Return of the Daughters DVD

Return of the Daughters

58 minutes in length
Widescreen NTSC, all regions
50 minutes of extra materials

For the first time in America’s history, young ladies can expect to encounter a large gap between their years of basic training and the time when they marry… if they marry. Now Christian girls all throughout our country are seriously asking: What’s a girl to do with her single years?

Two years after the publication of their best-selling book, So Much More, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin are taking the message of visionary daughterhood to a new level and into a new medium. This highly-controversial documentary will take viewers into the homes of several young women who have dared to defy today’s anti-family culture in pursuit of a biblical approach to daughterhood, using their in-between years to pioneer a new culture of strength and dignity, and to rebuild Western Civilization, starting with the culture of the home.

“After twenty-five years of speaking to the home-school movement, I have never seen a more effective tool to reach the hearts of fathers who love their daughters but don’t know how to lead them, than this powerful DVD by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin.”
—Dr. Marshall Foster

As the home goes, so often goes the church, and society at large. Learn along with Anna Sofia and Elizabeth, the fulfilling, exciting life of impact and accomplishment that young women can and should have. Discover the power of the family unit and a picture of the biblical home as the center of dominion work — a vibrant center of education, ministry, evangelism, culture, entrepreneurialism, and hospitality.

Watch the trailer for Return of the Daughters:

Return of the Daughters
Botkin sister’s blog:

More info on the DVD: Here

$35.00 including postage.

Please order by sending an email to or ringing 021 0278 2221 or on Trademe: Here

KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.V1 November 2005

To read the Keystone magazine click this link:



Feature Family: Dirk & Joanne Den Harder

The Faith of Us Fathers: A Father’s Resolutions by Cotton Mather

Teaching Tips: The Wonders of Classical Music by Jude Wanniski

When the Going Gets Tough:Rest for Weary Homeschool Mums by Jane Bentley

Bits of Books:  WARNING! Public Schools Aren’t for Christians!?? Part 5 by Richard “Little Bear” Wheeler

Worldviews in Focus: Christians, Dominion and Filmmaking by Douglas Phillips

Graduates Speak: “Amputation” and the Art of Christian Parenting by Amber L. DeLadurantey; Convocation Speech by Noah Riner

Home Educators Did It!:  Journal Entries by Isaac Botkin

Over a Cuppa: Seven Weeks in the USA by Craig Smith
