The Culture Wars (DVD)

The Culture Wars (DVD)


Format: DVD (55 minutes)
Age Range: Great for the Entire Family

Christians are engaged in a culture war, and the stakes are high. At issue is whether we will stand by our faith or be undermined. In this powerful message, Dr. Voddie Baucham demonstrates how academia and the media elite have sought to impose an intolerant “tolerance,” religious relativism, and philosophical pluralism as the three-pronged sacred dogma to which Christians must yield—or face persecution and scorn. Using Peter’s and John’s confrontation before the Sanhedrin as his text, Dr. Baucham offers a biblical blueprint for how Christians who are caught in the cross-fire can effectively proclaim Christ to those who seek to marginalize their faith. His charge: “Lifestyle evangelism” is not enough—we must speak the truth with boldness.

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The Adventure of Missionary Heroism

The Adventure of Missionary Heroism

Authors: John C. Lambert and Joshua M. Wean
Format: Hardback (374 pages)

I think there are also a lot of parents who want to expose their children to the stories of missionaries. We’ve come across a book called The Adventures of Missionary Heroism. This is a hardback story book that includes a number of compelling accounts. These are great stories of men and women who risked it all to bring the good news of Jesus to other people. This would be a great book for parents to read aloud to younger children or you could assign this book to your older readers and have them read a chapter or a different story each week. This would be great summer time reading or great for family worship. —Bob Lepine of FamilyLife Today

Among the annals of missionary service around the world are countless true stories of intrepid men and women who are little known today but who endured innumerable dangers, toils, tragedies, and triumphs for the sake of the Gospel. These are not make-believe narratives or fictional tales, but stirring adventures of godly men and women braving wild animals, shipwrecks, and savage natives — all for the sake of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Welcome to The Adventure of Missionary Heroism! Originally published in 1907, this book will become a favorite family read-aloud as you discover thrilling accounts of missionaries facing hardship with courage and unwavering faith in their Lord while they explore new lands and share the Gospel with fierce pagans.

Travel with Dr. Chamberlain on his medical journeys through the jungles of India as he outwits tigers and serpents, or live with Stephen and Mary Riggs as they labor among the Sioux Indians. Follow Alexander Mackay through his extraordinary efforts in darkest Africa, or set sail with the intrepid James “Tamate” Chalmers and stand bravely by his side among the headhunters of New Guinea. May the stories of those who have gone before and been found worthy of eternal glory inspire Christians, young and old alike, to give their all for Christ. Certain to fascinate old and young readers alike!

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Rebuilding a Culture of Virtuous Boyhood (CD)

Rebuilding a Culture of Virtuous Boyhood (CD)

Author: Douglas W. Phillips
Format: Audio CD (74 minutes)
Age Range: Great for the Entire Family

Twenty-first century Christian boys have much to learn from boys of the past. Issues of courtesy to women, sacrifice, and vision are critical to raising modern boys. Our goal must be to move beyond the pretty platitudes and to aspire to rebuilding an entire culture of virtuous boyhood, such that every aspect of a young man’s life is preparation for chivalrous leadership in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Discipline: The Biblical Doctrine (CD)

Discipline: The Biblical Doctrine (CD)

Author: Jeff Pollard
Format: Audio CD (53 minutes)

God has given the rod to the family, the sword to the state, and the keys to the church. Each symbol of authority reminds Christians that we are to live governed and orderly lives under the law of God. Regretfully, though many Christians will accept the authority of parents and the state, the same Christians bristle at the thought that the local church must use discipline both to protect the flock and to drive unrepentant or false professors of the faith to Christ. Godly discipline is an act of love. No church can claim to be a biblical assembly if it rejects the doctrine and practice of discipline.

In this thought-provoking message, Jeff Pollard (author of Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America) addresses the necessity of, priority for, and proper administration of church discipline.

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True Beauty: Cultivating Christ-Centered Father-Daughter Relationships (8 CDs)


True Beauty: Cultivating Christ-Centered Father-Daughter Relationships (8 CDs)

Format: Audio CD (475 minutes)


God’s Word speaks volumes to the relationship between fathers and daughters. One of his most sacred duties is her protection and preservation from childhood to virtuous womanhood. In these powerful messages given at the 2008 Father and Daughter Discipleship Retreat, speakers Doug Phillips, Scott Brown, Geoffrey Botkin and daughters Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin illustrate elements of this important priority as they explore such topics as how to build the father-daughter bond, true feminine beauty, the Proverbs 31 woman, how to transition from beautiful girlhood to noble womanhood, and how to prepare daughters for marriage. Other highlights include a look at examples of godly, dominion-oriented womanhood from the young pioneer girls of the nineteenth century, as well as the special importance of the thirteenth year in a girl’s life.

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