1 & 2 February 2008 Excellence in Writing – Andrew Pudewa – Christchurch Conference |
“Excellence in Learning” tour
with Andrew Pudewa, author of the popular
“Institute for Excellence in Writing” programme – http://www.writing-edu.com/ http://www.learnex.co.nz/Editable/conference/EILChristchurch.shtml,/a>Andrew Pudewa is the author of the popular “Institute for Excellence in Writing” programme – http://www.writing-edu.com. He will be speaking on a range of different topics across the country. Truly a gifted communicator, we are sure you will come away equipped and inspired!Parklands Baptist Church,
180 QueensPark Drive,
Queries: sihe@clear.net.nz
Registrations: Soesi Watson Ph 03 541 9211
Childcare is avaiable but PLACES ARE LIMITED
Please make own arrangements for lunch and dinner (fish and chips on site). Tea and coffee will be provided.
Throughout the day we will have short sessions where parents and teens will share their experiences.
Contact Dot iew@clear.net.nz if you wish to contribute.
We will also be showcasing children’s work – models, crafts etc. so feel free to bring these on the day.
Friday 1 February
8.30am Venue opens for registrations and resource viewing (IEW and LearnEX)
9am??Reaching the Reluctant Writer ??
10.30am Morning Tea and resource viewing
11am??Rebuilding the education paradigm ??
Escaping the??conveyor belt’ approach of institutional education isn’t easy. For many, our greatest handicap as teachers is our own education. In this inspiring and empowering session, you will not only come to understand the nature and purpose of today’s educational system, but you will see a shining alternative path; one that develops true thinkers, leaders and communicators?? so desperately needed in today’s world.
12.30pm Lunch and resource viewing
1.30pm??Teaching boys and other children who would rather make forts all day ??
Children like to do what they can do; they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, students will learn it and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest.
3pm Afternoon Tea and resource viewing
3.30pm “Spelling and the Brain”
Many children (and some adults) have difficulty learning to spell but the difficulty may not be with the student so much as the method of presentation. Find out how spelling information is most efficiently stored in the brain and why. With greater insight into the nature of spelling and neurological fuctions presented in this workshop, the parent/teacher will be well equipped to meet the needs of all their children, not just the naturally ‘good’ spellers.
5-7pmm Dinner Break and resource viewing
7pm??Nurturing confident communicators ??
Many people think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that; a natural ability which some have and others don’t. Both are myths. History and modern research show very clearly how good writers have developed. With humour and insight, Andrew will share two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators.
Saturday 2nd February
Venue Opens for registration and resource viewing (IEW and LearnEX)
9am “Narration, Dictation and Public Speaking”
Inspired by Charlotte Mason, this very practical session explores the effectiveness and value of narration, dictation and public speaking and will enable you to effectively use these techniques to improve how we train our minds to retain and understand information.
10.30am Morning Tea and resource viewing
11am “Developing the Essayist ”
What is the difference between a ‘report’ and an ‘essay’? How do we help a student move from simply reporting facts to the more sophisticated skill of using facts to support an opinion? With several different essay models and a gradual method of building the analytical writer covered in this session, come and get the plan right now; even with a Primary school level.
12.30pm Lunch and resource viewing
1.30pm “The Profound Influence of Music on Life”
Music has become such an ever-present influence in our daily life, we seldom stop to consider what effect it has on us. But we must. As we changed over the last 100 years, from being music??makers ?? to music??consumers, ?? we have gradually lost control over, and even awareness of, our auditory environment. In what way is music beneficial to our bodies and minds? In what circumstances can it actually be harmful? Solid scientific research provides some astounding answers to such questions–indeed, facts that must not be ignored by today’s parents and children.
3pm Afternoon Tea and resource viewing
3.30pm “Bible based Writing Lessons”
This session will explain in detail how to use the Bible as a source text for teaching English composition, and how to create assignments for both creative writing and for Bible-based reports and essays. With direct application for those teaching students second grade through high school, this session will provide a few specific lesson plans as well as presenting the general principles of how to design your own lessons to teach writing with structure & style.
A children’s programme will be provided for 5-12 year olds. Morning and afternoon teas will be provided but parents will need to provide lunch. Very limited numbers so be in quick! Breastfed babies are welcome but please make your own arrangements for any other children not attending the children’s programme. Teens must be registered and attend the workshops.
Parkside Baptist Church, 180 QueensPark Drive, Christchurch
Contact: Dot iew@clear.net.nz
or ph (03) 312 8790
check out:
Keep scrolling down for more events……..
4 February 2008 – NEW! Nelson Region – Excellence in Writing – Andrew Pudewa |
4 February 2008
Details coming soon. Watch this space.Contact &
registrations: events@learnex.co.nz
5th and 6th February 2008 Excellence in Writing – Andrew Pudewa – Palmerston North Conference |
“Excellence in Learning” tour
with Andrew Pudewa, author of the popular
“Institute for Excellence in Writing” programme – http://www.writing-edu.com/Wednesday 6th February, 2008
Reformed Church, 541 Ruahine Street,
Palmerston NorthContact & registrations:
Choosing the relevant attendance option:
Individual, $35 or $40 if booked after 22 Dec
Spouse may attend free
Teen, $10
Wednesday 6 February
8.30am Venue Opens
9am “Reaching the Reluctant Writer”
Many children do not like to write. Why? This workshop will answer that basic question and teach a specific and successful method of separating the complex process of writing into the smallest possible steps, making it possible for even the most reluctant writer to produce short but complete compositions.
10.30am Morning Tea
11am “Narration, Dictation and Public Speaking ”
Inspired by Charlotte Mason, this very practical session explores the effectiveness and value of narration, dictation and public speaking and will enable you to effectively use these techniques to improve how we train our minds to retain and understand information.
Vendors: IEW http://www.writing-edu.com/
Home Education Foundation https://hef.org.nz/
Geneva Books http://www.genevabooks.org/ and
LearnEX http://www.learnex.co.nz/Editable/index.shtml
2pm “Teaching Boys and other children who would rather make forts all day ”
Children like to do what they can do; they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, students will learn it and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest.
3pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm “Spelling and the Brain”
Many children (and some adults) have difficulty learning to spell, but the difficulty may not be with the student so much as with the method of presentation. Find out in this workshop how spelling information is most efficiently stored in the brain, and why. With a greater insight into the nature of spelling and neurological function presented in this workshop, the parent/teacher will be well-equipped to meet the needs of all their children, not just the??naturally ?? good spellers.
4.30-6.00pm Dinner break – VENDOR STALLS OPEN
6pm “Developing the Essayist: from facts to opinions with confidence ”
What’s the difference between a??report ?? and an??essay ??? How do we help a student move from simply reporting facts to the more sophisticated skill of using facts in order to support an opinion? With several different essay models and a gradual method of building the analytical writer, you can feel confident in training your child to be an excellent essay writer. Come and get the plan right now ??you can even start the process at the elementary level!
7pm Super Supper!
7.30pm “Nurturing Confident Communicators”
Many people think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that; a natural ability which some have and others don’t. Both are myths. History and modern research show very clearly how good writers have developed. With humour and insight, Andrew will share two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators.
8.30pm Conference closes
Please bring along a tin of baking for morning and afternoon tea. This helps keep the price reasonable. Tea and coffee will be provided.
THURSDAY 7 FEBRUARY, 11.00AM TO 2.00PM (no rain date)
One Tree Hill/Maungakiekie Domain, 670 Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Auckland
Cost: Free?? just turn up!
Co-ordinated by: Auckland Home Educators Inc
Enquiries: Dawn – dawn.homeeducation@xtra.co.nz (preferably) or 027-435-8922Our kids just love seeing the wider picture of the community with which they can identify.
What a great sense of belonging for them (and us), especially when it’s the first day back to school for others! This is a popular gathering of 250+ parents, kids, supporters and their families. Also a great place to come along if you’re investigating the HE option.Experience first-hand what we’re about?? don’t be shy ?? make sure you let someone know you need help! Fabulous opportunity to mix??n mingle, buy/sell resources (no business vendors please), play impromptu games, seek advice, etc. Just BYO picnic, a rug and your smiling faces?? oh, and don’t forget the kids!!! This great venue has a playground, flying fox, and skatepark as well as the usual beautiful trees and springy grass. If you don’t get to this area very often, why not combine the Celebration with a visit to the Stardome Observatory on the same site (http://www.stardome.co.nz) or explore more of the historical Domain
8th & 9th February 2008 Excellence in Writing – Andrew Pudewa – Auckland Conference |
“Excellence in Learning” tour
with Andrew Pudewa, author of the popular
“Institute for Excellence in Writing” programme – http://www.writing-edu.com/Andrew Pudewa is the author of the popular “Institute for Excellence in Writing” programme – http://www.writing-edu.com. He will be speaking on a range of different topics across the country. Truly a gifted communicator, we are sure you will come away equipped and inspired!Manurewa Baptist Church,
9 Lupton Road,
Phone: (09) 269 3532
Andrew is available to run a series of writing workshops for children (7+ years) during the day on Friday. What a wonderful opportunity for our children to have some instruction from this world class teacher!
Registrations now open! Places are strictly limited.
A children’s programme (Ages 5-12) is available on Saturday but PLACES ARE LIMITED.
Although held in a church, this conference is not specifically from a Christian perspective so anyone is welcome to attend.
Barista coffee and squeezed juice will be available for purchase on the day. Tea and coffee will be provided.
A lunch pack is available for $5. This contains: a Subway deli roll, fruit yoghurt and seasonal fruit. Please indicate in registration form below how many lunches you require. There are a multitude of eateries and a supermarket within walking distance of the venue.
Friday 8 February
6.30pm Venue opens for registrations and evening programme.
Programme is suitable for all adults and teens, regardless of whether or not they have done any IEW programme previously.
7pm??4 Deadly errors of teaching writing ??
Teaching, like writing, is an art. We practise; we improve. In this session Andrew teaches us how to recognise and avoid the most deadly errors when teaching writing.
8pm Supper
8.30pm??Narration, Dictation and Public Speaking ??
Inspired by Charlotte Mason, this very practical session explores the effectiveness and value of narration, dictation and public speaking and will enable you to effectively use these techniques to improve how we train our minds to retain and understand information.
Evening finishes approximately 9.30pm
Saturday 9th February
8.30am Venue Opens for registration and resource viewing
9.15am Keynote address:??Realigning the educational paradigm ??
Escaping the??conveyor belt’ approach of institutional education isn’t easy. For many, our greatest handicap as teachers is our own education. In this inspiring and empowering session, you will not only come to understand the nature and purpose of today’s educational system, but you will see a shining alternative path; one that develops true thinkers, leaders and communicators?? so desperately needed in today’s world.
10.15am Morning Tea
11am Workshop 1:
A)??Spelling and the Brain???? Andrew Pudewa
B)??Things I wish I’d Known: 3 veteran homeschoolers share their thoughts with beginners”
C)??Teaching Music History in the Home”
D)??Careers and transition into the workforce” – Ray Green
11.55am Workshop 2
A)??Humour in Teaching and Speaking ???? Andrew Pudewa
B) “ERO Q & A”?? experienced ERO homeschool reviewer, Rob Williamson
(interactive – please bring questions)
C) “Taming the temperament for teens”?? Steve Abernethy
D) “Aspergers/ADHD/Dyslexia”?? Claire Berkhan, Margi Leech & Karen Wallen
12.50pm Lunch
2pm Keynote address 2:??Teaching boys and other children who would rather make forts all day ??
Children like to do what they can do; they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, students will learn it and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest.
3pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm Keynote address 3:??Nurturing confident communicators ??
Many people think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that; a natural ability which some have and others don’t. Both are myths. History and modern research show very clearly how good writers have developed. With humour and insight, Andrew will share two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators.
4:30pm Question time and farewell. Conference concludes approximately 5pm
A children’s programme will be provided for 5-12 year olds which consists of two half day sessions. The first session runs from 9am-1pm and second session runs from 2-5pm. The fee is $7 and this includes BOTH sessions. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. Very limited numbers so be in quick! There are many activities in the local proximity which you may choose to do with your children over the lunch hour – shops, swimming pools, botanic gardens etc.
Breastfed babies are welcome but please make your own arrangements for any other children not attending the children’s programme.
Teens must be registered and attend the workshops.
check out:
Auckland Home Educators: Check out this link for up-to-date regular activities held in Auckland
http://www.hslda.org/contests/HSLDA is Making Changes for our Next Contest Season!Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:
This year, HSLDA is announcing all four student contests at once.
Although submissions for each contest will only be accepted during the dates specified on our website, students can now spend more time working on their entries.
The first contest in line will be essay, with submission deadlines of October 1 through November 1, 2007. But students can start working on their essays right away!
Please visit our contest web page at http://www.hslda.org/contests/ for contest deadlines, rules, and more information. You will also find that the pages have been revamped with a whole new look to make these contests even more fun and educational (including suggestions from past judges on how to give your piece that final tweak that could make the difference in the final round).
Because students will now have a longer period to work on their entries, we hope they can spend more of that time studying the art/writing form showcased by each contest. Additionally, we have chosen themes that we hope will be thought-provoking and provide room for further study.
These contests could be a great launching pad for unit studies by groups or individual families. Perhaps you can spend a month studying different American artists and practicing shadowing and lighting techniques, and then use the contest entry as a final project for students to use what they have learned.
All four of our contests are now divided into three age categories.
Please encourage younger children to participate–their creativity is often inspired by challenges such as this.
We are excited to see your response to the new themes, and we hope you enjoy exploring them as well!
The proceeds from this contest go to the Home School Foundation’s Special Needs Children’s Fund.
Mike Smith
HSLDA President
Make a DVD and win a place on an expedition to Greenland in 2007.
For more information: