Home-school family learn together

Home-school family learn together


By CAROLYN THOMAS – Western Leader


FAMILY TIES: Amy, 18, Chloe, 6, mum Kate, Rosie, 8, and Sophie, 13, enjoy home-schooling.

Home-school mother Kate Todd wasn’t going to let her girls miss out on a full curriculum.

So 10 years ago she set up the Westgate Home School Group to ensure an all-round education for daughters Amy, 18, Sophie, 13, Rosie, 8, and Chloe, 6.

Now more than 200 kids from kindy to high school take part in weekly art, sports, drama and science classes.

The Todds are one of many New Zealand families who choose to home-school their children.

“When Amy was five she was so clever, she was reading fluently. I’d just had Sophie, and Amy wanted to stay home.

“I thought, well she doesn’t legally have to go to school until she’s six and I knew she’d be fine,” Kate says.

The former primary school teacher launched into action after learning the local home-school group was full.

“It was awful, families were being turned away,” she says.

She approached the Massey Leisure Centre’s manager for space.

“There were seven other families and we started doing sports and art up there as soon as it opened.”

It grew from there with dance, creative writing and biology classes added over the years.

The regular contact also provides support to the parents.

“It’s really important that home-school parents socialise. Everybody pulls together and brings in new ideas.

“There is a lot of responsibility on the stay-at-home parent. If you weren’t given the support and encouragement then you’d burn out.”

Kate says people choose home-schooling for various reasons.

Sometimes a child just does not suit a classroom setting,” she says. “I think it’s a privilege that I’ve been able to have all this time with my children.”There was little disruption when dad’s job took the family to China for two years – something they would not otherwise have been able to do.

The eldest, Amy, is now in her second year of a speech and language therapy degree.

“I think I actually found the transition from high school to university a bit easier than my peers. At first they found it difficult being given assignments with no guidance,” Amy says.

“As a home-schooled kid, you can sort out what you need to do and do it independently.”

Some Support Groups in New Zealand

Here are some links with Home Education Support Groups in New Zealand:








Here you can add your own support group:


Home Education New Zealand suppliers


Auckland Area Coming Events

Spread the news to current & prospective home educators & their supporters!

Hopefully the date’s in your diary via notices about the upcoming Andrew Pudewa conference (see http://www.learnex.co.nz). You’ll no doubt check out your travel arrangements, pack a yummy picnic plus sunscreen for the awesome weather, circulate this message far and wide and print it off.

Be part of the wider home educating community and join our big BYO picnic in the park!

8th Annual Home Education Celebration
Thursday 7 February 2008 11.00am to 2.00pm
One Tree Hill/Maungakiekie Domain (near Stardome Planetarium)
670 Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Auckland

Brought to you by Auckland Home Educators Inc http://www.home-education.org.nz

IMPORTANT: Please respect the parking restrictions on our Council Permit.
Park in the adjacent roads, leaving the Domain carpark for the general public. Please carpool or use public transport where possible.

in support of your fellow home educators! Our community might be a minority group but we sure can take on the majority when it comes to enjoying our families! Have a chat with some old hands and offer your hand to guide a newbie, find help, share ideas, and just soak up the sounds of laughter. This is a wonderful opportunity to present a united front with around 250 home educators & supporters. Of course, our kids just love to discover how many others are travelling along the same road and to expand their sense of belonging. How big can we make 2008? If you’re aiming to visit Auckland, include this in your plans since it flows on from Waitangi Day and precedes the Andrew Pudewa conference (http://www.learnex.co.nz).

INVITE WIDER FAMILY, NEIGHBOURS & SUPPORTERS. PARTNERS are particularly welcome so just persuade them to drop in or, even better, book a day off.
You might even get Grandma Skeptical and others who remain ignorant of our ways to gain a better understanding of ‘socialisation’ and other home ed operations – all with the help of a huge third party! Encourage that family who’s been making noises about home education to come along, too … the more, the merrier. This is a free event but you might like to bring along some cash for buy/swap/sell resource opportunities and refreshments!

SUPPORT GROUPS across Auckland & further afield are invited to make the effort to join in. It’d be great to see folk again from Northland, Waikato and other places as we did last year. The impact of us coming together is so much greater than smaller groups doing their own thing. Co-Ordinators are encouraged to ARRANGE FOR A BANNER/SIGN/FLAG for anyone needing to identify a specific area (eg, a newbie, someone seeking to broaden their contacts).

INFORMATION AREA: Look for the big Auckland Home Educators banner towards
the flying fox. You want to retain responsibility for YOUR family, right?
Then visit the area, take action and find out how EACH OF US can support voluntary, democratic organisations working towards protecting and enhancing YOUR choice to do just that. United we stand! For newbies, come and see us and find your local group.

LOCATION: A great playground, flying fox, skateboard park, a few BBQ tables & toilets in the park itself. If you’re keen, check out http://www.tki.org.nz/r/socialscience/curriculum/SSOL/onetreehill/level5_e.php for
an in-depth virtual field trip giving a vast array of links. The Stardome Observatory is, of course, within the Domain grounds Tel: (09) 624-1246 http://www.stardome.org.nz We have a special Permit from Auckland City Council to use this park. Please ensure that you & your family respect the public’s right to continue using the facilities while we’re there and that any rubbish is disposed of responsibly. We’d like to be granted future Permits!

RAIN DATE: There isn’t one – only actual heavy and wild weather will put us off! Make a note of my mobile (027-435-8922) to check on the day if you’re unsure. There’s also the Metservice (http://www.metservice.co.nz/default/index.php?alias=auckland) although last year’s forecast when I looked the night before threatened ‘mostly cloudy, rain at times’ yet it was perfect weather.

GETTING THERE: Access is an easy 4km off State Highway 1 (Greenlane exit).
Click on http://www.smaps.co.nz/nz/auckland/royal+oak/manukau+road/670/ for a
‘zoomable’ map. Call MAXX on (09) 366-6400 for public transport options or try their route planner at http://www.maxx.co.nz . Buses stop outside the gates; a train station’s not too far away if you can arrange for pick-up.

PARKING: **Please respect the parking restrictions on our Council Permit & park in the adjacent roads, leaving the Domain carpark for the general public unless you have injured or disabled passengers.**

At this point, I’m unable to confirm any programme other than enjoying a time of unity, fun and support. See you on the 7th!

Dawn Headley
Awareness & PR Co-ordinator
AUCKLAND HOME EDUCATORS INC – http://www.home-education.org.nz
Auckland’s regional networking group for current & prospective home
educators … Join us!

Email: dawn.homeeducation@xtra.co.nz
Tel: (09) 528-8922 Mob: 027-435-8922

Auckland: 7th Annual Home Education Celebration (7 Feb)

Spread the news to current & prospective home educators & their

Be part of the wider home educating community and join our big BYO picnic in
the park!

7th Annual Home Education Celebration

Wednesday 7 February 2007 11.00am to 2.00pm

One Tree Hill/Maungakiekie Domain (near Stardome Planetarium)

670 Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Auckland

Brought to you by Auckland Home Educators Inc

Celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2007!

IMPORTANT: Please respect the parking restrictions on our Council Permit.

Park in the adjacent roads, leaving the Domain carpark for the general

Please carpool or use public transport where possible.

Bring the family; bring your group in support of your fellow home educators!
Our community might be a minority group but we sure can take on the majority
when it comes to enjoying our families! Have a chat with some old hands and
hold yours out to guide newbies, find help, share ideas, and just soak up
the sounds of laughter. This is a wonderful opportunity to present a united
front with around 250 home educators & supporters. Of course, our kids just
love to discover how many others are travelling along the same road and to
expand their sense of belonging. How big can we make 2007? If you’re
aiming to visit Auckland, include this in your plans since it flows on from
Waitangi Day!

Invite wider family, neighbours & supporters . partners are particularly
welcome so just persuade them to drop in or, even better, book a day off.
You might even get Grandma Skeptical along to gain a better understanding of
‘socialisation’ – all with the help of a huge third party! Encourage that
family who’s been making noises about home education to come along, too .
the more, the merrier. This is a free event but you might like to bring
along some cash for buy/swap/sell resource opportunities and refreshments!

There are lots of activities in the area with a great playground, flying
fox, skateboard park, a few BBQ tables & toilets in the park itself. If
you’re keen, check out
php> www.tki.org.nz/r/socialscience/curriculum/SSOL/onetreehill/level5_e.php
for an in-depth virtual field trip giving a vast array of links. The
Stardome Observatory is, of course, within the Domain grounds Tel: (09)
624-1246 www.stardome.org.nz

There’s no rain date – the event will only be cancelled if there is heavy
rain. Call 027-435-8922 if it’s not obvious how the day’s weather will
affect the go-ahead.

SUPPORT GROUPS across Auckland & further afield are invited to make the
effort to join in. The impact of us coming together is so much greater than
smaller groups doing their own thing. Co-Ordinators are encouraged to
arrange for a banner/sign to be clearly displayed where you’re sitting for
anyone needing to identify a specific area (eg, a newbie, someone seeking to
broaden their contacts).

LOCATION We have a special Permit from Auckland City Council to use this
park. Please ensure that you & your family respect the public’s right to
continue using the facilities while we’re there and that any rubbish is
disposed of responsibly. We’d like to be granted future Permits!

GETTING THERE / PARKING Access is an easy 4km off State Highway 1
(Greenlane exit). Click on

www.smaps.co.nz/nz/auckland/royal+oak/manukau+road/670/ for a ‘zoomable’
map. Call MAXX on (09) 366-6400 for public transport options or try their
route planner at www.maxx.co.nz . Buses stop
outside the gates; a train station’s not too far away if you can arrange for
pick-up. **Please respect the parking restrictions on our Council Permit &
park in the adjacent roads, leaving the Domain carpark for the general
public unless you have injured or disabled passengers.**

Look forward to seeing lots of you!

Dawn Burgin on behalf of

Auckland Home Educators Inc
www.home-education.org.nz Celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2007!
Please support our work with your membership!

Direct Email:


Direct Tel: (09) 528-8922 Mob: 027-435-8922