Children’s Story Book About New Zealand Homeschooling Family

Children’s Story Book About New Zealand

Homeschooling Family

Truck story

BEN CURRAN/Marlborough Express (View link below)
BEN’S BIG JOURNEY: Blenheim man Trevor Harris, left, wrote a book about the incredible journey his grandson Nathan’s toy truck Ben made to find his owner after the family moved 200km away. Nathan, 7, is pictured with the book and Ben at Renwick Transport, which also features in the book.

A Tasman Home schooling Family have published a heartwarming story written by their children’s Grand Father :

Join our hero Breezemere Ben, the plucky toy truck who starts out on an “incredible journey” to rejoin his family when they move across the Top of the South Island to a new farm; all the way from Marlborough to Nelson’s Motueka Valley. Ben is based on a true story, he belongs to a boy called Nathan and the story is written by his Grandfather.

Ben has many adventures on his 200 kilometre trip, and along the way he discovers new inner strengths. He’s helped by his new trucking friends the Mighty Mack, Roaring Rob and Mailvan Malcolm who tell him “Try hard, do not give up…”, and when he’s feeling lonely and dejected “…never feel you are alone.”

This is a delightful story which you and your children will love to read – and be introduced to some of life’s important lessons: dealing with loss; determination to carry on; co-operation and helping others…


“Whether you live in the Marlborough/Nelson area or not you will still find  ‘Breezemere Ben’  truly unique.  You will enjoy a very well written clever plot, the many facets of a wonderful story and a very lovely ending.  You will also learn about this area of New Zealand and the vehicles that drive on it’s roads.   It is one book that will be enjoyed by readers of all ages again and again. My family have all loved it read aloud or by themselves”. Sandy mum of four, Blenheim.

A very enjoyable, believable story.  Eileen McKenzie, Picton.

“This wonderfully well- crafted story tells of a special little toy truck and his arduous journey through rain and snow, through adversity and hard work to reach his family. Along the way he makes some great friends and remembers the values of his owners to buoy him even in the hardest of times.This story was originally written as surprise Christmas gift to accompany a rejuvenated and repainted truck by Nathan’s Grandad.They decided to publish it, thank goodness they did. It’s a story that is so well written you can’t put it down, and even may like me shed a tear”
Kaye R.Tasman.

Newspaper Feature:
Purchasing Information:
For orders or enquires please email the Squire Family:
Please put “Ben Book” in the subject line.
ISBN: 9780473161958
Published: In New Zealand March 2010 by J. And M. Squire
Author: Trevor Harris
Price: Retail: $25 (+ freight)
Format: Paperback
Edition: Second edition,Full edition
Category: New Zealand Stories
Children’s General Non Fiction
Interest Age: Three-Adult
Description: Sixty one pages,high quality paper,eighteen chapters,colored pictures throughout
Dimensions: Width:14.5 cm

Naturally Healthy Woman

Naturally Healthy Woman

Whole Health for the Whole Women

By Shonda Parker

Written for women, young and old (of course, we really mean wise instead of old), who want to understand how their bodies are designed to function normally and what to do when it doesn’t. Shonda wrote this book for her three daughters, so that they could understand the beauty of being made a woman.


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send email to with visa number

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fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

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100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum: Choosing the Right Curriculum and Approach for Your Child’s Learning Style by Cathy Duffy

Review by Laurie Bluedorn from Trivium Pursuit

100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum:

Choosing the Right Curriculum

and Approach for

Your Child’s

Learning Style

by Cathy Duffy

We just got back from the Indiana state homeschool convention — what a vast array of curriculum in their exhibit hall! It was just the place for Moms and Dads to look at what’s new and compare with the old. There is so much new curricula on the market today that for many, especially those new to homeschooling, it can be rather confusing and overwhelming. Cathy Duffy’s newest book 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum has come along at just the right time to help us sort out all our many choices.

I love Cathy Duffy’s dedication at the beginning of this book: To the thousands of dedicated homeschoolers who have resisted the impulse to imitate “real school” and have chosen instead to figure out what is best for each of their children, even if it meant writing their own curriculum. You have made the world of homeschool curriculum far richer than the most well-funded schools in the world.

Read the rest of Laurie Bluedorn’s review here:

‘Battle at the Gate’ by Jenny Jenkins

‘Battle at the Gate’ by Jenny Jenkins

Battle at the Gate is a kids history book written about the last battle of the New Zealand wars, the Battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga. It is written by homeschooling mum, Jenny Jenkins, and published by Penguin, and teaches the character qualities of compassion and forgiveness.
In 1869 British warships began landing soldiers in Tauranga, and local Maori built a pa to defend themselves. On April 29th almost 2000 soldiers attacked the pa after it had been shelled all day by heavy artillery. The 200 Maori inside the pa were mostly Christians, having had a resident missionary for about 30 years. They beat back the British charging into the pa, and won the battle.
That night a Maori woman risked her life to take water to a dying British officer.
A poignant story stunningly illustrated by award winning artist, Bruce Potter. Suitable for ages 7 to adult. Great story for Home Educators, Bible in Schools, Sunday School and Good News Clubs.

Save 50% on Henty Classics Library, Plus 3 Books Free!

As I have traveled around New Zealand and in Melbourne recently several people have asked me about good books for boys.  Here is a great set and the free books are fantastic to. You can get a lot of these books at second hand stores, book fairs and garage sales etc.  Or you can get a nice set. If this seems like a huge outlay (it is for me) then why not find a few friends to go in with you to buy a few books. This is what I do and by doing it this way I have been able to collect a few books I have not been able to find at garage sales and book fairs etc.

Save 50% on Henty Classics Library, Plus 3 Books Free!

Henty the Indefatiguable! Best Price in America this Week
on Classic Boys Literature

Dear Friends:

For one week only, Vision Forum is pleased to offer you the best deal in America on one of the most important libraries of classic historical adventure novels in print today — the 20-Vol. Henty Best-Sellers Library!

Two Free Ballantyne Books!

My sons travel with me often. The books one usually finds in my eldest son’s pack include the Bible and a stash of Hentys. As a practical matter, G.A Henty has been a tool of the Lord to cultivate in my sons a ferocious passion for history and to impart to them an amazing retention of the facts of hundreds of key events in history. On dozens, if not hundreds of occasions, the Henty series has afforded me opportunities to engage my teenage sons in rich, meaningful conversations about the greatest events in history, the men behind the events, and the theology which drove those men. Whether the subject was ancient Egypt, the fall of the temple at Jerusalem, the Crusades, or the British colonization of India, the Henty historical fiction novels have been a source of never-ending blessed discussion in our home.

As a home-schooling father, I am deeply grateful for the role Henty has played in the lives of my sons. Henty books are fun, fact-filled, and downright manly. In my view, boys who read Henty are more inclined to love history and to aspire to manliness — two crucial needs in our present generation.

Henty-Inspired Bravery

G.A. Henty helped me survive the campaigns across Europe against Nazi Germany.
—Sgt. Clarence Cluff, Survivor, Juno Beach, D-Day

Two Boys, One Hundred and Forty Hentys!

Vision Forum staff historian Bill Potter interviewed Sgt. Clarence R.Cluff, a home-schooled boy who grew up to be one of the many heroes to hit the beaches fighting on D-1 during the Second World War. Cluff explained that, when the Germans counterattacked, he thought of the heroes from the many G.A. Henty historical fictions he had read — how cool they remained in combat, and how they never panicked. He knew if he kept his head and used common sense, the enemy could be defeated, even when his unit was outnumbered. With this in mind, he made his platoon construct firing slits in the sandbag defenses rather than just pile them up and shoot over the top. When required to only dig one-foot deep slit trenches, he made his men dig three feet. They complained every time about all the extra work, but they “were still around after the battle and many of their comrades who shot over the sandbags or only dug one foot trenches were no longer there.” His command had the lowest casualty rate in the regiment. He proudly declared: “G.A. Henty helped me survive the campaigns across Europe against Nazi Germany.”

Save 50% on 20-Vol. Henty Best-Sellers Library —
Sale Ends October 20th

20-Vol. Best-Sellers Collection

Now through October 26th, Vision Forum is pleased to offer the 20-Vol. Henty Classics Library at the best set price in America: 50% off the regular retail price! Purchase the 20-volume set and pay just $220. (Full retail value is $440 — $22 per book.). Additionally, the full 70-Volume G.A. Henty Library is also available at 50% off — only $770.

Offer good only while supplies last, and is not applicable to mail orders. Sets will ship in 10-12 days. Sale ends at midnight (CDT) on October 26th, CST.

70 Vol. Henty library_large image

Extra Bonus When You Purchase During This Sale!

As an extra bonus, each purchase of the 20-Vol. Henty Best-Sellers Library, or the full 70-Volume G.A. Henty Library, will receive a free Guide to G. A. Henty, and will also receive two free books in the R.M. Ballantyne Adventure Library — The Gorilla Hunters: A Tale of the Wilds of Africa, and The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean. That’s a $54 value!

Offer good only while supplies last. Sets will ship in 10-12 days. Offer ends at midnight (CDT) on October 26th, CST.