Auckland: Home Grown – A Lifestyle Choice (Wed 17 Sep or Wed 15 Oct)

Choose from Wednesday 17 September or Wednesday 15 October for the next
basic information session run by Auckland Home Educators Inc for those
looking into the Home Education option. Both will be at a Greenlane venue
in the evening.

Up to 12 attendees have the opportunity to kick off their research in a
relaxed and informative way, helping to find their feet in what can be a
daunting decision. Each session is based on a flexible question and answer
format. Early booking is essential.

An flyer giving full details and booking instructions is at free to circulate.

Dawn Headley

Awareness & PR Coordinator

networking across Auckland’s region and beyond for current & prospective
home educators … Join us!

Email: dawn.homeeducation [at]
Tel: (09) 5277-922

Text: 027-435-8922

Diana Waring is thinking of coming out to New Zealand in 2009


Great news Diana is thinking of coming back to New Zealand and Australia in 2009.

Is anyone interested in helping out with meetings in Auckland, Tauranga, Palmerston North, Blenheim or Christchurch?

Are there any other areas that really, really, really want her to visit?

Diana Waring’s site on the internet is

Home Education Workshop Palmerston North Sat 18 October 2008

Sat 18 October 2008
Home Education Workshop
Palmerston North

Venue: Reformed Church, 541 Ruahine St., Palmerston North
Cost: $15 per family or $5.00 per session
Contact: Barbara, (06) 357-4399,
9:00am – Registration, look at curriculum/books stands
9:15 – Welcome & Notices
9:30-10:30 – 2 Electives
1.Erena Fussell of LearnEx: Living Room Adventures: History alive in your own home! Combine it with related literature and you enliven your study and your children’s minds even more. Examples and discussion time.
2.Craig Smith: Getting Things into Perspective (including Dad’s essential role and how we can reform the future through home education).

10:30-11:00 – Morning Tea, look at stands
11:00-12:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig Smith: Getting Started / Dealing with MOE & ERO
2. Barbara Smith: Avoiding Burnout-Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough
12:30-1:00 – BYO lunch. Drinks provided, look at stands
1:00-2:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig: Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum
2. Barbara: Training our Children’s Minds-The Tools of Learning and Motivation
2:30-3:00 – Afternoon Tea, look at stands
3:00-4:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig: Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary and the Workforce
2. Barbara: Changing the Heart of a Rebel (Christian presentation)
4:30 End/looking at stands

Geraldine Homeschoolers have organized a weekend retreat: August 22 – 24

Geraldine Homeschoolers have organized a weekend retreat in August
for homeschoolers and christian mums.

August 22 – 24, at Geraldine’s The Crossing
Cost is $30-$35 and billets are available with local families

“The Gift of Values” with Rosie Boom
A weekend of inspiration and encouragement for raising a godly

Rosie is a gifted speaker and musican and homechooling mother of 6
from Whangarei. She will be sharing in workshops during the weekend including When
the Joy Fades, Raising Godly Women and Creating a Family Mission
Linda Gage will also be sharing insights in 2 workshops;
Personalities and How to Motivate your Child.

LEARNEX will be there also with boxes of wonderful resources.

Please contact Patti for more details and a brochure.
(03) 693-9789 or srelax at

Whangarei Home Educator Conference-9 August 2008

Whangarei Home Educator Conference-9 August 2008

Saturday 9 August

St Andrews Uniting Church

Cnr Hunt and Bank St


Learning starts at home… whatever age you are!
Be inspired how your home and family can be a place of learning and growing for everyone. Homeeducation is a great option for children. Local people share their stories, experiences and expertise.


8.30 am Registration

9 am Welcome and Keynote Address
We have invited three local Dads to share their perspectives on home education:
Steve Jaunay, Nigel Griffiths and Bruce Eirena

10 am Bookseller ‘Show&Tell’
Vendors present recommended resources for home educators.

10.30 am Morning Tea

11.30 am Workshop One
*Unit Studies with Karen Grammer
*Unschooling – Living and Learning with Kerrin Taylor
*Living Room Adventures with Erena Fussell

1 pm Lunch

2 pm Workshop Two
*Hot’n’Spicy Tips for Home Educating Families with Jo and Jonathan Anderton
*Kitchen Science with Carolyn Garvitch
* Finding the Maths in Art with Shelley Williamson
*French Language and Culture for Kiwi Kids Reity Roughton & Axelle Faur

3 pm Afternoon Tea

3.15 pm Workshop Three
*Starting Out in Home Education with Sharyne Jaunay
*Home Help for Learning Difficulties with Sheryn Comrie
*Hand Made Presents with Jennifer Sharplin
*Capable Kids with Skills for Life with Rosie Boom

4.30 pm Clean Up


Workshop 1: Survived and Thrived
Ex-homeschoolers share how they made the transition into tertiary study and/or employment. How did being home-educated help or hinder? What are some of the pathways to a career for home-schoolers? Plenty of discussion. Parents welcome to attend.
Workshop 2: Ukelele Gig with Steve Evans
Come and learn a few chords and how to play a couple of songs on the ukelele, the popular, 4 stringed, easy to play instrument. No previous musical experience is necessary. If you have your own uke or could borrow one, please bring it along although we will have some available to use during the workshop.
Workshop 3: Careers with Northtec
or Craft Simone Rakene works for Northtech, assisting young people into apprenticeships. Find out
how these work and what else Northtec offers. Parents welcome to attend. Alternatively teens can join
Jennifer Sharplin’s craft workshop.


Workshop 1
One choice per session

Unit Studies with Karen Grammer
Karen will show you how Unit Studies can bring many subjects (and children) together around the passions you and your children have. It’s an exciting, easy and creative way of learning – no budget is too
small. Karen’s children loved it – and learnt heaps.
Unschooling – Living and Learning with Kerrin Taylor
What is unschooling? To Kerrin and her family, one definition is living life as if school didn’t exist! Learning is everywhere and children can learn all they need when free to follow their interests. Could unschooling be right for your family?
Living Room Adventures with Erena Fussell
History alive in your own home! History provides a great framework for learning – and children love it. Combine it with related literature and you enliven your study and your children’s minds even more. Erena will give examples and time for discussion.
Workshop 2
Hot’n’Spicy Tips for Home-Educating Families with Jonathan and Jo Anderton.
Being part of their children’s lives and learning is important for both Jo and Jonathan…they show you how in home-educating you can have your cake and eat it too! (It’s all about sharing the portions). Warning: contains entertaining additives, encouraging preservatives and challenging colours!
Kitchen Chemistry with Carolyn Garvitch
Hands-on experiments that you can do with your children (without blowing up the house). Learn about fun ways to introduce your children to chemistry concepts that they can experience everyday.
Finding the Maths in Art with Shelley Williamson
Explore some fun and creative ways to make art that incorporates mathematical concepts. Aimed at early primary ages, using found materials (either natural or man-made) in your own home.
French Language and Culture for Kiwi Kids with Reity Roughton and Axelle Faur
Language learning is for children too! Find out how you can help your children learn a language, and some useful resources. Reity and Axelle will demonstrate what they do in their French classes.
Workshop 3
Starting out in Home Education with Sharyne Jaunay
Considering home-educating? Where to start?! Sharyne will explain applying for an exemption, approaches to home-education, ERO visits, and how to make the best start with your kids – relax!
Home Help for Learning Difficulties with Sheryn Comrie
Sheryn works with parents’ “gut instinct” to address their children’s learning needs. Recognise what your children can do, and support what they can’t with hands-on activities. Sheryn will seek to respond to the
situations of those present and try out activities that can be tailor made to each child’s needs.
Hand Made Presents with Jennifer Sharplin
Word Wall Art on ceramic tiles! Make something that looks fantastic for a low price. They make great gifts (Christmas) and are fast, simple and fun to make. You should have time to make 2 or 3. You don’t even need to be creative to slap these together.
Capable Kids with Skills for Life with Rosie Boom
Nevermind mathematics and spelling, what about Life Skills? Are we teaching our children the basic skills of life (and the values learnt by doing them), or are they being forgotten amid Latin lessons? Rosie will
give practical ideas of how you can make sure your children are equipped to face real life. Come and be inspired!

arrow conference speaker profiles

arrow conference registration form

Register online

OR send your form to Kerrin Taylor
Booksellers and home-educating vendors will be present, as well as a Second-Hand book table.  Please contact Maggie Bishop if you have resources you want to sell, phone 4383313.

Tea and coffee will be provided.  Lunches will be available to purchase, or bring your own.  There will be no creche, so please make other arrangements for your children. “Babes in arms” welcome.