The Bible Lessons of John Quincy Adams for His Son

The Bible Lessons of John Quincy Adams for His Son



Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Paperback (91 pages)


My Dear Son, I have thought if in addition to the hour which I daily give to the reading of the Bible, I should also from time to time (and especially on the Sabbath) apply another hour occasionally to communicate to you the reflections that arise in my mind upon its perusal, it might not only tend to fix and promote my own attention to the excellent instructions of that sacred Book… JQA

Historian David McCullough has described President John Quincy Adams as one of the most principled and certainly most intelligent men ever to occupy the White House. Born in 1767, Adams entered his country’s service while a mere lad as secretary to the Russian Embassy and remained through life a public servant, filling successively the posts of secretary, ambassador, United States Senator, Secretary of State, President, and finally Representative in Congress. This station he filled from 1831 until the moment of his death, while rising to address Congress on February 23, 1848. However, all of these remarkable achievements are secondary to his role as father. Though a busy man, Adams made it his priority to study the Bible and to train his son to love God’s Holy Word. His example stands out for all men as a shepherd who loved his family flock. When I first read President Adam’s Bible study lessons to his son, I was amazed at the tremendous detail and the depth of his biblical knowledge. Edited and Compiled by Doug Phillips. Paperback. 91 pgs.

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The Culture Wars (DVD)

The Culture Wars (DVD)


Format: DVD (55 minutes)
Age Range: Great for the Entire Family

Christians are engaged in a culture war, and the stakes are high. At issue is whether we will stand by our faith or be undermined. In this powerful message, Dr. Voddie Baucham demonstrates how academia and the media elite have sought to impose an intolerant “tolerance,” religious relativism, and philosophical pluralism as the three-pronged sacred dogma to which Christians must yield—or face persecution and scorn. Using Peter’s and John’s confrontation before the Sanhedrin as his text, Dr. Baucham offers a biblical blueprint for how Christians who are caught in the cross-fire can effectively proclaim Christ to those who seek to marginalize their faith. His charge: “Lifestyle evangelism” is not enough—we must speak the truth with boldness.

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Judge Fines Homeschoolers, No Jail Sentence


November 25, 2009

Judge Fines Homeschoolers, No Jail Sentence

Jurgen and Rosemarie Dudek of Archfeld, Germany, were found guilty under the German State of Hessen’s criminal law that requires that all children go to school. Even as Judge Drier recognized that the family was doing a fine job in educating their children, he still imposed a fine of 120 euros on them.

“We recognize in our German basic law about philosophical and religious conviction and that parents have rights, but the basic law also includes that it is the state’s role to educate all children,” said Drier.

In 2008 the couple had been sentenced to 90 days in jail each. Their trial was completed today after being continued from last week.

As the family left the courtroom they were swarmed by German reporters and media, who have been following this case very closely. Mr. Dudek told the reporters that they had a duty to keep covering this issue for the sake of the country and for what is right.

“It is time for Germany to look beyond the rim of their bowl—to look beyond its borders to see how other countries handle this issue of homeschooling,” said Mr. Dudek.

He chastised the media for not having done more to bring attention to this issue, and that the result has been a heavy burden for his family.

“This whole situation with us as a family wouldn’t have come so far, with all this burden and pressure and sentences, if you had taken up this issue before and looked at this before,” Mr. Dudek said. “Now it is up to you to keep up the interest and reporting on this issue. Germany’s treatment of parents like us is wrong, and it is up to you to help people see this.”

Mr. Dudek felt that their family had received a fair trial, but surmised the judge did not feel like he could do any less than find them guilty and impose a fine.

“God has heard our prayers and our requests for justice,” he said. “The difference between this trial and the last is night and day. We feel that we had a fair trial, and that the judge was very careful to be fair. We disagree with the result, and we are thinking about appealing.”

The pressure on the family has been high, Mr Dudek said, but he is grateful for the international support he has received.

“There has been some much pressure on our family through this with all of the attention and the threat of jail,” he explained. “We know that what we are doing is right, and it is frustrating to have this same result that all homeschoolers in Germany get. The support of HSLDA and homeschoolers in America and other countries has really helped to carry us through.”

Michael Donnelly, staff attorney for HSLDA, who has been working in support of German homeschoolers and in close contact with the family, was relieved that they were not sent to jail. However, the family is still subject to future prosecution and potentially higher fines if they continue to homeschool.

“No family should go to jail or be fined for homeschooling,” Donnelly said. “German public policy makers need to make changes to their laws to stop this kind of persecution of homeschoolers.”

Donnelly was encouraged by the media’s response to the case.

“The ray of sunshine here is the response by the German media. Never before has a homeschooling case captured this much positive attention in the German media. To me, this means that things are changing. As the media reports on this there is a chance of public opinion and laws. But it will take time.”

Donnelly asked that homeschoolers continue their support of these brave families.

“We need to keep supporting these families who are fighting for a basic right that many of us take for granted. Juergen Dudek is a hero to me. His simple faith and trust in God’s providence and his courage to stand for what he knows is right inspires me. But like all of us, he needs encouragement. I hope we will all continue to keep him and his family in our prayers and continue to send notes of encouragement and support.”

You can send letters of support and encouragement to the family at:

Family Dudek
Friederichestr No. 6
37293 Archfeld, Germany

For more information about the plight of German homeschoolers visit HSLDA’s Germany homepage.

Making Wise Decisions about College and Life After Home School (CD)

Making Wise Decisions about College and Life After Home School (CD)


Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Audio CD (78 minutes)

Q.  What is the number one reason parents sent their children to college?

A.  Because they don’t know what else to do with them.

The majority of Christians approach the “who, what, when, why, where, and how” of higher education blindly. They are either handicapped by false notions that a college degree is a prerequisite for success, or they abandon altogether the importance of post-high school education. My goal in this controversial compact disc set is to clear away the intellectual and factual debris and to open a path for parents to use clear biblical analysis to determine whether college is a wise choice for their child. I take a hard look at the realities of the college classroom and culture and examine the strengths and weaknesses of various alternatives to college. Failure to address this question may result in the spiritual decline of our children.

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Is it a sin to send our kids to public school?

Is it a sin to send our kids to public school?

By David d’Escoto
© 2009 

A slew of research shows that America is losing the conservative Christian youth in massive droves. These studies show a generation being increasingly won over to a socialistic/secular-humanistic worldview in spite of the American church increasing their apologetic courses, children’s programs, youth rallies and books and sermon series on child training.

What is happening? Could it be that we are doing something wrong? I would make the case that we are blatantly sinning in sending our kids to places that are, in fact, causing them to fall away. Let me lay out the case in three simple points.

1. Does the Bible make it clear that causing another to “stumble or fall away” in their faith-walk is wrong – a sin?

2. Is there any convincing evidence that a secular-humanistic public education is causing kids to stumble and fall away from the church?

Is there any other evidence that indirectly substantiates all of the above research?

Are children being negatively affected in other ways in these God-forsaken schools?

3. What has been the response from the conservatives, Christian leaders and the church?

To find the answers to these questions go to:

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:17)

David d’Escoto is a teaching elder, the co-author of “The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool” and co-hosted the former radio program “Homeschooling for Life.” He and his wife, Kim, have homeschooled their five children for over 10 years. For info on their free webinars, subscribe at their website.