Homeschool in Italy is in Danger

From home educators in Italy:


Homeschooling in Italy is still small but it is already facing the danger of annual compulsory exams.
On the link below you will find all details about the new law and ways to help the Italian homescholing families.
Thank you,
From the link:


Dear homeschooler friends,

The Italian Parliament has recently approved an Act (no.384 “Buona Scuola”) stating that the fulfilment of the duty of Education by the parents must be proved through annual school exams. Up until today our regulamentation protected the freedom of teaching and families that chose this path simply had to notify the school officials on a yearly basis.

At present the Ministry is drawing up the final version of this Act that would lead home-ed families toward the same standardized and levelled situation that is already badly affecting the Italian school system.

It is now time to join our forces to lobby the Ministry for the removal of any references to home education from the Act no.384 or, at least, for their compliance with the current regulations.

Members of Parliament and Senate from different political groups are supporting us, as they perfectly understand that this Act from “Buona Scuola” set of rules is highly unconstitutional.

Ask your families and friends to raise their voices against this Act.
Join us and sign the following letter that will be sent to the Italian Ministry of Education and her staff.

Please personalize this letter with your name and Country of residence.

Thanks for your support from all the fellow Italian Home Educating families!

Click here to send the email>

It the button doesn’t work copy and paste the text in the link below

Please go to:


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Beautiful Home Educated Emma and her family need our help

A Home Educating family needs our help

Givealittle page has been set up for one of our home educating families. Some of you know the Taylors, others might only just be meeting them via the information on the Givealittle page. Angela and her daughter Emma have touched so many lives in a very positive way during their CF journey. Hopefully you are able to give, even just a little bit at this time. Thank you!

Main image

At 5pm on the 22nd March, Emma and her family received the call that Emma was going to be urgently flown to Auckland for a lung transplant. A beautiful gift. At 6.30 Emma and her mum Angela were on the life flight from Nelson to Auckland. On the 23rd March at midnight, Emma was taken into surgery for a the life saving operation of a lung transplant.

Emma is only 18 years old and has a chronic health condition called Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects mainly the lungs, pancreas ,liver, kidneys and intestine. Emma was diagnosed at the age of 8 days old. Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening disease.

Emma has had to receive a lung transplant as her lungs were no longer able to support her body due to the vast complications that Cystic Fibrosis brings.

Sadly for Emma and her family, they have already had to endure the pain of the disease with loosing a much loved daughter and sister to Cystic Fibrosis. Their much loved Joey (Johanna Louise) sadly passed away at the age of only 9 years old. Joey was a vibrant, cheeky and determined young lady who touched many many lives but sadly lost the terrible battle to Cystic Fibrosis.

Emma has been blessed to receive this opportunity of a new set of lungs but is fighting for her life. Emma’s dad Warwick and brothers and sisters, Logan, Josh, Jett, Jordyn, Annah, Josiah and Israel were unable to be there for the initial transplant surgery but hope to be able to take turns to travel to Auckland to support Emma soon.

For Emma and her family the ongoing emotional, physical and financial costs of Cystic Fibrosis are huge, but through all of this, Emma and her family bravely continue to fight and be graceful, kind and extremely humble people.

But now more than ever Emma and her family need our support. If you are thinking ‘I wish I could help’ or ‘How can I help’, please contribute to this families future.

This is wonderful support for Emma and her family in this especially difficult time of need.

Funds will be used to assist Emma and her family with the ongoing costs involved with having a lung transplant and fighting Cystic Fibrosis. Funds to help get all the family to Auckland to be with Emma and mum Angela. Funds to help get a car to assist mum and dad get around while they are in Auckland, Funds to help with ongoing medical treatments, living costs and day to day costs if Dad is unable to work.


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Create1World Competition 2017

Create1World Competition 2017

Massey University invites high school students in years 9 to 13 to enter the Create1World 2017 competition.

The competition requires you to use your creativity to create an art piece that encourages audiences to join together as a global community and solve some of the big problems we face as a planet.

Media studies category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Produce either a layered narrative film (3 minutes or longer) OR a researched film documentary (4 minutes or longer) that responds to ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.

Drama category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Devise and perform a short drama (6 to 10 minutes) that responds to ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.

Creative writing category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Produce a crafted and controlled piece of creative writing in the genre of either poetry or short story that responds to ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.

 Music category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Compose and record an original song (1 to 3 minutes long) that responds to ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.

Visual arts category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Use art-making conventions to produce an image or object that responds to ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.

Social studies category

  • $200 first prize, $100 second prize, $50 third prize.
  • Provide creative documentary evidence (using creative non-fiction writing, visual imagery or a multimedia output, 6 to 10 minutes) of an original social studies project you have developed (individually or in a team) that implements ideas of creative activism and global citizenship.



Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


New One-School Policy: China Bans Homeschooling–HSLDA Weekly

From the HSLDA

China's New One-School Policy

New One-School Policy

Enough Chinese parents have turned to homeschooling to make the movement a concern for the national government.

Mike DonnellyMIKE DONNELLEY HSLDA Director of Global Outreach

In February, the General Office of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China issued its first statement officially condemning homeschooling. It also warned parents that the practice is forbidden.

The statement follows a related decision by the Communist Party’s Central Committee in December, when it mandated that education must include ideological teachings on socialism, and that these teachings must be incorporated in the national curriculum. As reported in the South China Morning Post, this ideology must “cover all schools and those receiving education,” leaving no room for homeschoolers to escape the socialist worldview.

China’s 1986 Compulsory Education Law mandates nine years of education for all children at registered schools. But for many years, official oversight and legal loopholes have allowed parents to opt out of the public school system.

This leniency has apparently ended.

The government’s February policy states that “[Students] should not be allowed to study at home to replace the national unified implementation of compulsory education.” New restrictions requiring province-level approval for only certain excuses, such as health reasons, will now be imposed on any parents who want to homeschool.

“This is the first time the Chinese government has come out in public to speak against home education,” a local homeschool leader told HSLDA.

A Step Backward for Educational Freedom

The 21st Century Education Research website puts China’s homeschooling numbers at 20,000 children—a tiny group within the country’s population of over 1.3 billion.

But the Chinese regime increasingly seems to view these children as a threat, since they are not being indoctrinated in the state schools six-plus days a week. The research study noted that nearly 54% of homeschooling parents in China state that they disagree with the education philosophy taught in the public schools, and want to teach from a different perspective.

This new and more aggressive policy has apparently been in the works for some months, as local homeschoolers have witnessed increasing hostility.

Homeschool children already face the disadvantage of not being permitted to take the National College Entrance Examination. Without passing this exam it is very difficult for Chinese citizens to gain access to employment. Some have taken to studying abroad or transferring to a foreign university which may be the only option left for homeschool students looking at higher education.

Saying “No” To China’s Homeschooling Ban

It remains to be seen whether or not officials will actually enforce a crackdown on home education. In the meantime, parents and educators remain understandably fearful of this new, anti-homeschooling rhetoric from the Chinese government.

China’s renewed repression of Christian churches and other religious groups has been an ongoing source of concern for human rights advocates. These actions show that the regime is more than capable of taking brutal measures to prevent home education from flourishing.

China has signed numerous international human rights treaties that affirm the rights of parents and children to access home education. Homeschooling is a fundamental right of all families, regardless of the country they live in. HSLDA will be working to encourage the Chinese government to respect these rights, including the rights of parents to homeschool their children, as documented in the Rio Principles and Berlin Declaration.

HSLDA remains committed to standing by and fighting for the human rights of its courageous families in China and in other places like Germany, Cuba and Sweden which do not respect these rights.


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Other Resources

HSLDA’s China homepage
HSLDA’s Germany homepage
HSLDA’s Sweden homepage


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Kiwi Vicki Wilson takes out prestigious colt starting world title worth $100,000 in Kentucky

Former NZ Unschooled student has just won The most prestigious colt training competition in the world.

It’s a reminder to us all … let our children follow their passion!

Vicki Wilson has claimed the World Championship of Colt starting.

Vicki Wilson has claimed the World Championship of Colt starting.

 A shoulder injury hasn’t stopped Northland’s Vicki Wilson from leaving her mark on the Road to the Horse event as she took out the $100,000 colt starting competition in Kentucky, USA.

Wilson, of Keeping up with the Kaimanawas fame, sustained a dislocated shoulder early on in the four-day competition, but soldiered on to ride her horse, named Kentucky, to beat four other hopefuls and walk away with the World Championship of Colt Starting title.

For the competition, competitors were given three hours to tame a horse that has run untouched for three years before putting it through its paces through various equestrian disciplines.

“It wasn’t something I ever dreamed I could do,” Wilson said after the event.

“To be able to come here to American, to Kentucky, and to walk into that grandstand with Kentucky, that horse, and to be able to pull off what we did today, that was amazing.”

After given their time to tame the horses, the riders were expected to take them through various obstacles, and Wilson said Kentucky’s trying attitude rewarded her on the final day.

“I want my horse to love everything that he does and yesterday he overcame a few things. He was scared of a lot of things but by the time we left that round pen I think he’d conquered a few things.”

Wilson said while her shoulder was causing her some issues, with her arm in a sling on the final day, while she was competing the thrill of being there and the atmosphere of the arena took her mind off it.

“It was worth every part of it – he didn’t quit, I didn’t quit and that’s what cowgirls are all about.”

Wilson was so happy with the partnership she had built with her horse in such a short time that she decided to purchase him and planned to work with him as a show pony.

“Kentucky’s coming back to New Zealand. It’s a bit of a trip for him but I think he deserves it.”

Read more here:


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:
