CHRISTCHURCH: Living, Laughing and Learning Conference with Diana Waring September 11th and 12th, 2009

Living, Laughing and Learning Conference with Diana Waring September 11th and 12th, 2009

Christchurch Conference

Venue: Hornby Presbyterian Community Church, 27 Amyes Road, Hornby Christchurch

Friday night Registration, Curriculum sales & family tables for second hand resources will be open from 5.30pm

6pm                  Family fun – music, drama and laughs

6.45pm             Keynote session with Diana for the whole family; Unlocking the Mysteries of the Middle Ages

8.30pm The Ultimate Family supper (Sales tables will remain open until 9.30pm)

Saturday 8.30am  Registration

9am –    The Well-Kept Secret of a Biblical Education (this session has a Christian focus)

10.15    Am tea

10.30 –  Beyond Survival

12-1pm Lunch

1 pm     Workshop options (choose 1 out of 4)

1.  Diana and Bill – Making the most of teen years at home. Encouraging session for teens

2.  Barbara Smith – Avoiding Burnout. Strategies to identify and overcome burnout.

3.  Lennie Harrison – Early Reading and Writing Skills. A practical session aimed at 4-8yrs.

4.  Linda Gage – Character Training. Focussing on the heart and mind while they learn and grow.

2.15pm Workshop options (choose 1 out of 4)

1.  Bill Waring – The Homeschool Principal; an encouraging discussion time for Dads

2.  Barbara Smith and Ngaire Allan – Preparing for an ERO review; putting your best foot forward.

3.  Lennie Harrison – Meat for Teenagers (directed at parents only, and Christian content)

4.  Linda Gage – Time Management. Practical tips for balancing the house, the family, life and everything else.

3.30pm afternoon tea

3.45pm Final keynote session with Diana Actively ENGAGE Learning & Actually ENJOY Learning!

5.15 pm End of conference. Book stalls remain open until 6pm

*Please bring a contribution for morning/afternoon tea if you are attending on Saturday.

*Creche will be provided for children 3 and under only. A parent’s room with sound from the auditorium is available for mum’s with babies.

* No children’s programme will be available but quiet children over 12 are welcome to attend sessions.


Registration Details:

Names of those attending: Mum/Dad_________________________________________________________________

Children’s names and ages requiring a place in crèche on Saturday_________________________________________

Number of Adults and Children attending on Friday Evening: _____Adults ______Teens/Children

Number of Adults/Teens attending on Saturday: _____Adults _____Teens




Workshop Preferences: (to help us allocate rooms – you may change your mind on the day) Please rank your choices.

Session 1:          Making the most of your teen years at home.  Number attending_____

_____Avoiding Burnout _____ Early Reading and Writing Skills. _____ Character Training.

Session 2: The Homeschool Principal (Dad attending? Yes/No)

_____ Preparing for an ERO review. _____ Meat for Teenagers _____Time Management.

We would like a table to sell used resources: Yes/No   (Table cost will be $5)

Cost: Early bird registration until August 21st. Late Registration fees are in brackets. All fees cover the whole family.

Friday Evening $15 ($20)            Saturday only $30 ($35)              Friday and Saturday $35 ($40)

Post registration forms with payment (cheques made out to CHE) to 12 Egmont Place, Harewood, Christchurch

Internet banking: please deposit with your surname & “Conference” as a reference: A/C 03 0802 0162706 00

Living, Laughing and Learning Conference with Diana Waring

September 11th and 12th, 2009

Venue: Hornby Presbyterian Community Church, 27 Amyes Road, Hornby Christchurch

Curriuclum vendors and other resources will be available for sale during the conference.

Friday evening 6-9pm: An evening for the whole family with music, drama, singing and comedy courtesy of your homeschooling friends; a race through the Middle Ages with Diana and the Ultimate Family supper.

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Middle Ages
Join Diana for a whirlwind tour through one thousand years of colorful characters and world changing events. Beginning with the fall of Rome and continuing all the way up to Gutenberg’s printing press. Seat belt use suggested–you’re going to move fast!

Saturday 9am – 5.30pm

A variety of encouraging and practical sessions with Diana and other experienced home educators.

9am The Well-Kept Secret of a Biblical Education (Specifically for Christian families)
How much have the prevailing culture and our own school experiences influenced our views on education, even in homeschooling?  This powerful message will provide you with a foundational and scriptural framework for understanding education — the content and the means — from a Biblical perspective.

10.30am Beyond Survival (General Audience)
A transparent description of the beginning days in her homeschooling, including the struggles and failures she experienced as she unsuccessfully tried to create school at home. Learn how she went from “barely surviving” to finding great joy on the journey with her children. Diana brings experience with her own children for over twenty years, as well as insights gleaned from homeschooling families around the world.

4pm Actively ENGAGE Learning & Actually ENJOY Learning! (General Audience)
“How do I get my kids to finish their school work?”  The deeper question is actually, “How do I get my kids to be self-motivated?”  We will look at specific ways to encourage and assist our children in developing ownership of their education.  We must learn the critical difference between controlling and directing; pushing and releasing; coercing and facilitating.  It is the master teacher who says, “I can not teach you how to do it, but I can help you learn to do it.”

Workshops will include:

Diana and Bill                Making the most of teen years at home. Encouraging session for teens

Bill Waring                    The Homeschool Principal; an encouraging discussion time for Dads

Barbara Smith               Avoiding Burnout. Strategies to identify and overcome burnout.

Barbara Smith & Ngaire Allan   Preparing for an ERO review; putting your best foot forward.

Lennie Harrison Early Reading and Writing Skills. A practical session aimed at 4-8yrs.

Meat for Teenagers (directed at parents only, and Christian content)

Linda Gage                    Character Training. Focussing on the heart while they learn and grow.

Time Management. Practical tips for balancing the house, the family, life and everything else.

See the Insert for your registration form and plan to join us for a wonderful weekend of encouragement.

Go to for more on Diana’s teaching and resources as well as registration details for all her Downunder conferences. A very informative website developed by Chareen Rushworth. (Cantabrian now in Melbourne)

Queries: or


Diana Waring History Alive

Home Education Foundation

Sponsoring this event

Sponsors in New Zealand:

Phone:  (06) 364 7687


Web site (under construction):

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Wanganui Home Educators Workshop 21 February 2009

Wanganui Home Educators Workshop

Date: 21 February 2009

Venue: Wanganui East Baptist Church – cnr Nixon and Moana Streets

Cost: $10.00 per person or $15.00 per family or $5.00 per session

Time: 9am to 5pm


9.00am Registration and view resource tables

9.15am    Welcome and Notices

9.30am    2 Electives

1. Erena Fussell of LearnEx – Living Room Adventures

Make history come alive in your own home! Hear how to learn history with literature and enliven your study and your children’s mind

2. Craig Smith – Getting Things Into Perspective

Including Dad’s essential role in Home Education and how we can reform the future through home education

10.30am    Morning Tea

11.00am    2 Electives

1. Barbara Smith – Avoiding Burnout

Keeping going when the going gets tough

2. Craig Smith – Changing the heart of a Rebel

For preventing rebellion and dealing with it – Christian presentation

12.30pm Lunch – bring your own, hot drinks provided

1.00pm    2 Electives

1. Craig Smith – The Importance of Reading Aloud

2. Barbara Smith – Training our Children’s Minds

Learn the tools of Learning and Motivation and how to teach using the Trivium method

2.30pm    Afternoon Tea

3.00pm 2 Electives

1. Craig Smith – Home Educating the Secondary Years

What to do in the Secondary years and preparing for Tertiary and  the Workforce

2. Erena Fussell – Early Education

Resource Stands:


Geneva Books

Home Education Foundation


Contact and please pre-register with: Lisa  neil.lisa [at] 06 345 8645

9th Annual Home Education Celebration – Auckland 5 February 2009

9th Annual Home Education Celebration

Thursday 5 February 2009

Long Bay

(a venue change from One Tree Hill Domain)

Organised by Auckland Home Educators Inc (AHE), the region’s network for homeschooling families

and coordinator of other annual events like the History Fair and Science & Technology Fair.

Watch out for more details in the coming weeks and on Auckland Home Educators Inc’s website at

Dawn Headley

Awareness & PR Coordinator
networking across Auckland’s region and beyond for current & prospective home educators … Join us!

Tel:      (09) 5277-922
Text:   027-435-8922

Wanganui Home Educators Workshop 21 February 2009

Wanganui Home Educators Workshop

Date: 21 February 2009

Venue: Wanganui East Baptist Church – cnr Nixon and Moana Streets

Cost: $10.00 per person or $15.00 per family or $5.00 per session

Time: 9am to 5pm

Programme: Coming soon

Speakers: Erena Fussell, Craig and Barbara Smith

Resource Stands:


Geneva Books

Home Education Foundation


Contact and please pre-register with: Lisa  neil.lisa [at] 06 345 8645

Home Education Workshop, Sat. 18 October 2008

Home Education Workshop, Sat. 18 October 2008

9-5pm at Harmony House, 541Ruahine St., Palmerston North. $15 per person or couple or $5 per session.

Explore the many facets of the growing movement to educate your own children at home, providing a curriculum tailor-made to fit your children’s interests, abilities and learning styles. You can be in charge of what values they do and don’t get exposed to, how fast they advance and the levels of work and discipline that you are convinced are best.

Long-time home educating parents of eight, Craig & Barbara Smith plus former teacher and now home educator Erena Fussell, who have a combined total of 51 years’ experience teaching their own children at home, will explore legal and curriculum issues, burnout, motivation, vision, practical issues and more. A range of resource material will also be on display from the Home Education Foundation, LearnEX, Geneva Books, Dayspring Christian Academy, Issacharian Books, plus second hand items. More information at, or ring 357-4399.