told the kids to come sit on my knee and I’d read some history to them. An hour and a half later I was running out of breath and suffering a parched tongue when it dawned on me that the once fidgety brats were quiet and attentive angels. When I would stop reading they would call for more. I wondered….

For several months we were driving up and down the country with our business, dragging the entire family along every time. At 3am barrelling down the Desert Road, the children couldn’t sleep, so asked for a story. I began to tell about the drive I had done through another desert years ago in Afghanistan and from there talked about the Russian invasion and from there into an outline of Communist political history all perfectly designed to cause 9 and 10 year olds to drop off pretty quickly. But after a good hour of that, when I paused for breath, they chorused as one for me not to stop just as it was getting interesting , but to tell them more.

Many little events like these caused me to come to the conclusion that “home schooling” is the wrong word. We should be talking about “home education” since we are educating our children in everything we do, 24 hours a day, not just schooling them for a set period five days a week.

The old saying that much more is “caught” than is actually “taught” is so true as your children are able to observe you for so many hours and in so many situations.

But there is something special about a parent speaking with his or her children. They’ve known that voice since before they were born. It is a voice so intimately connected with comfort and security and all things good, they just naturally love to hear it. This is a special bond that we parents as educators should exploit to the max: Read the children’s text books with them.. ..go over their assignments with them a little more than you need to….do the work with them whenever you can so that you are doing it together rather than you making them do it on their own….make the learning situation less formal by lying on the sofa or sitting outside or being a bit unorthodox. One whole year our main teaching method was for all of us to sit around the table and I would read and explain the subject matter to three different age groups (7, 10 & 11) with a fourth listening in while they drew and painted and played with toys. The subject we spent longest on was atomic structure and basic chemistry. To this day we all remember that period as the most enjoyable.. . .and they can all still remember the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

Having said that, my four have also always enjoyed having their own desk and private space and set times and set assigmnents. … as long as they clearly understood what was expected and could see that they could manage it. There is a certain amount of basic skills that must be imparted, and the practice that goes with it needs set times: things like learning to read, handwriting and composition skills and basic maths computations. But for the rest you can capitalise on those “teachable moments” when they ask a question about something out of the blue, or you are so excited about a subject they are quite happy to listen to you go on and on way over time, or you are watching the cat have her kittens, or there is a particularly brilliant sunset, or one of them asks you to show how the ironing is done. One of the great advantages of home education is being flexible to exploit–or even to engineer–those “teachable moments”.

From Keystone Magazine
March 1995 , Vol. 1 No. 1
P O Box 9064
Palmerston North
Phone: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
email: craig

Imparting Wisdom

Posted in In line with Scripture

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His

commandments. His praise endures forever.”-.-Psalm 111:lO

If the impartation of wisdom must begin with the fear of God, and this first step is specifically excluded from all the state primary classrooms throughout the country, then please pause and consider: What exactly are the teachers in these classrooms imparting to our children? In Psalm 14:1 the Bible tells us that it is the fool who says in his heart that there is no God. State schools are not as subtle as the fool. They legally forbid God to be taken seriously in the classroom.

In the Christian home school parents can acknowledge Christ as the Creator, Sustainer, Sovereign and Lord over every area of life, thought, endeavour and study that He in fact is. No apologies, no need to ask permission of the headmaster or board to mention the “J” word, no unnatural embarrassment, no compromising. You have the sure confidence that you and your children are on the true road to wisdom, no doubt about it.

As this verse says, understanding comes from obedience to God’s Word. At best, even in Christian schools, this can only be dealt with in an academic way, while sitting at desks or in a group context as the class does something together. The Christian home schooler is out there where the rubber meets the road, in the home, in the marketplace, in the community, and is being watched closely by Mum and Dad. Parents can force obedience. They can demonstrate obedience in real-life situations. They and the children can experience the blessings of obedience together. Parents can set up situations to test the child’s promptness and attitude toward obedience. Parents are right there in all situations to point out to the child opportunities to obey, encourage them to do as they should, and then to drive the lesson home.

If you want your children to leave a permanent mark, if you would like to do that yourself, this verse has the answer: “His praise endures forever. “Do something which will bring praise to God. Matthew 5:16 helps us to flesh this out a bit: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Home schooling families do not have to waste time trying to debrief or detoxify their children after each day in the temples of secular humanism. Instead they can devote their energies exploring together how to let their light shine before others and doing good works and learning how to bring glory to God in everything that they do. “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (I Cor 10:31)

At some point many Christians would say that the above Scriptures are talking about spiritual instruction, not at all meaning technical instruction such as reading, writing, arithmetic, etc. Unfortunately for these folks the Scriptures do not allow for this interpretation. You simply cannot duck under Colossians 2:3, “Christ, in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Now, I looked up that word “all” in the original Greek. Do you know what it means? It means “all”. That includes maths, science, philosophy, genetics, geology, astronomy, nuclear physics, and anything else you want to name as well as plain old reading, writing and arithmetic.

From Keystone Magazine
March 1995 , Vol. 1 No. 1
P O Box 9064
Palmerston North
Phone: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
email: craig

Should the Children of Christians Evangelise the Public Schools?

Posted in Tough Questions

Shouldn’t Christians keep their children in the public schools so that they can be the salt and light and evangelise as the Lord told us to do?

It is true that the Lord told us to do these things. But was He speaking to our children? We are responsible for our children… should we then make them responsible for fulfilling this command? Our children depend upon us… should we then depend upon them to do the Lord’s work? Are we not by this expecting children to do adults’ jobs? Are we not in fact expecting our children to do our jobs?

Why are children sent to school? Supposedly it is to get an education. The NZ Ministry of Education document Education for the 21st Century (1993) says on page 12, ‘The purpose of the school system is to give students the attitudes, knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to continue learning throughout their lives.” Notice the first word in the list: “attitudes”. What attitudes will the schools be putting into students? They will not include the Christian attitude that everyone is a sinner in need of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.



If your child expressed this attitude about his teachers and classmates, he would be met with a firm lecture from the teachers about the value of all peoples’ faiths and the necessity for acceptance of different views. Your child would be told in no uncertain terms that especially during this year of 1995, the UN- declared Year of Tolerance, attitudes which divided people into Christians and sinners would simply not be tol. . . .well, you know… .they simply would not be allowed. If you expected your child to evangelise at school, he simply would not be allowed to do so.


Children are at school to take in, to imbibe the “learning experiences” going on about them, to respect and listen to their teachers and do as they say. Typically they will be outnumbered about 5 to 1 with other children who do not even attend any church. And are our children even yet regenerated by God’s Holy Spirit? Are we expecting unregenerate children to evangelise other unregenerate children? Even if they are born again, all praise and glory be to God, are they mature in the faith enough to successfully battle against the moral, intellectual, spiritual and even physical enemies they will face every hour of every day in the totally Christless and secular public school system?

Are your 8 and 9 and 10 year olds able to preach the gospel at all? Can you? Can they even recognise humanistic man-centred philosophy when it is presented to them in the classroom? Can you? The military do not send raw recruits into battle. They ensure they have had a minimum of basic training as well as a fair dose of specialist training relating to the field of battle to which they are being sent. Do you train your children in the art of evangelism and gospel presentation? If you as a parent are not or cannot or will not preach the gospel yourself to the people you meet everyday, and if you are not absolutely clear as to what constitutes secular or humanist or man-centred philosophies, and cannot readily recognise them, then is it really fair to expect your little children to do so?

And listen, isn’t the price a bit high? What if it turns out that the evil and the unrighteousness and the vanity and the pride and the materialism and immorality and the hedonism get a firm hold on your child’s heart, simply because he is in amongst it day after day? Remember, these kinds of evil are not foreign to a child’s sinful nature but are exceedingly attractive to it, and impossible to withstand if the child is not born again and strong in the Lord.

We all know the agony parents feel whose children have gone off the rails. Our job as parents is to rear our children in the way they should go, that is, to be servants and living sacrifices to the Lord God Almighty. Why then are Christian parents sometimes so seemingly eager to sacrifice their children on the altar of humanist, secular, Godless public schools? It just doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t seem right.

From Keystone Magazine
March 1995 , Vol. 1 No. 1
P O Box 9064
Palmerston North
Phone: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
email: craig@hef.org.nz

KEYSTONE Vol.I No.I March 1995

Click here to read Keystone: keystone-vol-1-no-1-march-1995websiteready.pdf




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In Line with Scripture Psalm 111 :10: Imparting Wisdom

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Corresponding with Politicians and Educationalists