Lives in Print

lives_in_print1.jpglives_in_print.jpgby Ava Bluedorn

Now $5.00

36 page Booklet

by Ava Bluedorn & illustrated by Helena Bluedorn
Men who courageously stood for what is right, women who passionately cared for those in need, Christians who sacrificed everything for what they believed, scientists who changed the world with their innovations, everyday mothers who lived extraordinary lives, statesmen who fought for freedom. . . all of these can be found in biographies. Lives in Print reviews over 150 such biographies, giving a summary of each.

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Hand that Rocks the Cradle

rocks_the_cradle1.pngrocks_the_cradle.pngby Nathaniel Bluedorn


36 page Booklet
Good books to read aloud to children
written and illustrated by Nathaniel Bluedorn
mother put together this listbooks to read over the years she and Dad have read to us. My parents tried to feed us a diet of nutritious literature so we would build strong minds and develop a good appetite.
I have included short summaries for most books, and I sorted many of the books under subjects: Pioneers, Family Relationships, Young Hero, Young Heroine, etc.??Nathaniel

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Timechart history of the World

A3 folding book (Unfolds to over 30 feet)

Based on the famous and now very rare Victorian wallchart with much material specially reproduced from the British Library, London.
6,000 years of world history at a glance ??thousands of dates, facts and quotes in chronological sequence. 30 feet of history in a large format fold-out hardcover book (29cmx42cm). A complete overview of every civilization’s history. Starts with Adam and Eve and follows the Biblical chronologies. Nations start from the Tower of Babel and are charted by colourful strands. Watch as strands envelope other stands when nations conquer other nations or watch as strands split into two or more as nations collapse. See visually how powerful and dominant nations such as the Holy Roman Empire were ??just about all other nations were absorbed into the Roman strand! It records the leader of each nation and is right up to date with Helen Clarke as New Zealand’s Prime Minister and George Bush as the President of the USA. Based on Biship Ussher’s chronology.

??We use the TimeChart all the time in our homeschooling. If we are reading the Bible or studying history or talking about an event which took place we open up our TimeChart. It helps us see what we are reading or talking about in context with the flow of history and other historical happenings. We LOVE it! ?? ~Happy Home Educated Child


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Handy English Encoder Decoder

encoderdecoder2.jpgencoderdecoder1.jpgBy Harvy Bluedorn


All the Spelling and Phonics Rules You Could Ever Want to Know 104pages 11x20cm
Take the mystery out of spelling and reading! Is it??their, ????they’re, ?? or??there ??;??accept ?? or??except ??;??advice ?? or??advise ??? What are the five ways the??j ?? sound can be spelled? These questions and more are answered in Trivium Pursuit’s newest book Handy English Encoder Decoder: All the Spelling and Phonics Rules You Could Ever Want to Know by Harvey Bluedorn.
English spelling employs several different and sometimes complex codes and rules for representing sounds. How this all works is a mystery to many people. Encoder Decoder solves this mystery by conveniently arranging these codes and rules in an easy and accessible format.
Students, teachers, writers, and speakers will find the Encoder Decoder handy for looking up any spelling or phonics rule. Encoder Decoder collects in one place what is needed to become a better speller and a more proficient reader.
This one little volume contains:

  • more than 60 categorized spelling rules;
  • over 200 phonics rules;
  • rules for dividing words into syllables;
  • commonly confused spellings and word pairs;
  • spelling and phonics games; and much more.

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Learning Logic at Home

learninglogicathome1.giflearninglogicathome.gifby Nathaniel Bluedorn


34 page bookletSee also

Logic is a mystery subject. No one knows how to teach it. We’ve seen this need among homeschoolers for a long time. We didn’t know enough about how to teach it ourselves, especially in the upper grades.

The lack of self-teaching materials has been the greatest difficulty. Until recently we were only confident in recommending the book we first used to learn logic, Critical Thinking, by Anita Harnadek. We did not know of other materials which were truly self-teaching. But recently, I decided to make an aggressive search for more good logic books. I reviewed all of the logic materials currently available to homeschoolers, including some other texts which I found over the Internet and through recommendations from logic professors.

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