2010 Homeschool Camp programme

Hi All

Just as a little advertiser for the 2010 Homeschool Camp at Lakes Ranch in Rotorua from October 18 -22nd here is a rough draft of the type of camp itinerary we can expect….

Day 1

1pm Arrival and Orientation then free to explore until dinner
5:30-6:30 Dinner
6:30 – 9pm Free time with Swimming pools free to use

Day 2:

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 1
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 2
3:30 -5:30 Free (swimming pools available)
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:30pm – 9:30pm Burma Trail and Glow Worm Hunt

Day 3

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 3
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 4
3:30 -5:30 Free
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:00pm – 9pm Movie Night in the Pool

Day 4

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 5
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 6
3:30 -5:30 Free
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:00pm – 9pm Camp Fire – Marshmallow Night

Day 5

7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30am – 11am Clean up and pack
11:30am Check Out

Day 2 and 3 Activity Groups

And as far as activity programs go, here is a rough idea of what ours will look like…..

GROUP 1, 13yrs+ GROUP 2, 10-12yrs GROUP 3, 9 – 10yrs GROUP 4, 7 – 8yrs GROUP 5,  5 – 6yrs
Day 2 Session 1 9:30 – 11:30

19-Oct Swoop Slug Guns Horizontal Bungy Abseiling Orienteering

Session 2 1:30 – 3:30

Tough Guy Challenge Tough Guy Challenge Abseiling Horizontal Bungy Scream Machine
Day 3 Session 3 9:30 – 11:30

20-Oct Slug Guns Abseiling Scream Machine Archery Horizontal Bungy

Session 4 1:30 – 3:30

Abseiling Swoop Top Town Games Top Town Games Archery
Day 4 Session 5 9:30 – 11:30 OPTIONAL EXTRAS
21-Oct Horse Riding Pony Rides Kayaking
Water Slide

Activity Session 6 1:30 – 3:30 OPTIONAL EXTRAS

Horse Riding Pony Rides Kayaking
Water Slide

Day 4 is intended to be a day of optional activities. Those wanting to go on a 2 hour horse trek for $60pp may do so in either the morning or afternoon. Those wanting a 15 minute pony ride for $10 may do so in either the morning or afternoon. Those preferring not to ride have 2 other options at their disposal free of charge, the kayaks and the water slide. I will be slotting people into groups for these activities once I have a better idea of numbers.

Here is an overview which I received from the camp on what each of the activities entail…..

Horizontal Bungy – This is an one person activity with a tire to see how far away from the poll you can get before you get pulled back
Scream Machine – This is a tire swing that you get swung around in the event centre
Slug Guns – This is an activity you supervise after instructions for safety, with targets to shoot at.
Abseiling – This is a supervised activity down a 22 meter cliff outside.
Archery – This is an activity you supervise after instructions for safety, with targets to shoot at

Top Team – This is a group of activities, or challenges for kids depending on the size of the group
The Swoop – This is a harnessed swing where the children are hoisted to the ceiling of our Barn (about 10.5m high) then released to swing out over the barn floor.

The Glow Worms – is a lovely stroll away and is great to do after our Burma Trail
The Burma Trail –  is a track through the bush done in the dark – hold on to a rope and find your way.
Tough Guy Challenge – This is a Mud Run obstical course for the adult version, look up Tough Guy Challenge 2009 Rotorua online.  This can be made this as long or as short as we like – the adults do 6 or 12kms, the kids  do a few hundred metres.

All this is of course subject to change as this is just a rough draft at this early stage.

Depending on numbers we may be able to include some of the more confident 4 year olds in the youngest group with parental support.

Based on the enrollments I have thus far we have a good mix of boys and girls throughout the groups except for boys aged 10 – 12 years of which we could do with a few more of to balance things out a bit.

Well I hope this has whetted your camp appetites and you are now all very excited about the possibilities being made a vailabe to us.

So if you aren’t already registered and you would like to join us please email me. For those already registered I hope you are looking forward to camp as much as my lot are.



Email: kiorakiwi@vodafone.net.nz

2010 Homeschool camp

Email from Nina:

Hi All

Due to overwhelming enthusiasm for a change in venue for the 2010 Homeschool camp I have decided that we will transfer the camp to Lakes Ranch in Rotorua as it really does have more to offer us. Information about this venue can be found at…. http://www.lakesranch.org.nz/

The address of the new venue is…

Lakes Ranch
79 Lake Rotokawau Road
Tikitere, Rotorua 3074
New Zealand

Camp Details:

Dates: Monday 18th October – Friday 22nd October
# nights and days: 4 Nights, 5 days

Accommodation Options and prices:

4 nights fully catered accommodation in bunkrooms. First in first served with later registrations sharing larger bunkrooms.
Adults:$33 per night
Children aged 4-18: $29 per night
3 and under: Free.

Located within walking distance from the main lodge but totally self catered. Campers will need t provide all their own food, cooking utensils and camping needs. A small kitchen hire fee with be charged and shared between all the campers.
Adults:$7 per night
Children aged 4-18: $6 per night
3 and under: Free.

Located within walking distance from the main lodge but totally self catered. Campers will need to provide all their own food, cooking utensils and camping needs. A small kitchen hire fee with be charged and shared between all the campers.
Adults:$11 per night
Children aged 4-18: $9 per night
3 and under: Free.

Other Facilities:
Tepid, cold and hot pools, free use to all staying in the camp

All weather indoor activity facility which doubles as a riding barn.

Variety of activity options offered including…

.. Most are parent run with full training being provided by the camp hosts, although some activities will require an instructor and are charged accordingly. Horse riding is also available to those who would like to try it but will be charged on an individual basis. Not all activities will be included in our activity program due to time and cost restrictions. At this stage our activity fee is likely to be around $16 per child aged 5-18yrs. However I will confirm this closer to the time once I have sorted out our activity program with the camp.
For now here is a list of possible activities to whet your appetite….

* Abseiling
* Archery
* Campfire
* Burma Trail
* Bush Swing
* Canteen
* Cold Pool
* Flying Fox
* Games Room
* Glow Worms
* Hammock
* Horizontal Bungy
* Horse Riding $30/horse, per hour, minimum $100 per hour for a group
* Hot Pools
* Kayaking
* Movie in the Pool
* Orienteering
* Outdoor Sports
* Pony Rides $10 per child for 15 minute ride
* Scream Machine
* Slug Guns
* The Swoop
* Top Team
* Tough Guy Challenge

For this camp, deposits should be in by May 1st with full payment by July 1st
. Places on the camp are not confirmed until your deposit of $100 is paid in full. Those who have already paid are still confirmed on this camp unless I hear otherwise from them.

If anyone who is already registered and has paid their deposit is now no longer interested due to the change in venue, I will happily refund your deposit in full, so long as you notify me by May 1st.

If there is anyone who would like to join us at the new camp venue please contact me and provide the following information…

# of Adults aged 19+ at the time of camp
Names and ages of children aged 4-18 at the time of camp
# of children under 4 years at the time of camp
Preferred accommodation from the following options…. Shared bunkroom in lodge, Individual Family room in Lodge, Non Powered Campsite, Powered Campsite
Preferred Activities (no promises though)
Horse Riding Yes/No
Pony Rides Yes/No
Are you able to offer another family a ride to camp from Auckland? If so how many extras could you fit in your car?

Remember I can not confirm your place until I have received your $100 deposit.



Email: kiorakiwi@vodafone.net.nz

Ph: 09 480-4724 or 021 204 5952

Last Chance to register for homeschool camp!

Last Chance to register for homeschool camp!
From the organisers of the camp:

The homeschool family camp at Lake Karapiro is in less than 2 weeks and I only have a couple of spaces left, so if there are any last minute registrations please contact me ASAP.

For those who are already registered feel free to pass this on via your homeschool contacts.

Also if are already registered, but have NOT paid your fees by this Friday, November 6th I will remove you from the camp list and offer your space to someone else.

Below is a summary of all the information I have sent out to the families who have signed up for the camp so far….

The camp runs from Tuesday 17 November to Friday 20 November at Lake Karapiro Out Door Pursuits Centre and Camp. Each family will pay for their own accommodation plus the cost of activities. Payment is made by way of bank deposit into a nominated bank account. I will give these details to you upon confirmation of your place.

The camp itinerary is as follows…

Day 1 – Tuesday 17 November

1pm – 3pm Check in and set up

3pm – 4:30: Shared afternoon tea, Meet and Greet.

4pm – 6:30pm Free time and evening meals (Each family responsible for own meal)
6:30 – 9:00pm – Evening games/entertainment/social time etc….
9pm – 10pm Family time or quiet evening activities

Day 2 – Wednesday 18 November:

9am – 4pm: (Children will be split into age based activity groups and participate in 3 of the following activities.)

Team Building

High Ropes

Raft building



Please note there are limited spaces in the groups due to restrictions on group sizes as part of the camps policy so places will be given on a first come first served basis.

4pm – 6:30pm Free time and evening meals (Each family responsible for their own meal)
6:30 – 9:00pm – Evening games/entertainment/social time etc….
9pm – 10pm Family time or quiet evening activities

Day 3 Thursday 19 November – Optional Activities at extra cost

9am – 4pm: (Those interested in participating in the following activities will be divided into workable groups and spend time with an instructor before having a go themselves.)

Sailing $20.25 p/p or Kayaking $22.50 per kayak

5:00 – 7:00 Group BBQ/Shared meal
7:00 – 9:00pm – Evening games/entertainment/social time etc….

9pm – 10pm Family time or quiet evening activities in own quarters

Friday 20 November
10am: Check Out
10am – 5pm: Waikato Homeschoolers Talent Quest in Cambridge for those interested in attending.

At this point there are only the powered and non powered camp site accommodation options left. Tenters will need to provide their own tent, cooking utensils, sleeping gear and food/drink. There is an ablution block and a camp kitchen with fridges and stoves for campers to use or they can provide their own cooking equipment. (eg:gas cooker/BBQ) Non powered tent site prices are $12 per AD and $9 per chd 2-12 years (PER NIGHT).

There is also the option of a powered camp site the cost of which is $14 per adult and $9 per child per night.

For all types of accommodation children are aged 2 – 12 years with under 2’s being free of charge. Everyone over the age of 12 is charged at the adult rate.

Each family will be responsible for their own meals other than the shared BBQ on the last night and the shared afternoon tea on the afternoon of arrival. (Volunteers will be required to be the BBQ cooks for this night.) Some families may prefer to share food and meal preparations at other times too, but that is up to each individual family.

As far as the evenings go I am leaving that in everyone elses capable hands to see what you can come up with but perhaps some group games/competitions like capture the flag or spot light tag. I am sure the kids can come up with some ideas between now and November. I know some families may prefer earlier nights and quieter evenings but I will leave that up to each individual family so long as the camp rule of quiet after 10pm is adhered to.

I think that is everything but if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

As mentioned above there are only a very few spaces availabe and not in every age group so I will need to know the ages of your children before I can confirm a place in the camp for you, should you decide you want to join us. The camp is in less than 2 weeks so I will need to hear from you within the next day or two if you want to join us.



Email kiorakiwi@hotmail.com


Phone 021 204 5952