New to homeschooling? Get your free ticket to this online event and learn how to homeschool with ease, fun and joy!

By now you’re probably familiar with if not exhausted by the consequences of this global pandemic.

But instead of dwelling on the pain, sacrifice, and uncertainty, let’s dive into how we can use this time to transform our life, our family, the educational system, and find opportunity in the fog.

As the great adage says: “Opportunities are often built during uncertain times”.

That is why I’m excited to share exactly that at the upcoming Homeschooling Online Conference. 50+ homeschooling experts and parents, myself included will go deep into how to homeschool with EASE, FUN and JOY!


Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover inside the Homeschooling Playbook:

What the Homeschooling Conference is and who is it for
Daily Homeschooling Conference Schedule broken down into theme days
Day 1: Homeschooling Foundation
Day 2: Homeschooling Methodologies
Day 3: Homeschooling Curriculum
Day 4: Homeschooling Communities
Day 5: Homeschooling Learning Platforms
Day 6: Homeschooling in Different Countries
Day 7: Homeschooling Inspiring Stories
The Top Homeschooling Tips from 51 Homeschooling Experts and Parents
How To Make The Most Of the Homeschooling Online Conference
Plus many many more!
Grab your playbook right now and you’ll automatically get a ticket to the Homeschooling Conference where you will meet those experts live!


P.S. Get your 2020 Homeschooling Playbook to discover how to homeschool with ease, fun and joy! GRAB YOUR COPY HERE NOW!

Free Online International Home Schooling Conference 13-19 July 2020

Has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your family life and found yourself accidentally homeschooling?

We can’t deny that this crisis has affected so many lives in one way, shape, or form. Some are better prepared than others, while some are struggling to keep afloat.

Things changed quickly in the educational world. And if you find yourself in any of the spectrum, take comfort in the fact that there is hope and we’ll weather this storm.

That is why I’m excited to be part of the 2020 Homeschooling Playbook, where 50+ experts including myself reveal the top strategies on how to homeschool with ease, fun and joy!

This colorful Playbook is loaded with tons of valuable information and serves as your GUIDE when you attend the Homeschooling Conference.


Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover inside the Homeschooling Playbook:

What the Homeschooling Conference is and who is it for
Daily Homeschooling Conference Schedule broken down into theme days
Day 1: Homeschooling Foundation
Day 2: Homeschooling Methodologies
Day 3: Homeschooling Curriculum
Day 4: Homeschooling Communities
Day 5: Homeschooling Learning Platforms
Day 6: Homeschooling in Different Countries
Day 7: Homeschooling Inspiring Stories
The Top Homeschooling Tips from 51 Homeschooling Experts and Parents
How To Make The Most Of the Homeschooling Online Conference
Plus many many more!
Grab your playbook right now and you’ll automatically get a ticket to the Homeschooling Conference where you will meet those experts live!


The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling

Early America had widespread literacy and a vibrant culture of learning.

Parents the world over are dealing with massive adjustments in their children’s education that they could not have anticipated just three months ago. To one degree or another, pandemic-induced school closures are creating the “mass homeschooling” that FEE’s senior education fellow Kerry McDonald predicted two months ago. Who knows, with millions of youngsters absent from government school classrooms, maybe education will become as good as it was before the government ever got involved.

“What?” you exclaim! “Wasn’t education lousy or non-existent before government mandated it, provided it, and subsidized it? That’s what my government schoolteachers assured me so it must be true,” you say!

The fact is, at least in early America, education was better and more widespread than most people today realize or were ever told. Sometimes it wasn’t “book learning” but it was functional and built for the world most young people confronted at the time. Even without laptops and swimming pools, and on a fraction of what government schools spend today, Americans were a surprisingly learned people in our first hundred years.

I was reminded a few days ago of the amazing achievements of early American education while reading the enthralling book by bestselling author Stephen Mansfield, Lincoln’s Battle With God: A President’s Struggle With Faith and What It Meant for America. It traces the spiritual journey of America’s 16th president—from fiery atheist to one whose last words to his wife on that tragic evening at Ford’s Theater were a promise to “visit the Holy Land and see those places hallowed by the footsteps of the Savior.”

In a moment, I’ll cite a revealing, extended passage from Mansfield’s book but first, I’d like to offer some excellent, related works that come mostly from FEE’s own archives.

In 1983, Robert A. Peterson’s “Education in Colonial America” revealed some stunning facts and figures. “The Federalist Papers, which are seldom read or understood today… the rest of the article here:

Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
Information on getting started:
Information on getting an exemption:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online:

‘Worldviews in Conflict: Christianity vs Humanism’

An email from Renton Maclachlan


I thought you may be interested in my new 13 part video series:

‘Worldviews in Conflict: Christianity vs Humanism’.

It looks at what a worldview is, how we got the one we have, and the fact the Bible presents to us a worldview. It then addresses in a very accessible way the Biblical and Humanistic worldviews. At every opportunity the series utilises animated graphics, videos, and images, to illustrate the spoken word.

Below is a link to its dedicated website:

The website has a number of short preview clips from the series. The individual episodes vary in length with the total viewing time of the series being 5.5 hours. 

There are two options for purchase….one download only, and the other download plus the series on an attractive credit card size Flash Drive.

Extras on the site include a variety of articles illustrating a Biblical worldview approach to various subjects.

The series is suitable for personal, and group study. On the website under ‘Resources’ are some suggestions on how it could be used.

I would appreciate it if you could pass this email on to all and sundry, especially any who you think may be interested.

All the best

Renton Maclachlan

Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
Information on getting started:
Information on getting an exemption:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online:

Information on U.E/tertiary options for home educated students needed

From Cynthia Hancox:

Do you have a child who has gained entry to University (or Polytech) in the last 3 or so years, or struggled to do so? I need your help….(please share with regional groups)
I’m planning to write up current information on U.E/tertiary options for homeschool students. Things have changed quite a bit in the last few years, with entry to uni and in some cases polytechs becoming tougher, at least on the face of it. I would love to hear from anyone who is willing to share:
*What uni/polytech their child gained entry to
*What degree or program of study they entered
*How old they were, and in what year they gained entry
*How they gained entry – what qualification or other options were used to meet entry requirements?

If your child could NOT gain entrance to their choice of tertiary program, I’d like to hear about your experiences too.

If you could please send this information to me via my Contact page, it would be greatly appreciated.

Your information will be used to inform me as I check current options and write them up. No personal stories or information will be shared, unless I have your express permission to do so and it is relevant to what I write up. Data may be collated and shared as totals – eg X number of homeschool students gained entry via Y out of those responding.

Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
Information on getting started:
Information on getting an exemption:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online: