Persecuted & Exiled Swedish Homeschoolers “Walk to Freedom,” Vow to Fight On

Written by Alex Newman

STOCKHOLM – After walking some 120 miles over six days in the “Walk to Freedom” as a protest against Sweden’s controversial new ban on homeschooling, a passionate group of persecuted Swedish homeschoolers and their supporters boarded a ferry to Finland on July 19 in pursuit of educational liberty. The walk, which drew some three dozen participants overall, was aimed at attracting more attention to the unprecedented wave of Swedish political refugees created by the Nordic Kingdom’s draconian education regime.

Starting in the town of Akso, the “Walk to Freedom” began on July 13 following a week-long international homeschooling camp. From there, the activists — and fellow travelers who joined them along the way for shorter segments — marched across towns in Sweden. Along the way, they were chatting with people, handing out flyers with information on homeschooling, and drawing attention to the fact that so many families have been forced to flee the country.

“We’re doing it because the Swedish government created a law which is creating refugees — perfectly good, functioning families are having to leave the country just because they want to take the responsibility to educate their own children,” Jake Clay, one of the main organizers behind the walk, told The New American in an interview. “It’s an embarrassment to Sweden — it’s crazy, it’s shocking, it’s really sad as well. The government is forcing people out of the country.”

The controversy over homeschooling in Sweden erupted into an international scandal in 2010 when Parliament passed a law purporting to ban home education while forcing all “private” schools to teach the government curriculum. Of course, the estimated 50 to 100 families educating their children at home fought hard to stop it. But in the end, despite a global outcry, lawmakers went ahead with the scheme anyway — and Sweden became the first Western nation since National Socialist (Nazi) Germany to outlaw home education.

Swedish homeschoolers, however, refused to surrender. Since the law went into effect last year, dozens of homeschooling families have been forced into political exile. Many of the refugees moved a few hours away by boat to the self-governing, Swedish-speaking Aland Islands in the Baltic Sea. The territory is technically part of Finland, which guarantees the right of parents to direct the education of their children in its Constitution…Read more here…


From the Smiths:

Updated  8 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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Homeschoolers stage march to exile

Families on 100-mile walk to highlight plight of parents under attack


Dozens of Swedish home educators from will walk 100 miles from the town of Asko to Stockholm then board a ferry to the nearby Aland Islands, a self-governing territory controlled by Finland, to highlight the plight of homeschool families under persecution in Sweden.

The plan was announced on a Facebook page.

A spokesman for a leading international advocate for education freedom and homeschooling said many families already have fled Sweden because of the crackdown on rights.

“Families should not have to choose between love for their children and love for their homeland,” said Michael Donnelly, director of international relations for the Home School Legal Defense Association.

“The situation in Sweden went from bad to worse after the new education law passed in June 2010, and dozens of families have fled in the past two years,” he said. “We call upon Swedish officials to recognize the right of parents to direct the education of their children, explicitly protected in fundamental human rights documents.”

The protest march will include a walk for six days, July 13-19, from Asko to Stockholm, before marchers will take a boat to the Aland Islands.

Read more here

Here is the promotional vid! check it out don’t hesitate to share it if you like it
Walk To Freedom HD

A short video raising awareness of the current home schooling situation in Sweden. It explains what is happening and about a short walk people


From the Smiths:

Updated  8 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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Third anniversary of Domenic Johansson’s removal from the plane and his parents

From Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Domenic Johansson’s lawyer:


A thriving Dominic is shown in a passport photograph, left, just before he was taken into custody by Swedish social-services agents. The right photo, obtained by the Dominic Johansson website, shows a “not-so-thriving Dominic” some months after he was forcibly placed in the Swedish foster-care system.

Yesterday, June 25, 2012, was the third anniversary of Domenic Johansson’s removal from the plane on which he and his parents were sitting, waiting to leave Sweden for India to start a new life. Swedish social authorities and the police violated Domenic’s and his family members’ basic human rights guaranteed in the European Convention Additional Protocol 4 Article 2:2, which guarantees: “Everyone is free to leave any country including his own”. Yet they were prevented from leaving Sweden.

It is of great importance that the world should learn about the terrible crimes that are being committed against children and their families in Sweden – which totally undeservingly enjoys the reputation of being the bastion for justice and protection for Human Rights around the world!

Please check out this link for more information:


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 June 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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Sweden: Parents of Boy Seized by State Hopeful after Favorable Court Ruling

In a major breakthrough, a Swedish district court has ruled that the parental rights of Annie and Christer Johansson will not be terminated. In its 23-page detailed opinion, the court stated it could not ignore the unanimous and extensive testimony of firsthand accounts of friends, family and others that Dominic Johansson was being properly cared for by his parents prior to Swedish authorities seizing him on June 26, 2009.

The boy and his parents were on board a jetliner minutes from departing Sweden for Annie’s home country of India when Dominic was seized. Authorities justified the taking by pointing to the fact that Dominic was homeschooled. Since then, the family has pursued numerous court actions only to lose in all of them until now.

Ruby Harrold-Claesson, the attorney in the case, said this was a huge development.

“I am absolutely elated!” Claesson said. “This family has suffered horribly for three years at the hands of these Swedish officials. There has not been any justice from the Swedish court system—until now. The social workers and authorities in Gotland have made this family’s life a nightmare for no good reason. I am very pleased that the district court finally saw through the flimsy case and has ruled solidly in favor of the Johanssons.”

HSLDA Attorney and Director of International Relations Michael Donnelly has been following the case closely. He noted the decision with…READ MORE

Contact Swedish Officials

Please contact the officials below to insist they return Dominic (above) to his family immediately in light of this latest court ruling.

Swedish Social Services Committee
Gotlands Kommun
621 81 Visby

The social workers

The social workers’ supervisors

To follow the Domenic and his family go to this website:


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 June 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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An in depth radio interview with Chris Johansson regarding the abduction of his son

An in depth radio interview with Chris Johansson regarding the abduction of his son.

Red Ice Radio


From the Smiths:

Updated 30 March 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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