How to Have the Perfect Home School and Other Myths

Mar 7, 2014

By Tracy Klicka

I never wanted to have a perfect home school. I’ve never wanted to be perfect at anything actually. It’s not that I don’t work hard or don’t set high standards. I do confess, regular exercise has never come easy to me, and my home has probably never been spotless (how do we EVER do that when we and our children live in our home 24/7 anyway?!)

I have spent countless hours, however, organizing our home, divvying up chores among my children, and then planning our curriculum out in each summer for the next entire school year. Our days were always full—busy with training, follow-through, teaching, spending time reading to my kids and teaching them life skills.

Each school day we had time for independent reading, time for creativity, time to develop personal interests, and time to play outdoors and get exercise. We started our school day doing devotions—reading the Bible and often a character story, singing hymns, and praying together.

With seven children, I covered all the basic school subjects and some extra ones too. I love living books, hands-on math, and fun field trips that cement concepts we’re learning in school. Surely, though not perfect, I should have felt confident that I was doing enough, right?

The fact is I always wondered if my kids were missing something. Oh, not in the area of academics, however, nor in the area of life skills. No, I wondered often if I was giving them enough of myself. I’ve spent almost 24/7 with my kids when most moms send their kids off to school for several hours a day.

I’ve always enjoyed running my household of nine, even though it took a lot of this mama’s time trying to keep up with the constant daily needs—don’t we feel often like we get done making one meal and it it’s time to start the next one? And then there’s laundry…mountains of laundry!

Then there’s the cleaning, fixing and replacing the stuff of our home life. That TO DO list never got completely checked off! That’s all beside our school time…several hours each weekday. My head would hit the pillow each night, and after my husband’s prayer and a kiss I’d be out like a light, only to repeat it all again the next day.

Some years into our homeschooling, my husband Chris was diagnosed with progressive MS. That changed everything and added a huge dimension of responsibility and care I thought my plate was already too full for. I realized, more than ever before, that our home school experience would never be what I had hoped and dreamed it would be. I stared directly at my finiteness in the mirror every day.

Before my feet ever touched the ground getting out of bed each morning, I knew I was at the end of my rope! Find out how Tracy kept going and why she can say “Enjoy the journey…there’s no place like home”  here…


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started:


Information on getting an exemption:

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Evaluating your Marriage

Alright, husbands and wives. It's time for some marital homework.</p><br />
<p>Set aside some quality time and go through this 22-part questionnaire to evaluate your marriage:
Alright, husbands and wives. It’s time for some marital homework.Set aside some quality time and go through this 22-part questionnaire to evaluate your marriage:


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Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started:


Information on getting an exemption:

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:

NZ statistics: beyond homeschooling

So you were homeschooled. What do you think of that now, looking back? You can still have your say, but be quick… I am writing this up in the New Year so you have this week to complete the survey.
 Hi Guys, I am a homeschooling Mum of seven from Waipara, North Canterbury. We have been homeschooling for 25 years (only 6 more to go!). I am a foundation member of Canterbury Home Educators.
I am keen to generate some NZ statistics, and to find out what all our homeschooling children are doing now as adults. It would be great to have some quantitative “results” to share with parents who are contemplating the risk of homeschooling, to counter the worries of grandparents and to challenge statements made by education professionals.
Eventually, (say by mid 2013), I plan to write up the results and make them available to homeschool groups and anyone else who is interested. If you would like a copy of the results email me at with “beyond homeschooling” in the subject line.
The only requirement for this survey is that you have been homeschooled in NZ for at least one year, and have now finished your  secondary education.
Thank you so much to Oliver Fisher, for putting this on line, and Michael Redepenning, for coaching me on the editing process.
Thanks also to Brian. D. Ray, Ph D, who gave me permission to use his questions from “Home Educated and Now Adult”, 2004.
Please pass on this info to eligible folk you are in contact with.
sincerely Jenny Barkley.
There has been a fantastic response to this survey but Jenny doesn’t want to miss out on anyone who would like to be a part of it. So the survey is open for another week. Please fill the survey out today or if you, or your children have filled out the survey already please encourage your friends to fill it out. Thankyou.

From the Smiths:

Updated 19 December 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational:


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds

Rainbow Resource would like your opinion

From Rainbow Resource:

We’d like your opinion!

Here at Rainbow we are always trying to think out of the box. One of the discussions that always comes up when rethinking what we do is “how important IS the print catalog?” When I first started here it was less than one inch thick; it has now tripled in size and contains quite a bit of information on all of our 40,000+ products. As the catalog grows, it becomes more expensive to print, more expensive to mail … all in all, a costly endeavor! While we want to continue to provide you with some of the best information AND best prices, we are exploring alternatives. One of these is sending customers a PDF catalog on CD. Before you recoil at the idea, keep in mind there have been several advancements in PDF technology that has led our customer service to use the PDF catalog exclusively. These include the ease of searching and the overall improved stability of using PDFs on a PC. The latest feature in Adobe X actually lets you “sticky note” pages with notes to yourself! As most of our staff use the PDF version exclusively, we would love to make this a compelling option for our customers. However, before we make any moves we would love to get your feedback. Would you be willing to try to use a PDF catalog this coming year? How important is the entire printed catalog to you? Are there parts of the catalog you can do without? Send us your feedback at, we would love to hear from you.

-Steve Listwan

The print copy of the Rainbow catalogue will be coming out late June or early July.

Visit Rainbow’s website as soon as they post the 2012 version in early June.


Head to Rainbow’s catalog request form anytime to request a PDF copy on CD. CDs will begin mailing in early June.

CDs will be the best option for those of us living outside of the USA – much cheaper postage.


From the Smiths:

Updated 22 May 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational:

Home School Heartbeat: Raising Real Men

If your home is full of noise, energy, dirt, and adventure, you’ve probably got boys! So what do you do with them? Hal and Melanie Young say, raise real men! Parents of six boys and two girls, Hal and Melanie join Mike Smith to discuss how to encourage manliness and appreciate the virtues on your sons. Read more >>

Program Listing:

Click on a program title to listen online and read a transcript

5/21 What a Guy!
5/22 Aggressive Courage
5/23 Cultivating Manly Chivalry
5/24 Gotta Learn Somehow!
5/25 When a Man’s a Man…

Raising Real Men


From the Smiths:

Updated 22 May 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational: