Home Education Foundation’s email to Peter Dunne

22 March 2013

The Hon Peter Dunne

Parliament Office
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings

peter.dunne@parliament.govt.nz, ohariu.mp@parliament.govt.nz

Dear Sir,

Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

We are writing on behalf of the parents across New Zealand who have contacted us with fears that the Social Security Amendment Bill will destroy their freedom to make choices in the best interest of their children.

We agree that welfare needs reform, that it needs to be a “hand up rather than a hand-out”.

Unfortunately, National have smuggled social obligations into this Bill which will harm families and give the government the right to choose the most appropriate provider of pre-school education for children. We are very concerned about this for two basic reasons.

First, it will limit beneficaries’ choices about their children and give the government control over preschool education for beneficiaries. It will cause stress and hardship for people already in a bad situation, and prevent parents from fulfilling their role as the first teachers of their children in a way that is appropriate to their own family situation.

Second, giving the government control over preschool education for beneficiaries is prima facie discrimination according to the submission of the New Zealand Law Society. According to the Law Society, if you insist on government control of preschool education for beneficiaries, you must insist on government control of preschool education for everyone. Our concern is not only for the many beneficiary families whom this legislation will force to make choices against their better judgement, but also for all New Zealand families if this government intervention becomes normative.

According to the United Future website, the guiding principles of the party include self-reliance, personal responsibility, and independence. We applaud United Future for taking this stand, and we are writing to you today to ask you to uphold this stand.

Parents have the responsibility to make decisions about their children’s education. Government intervention in this area is unnecessary: the voluntary early childhood education attendance rate is 90% among 3-year-olds and 95% among 4-year-olds. Many of the remaining percentage do not attend ECE either because there is no appropriate provider in their area, or because their parents passionately believe in providing quality ECE in their own homes.

The parents of these children should not need government permission to continue teaching their children in the way most appropriate to them and their family.

We understand that the welfare system needs reform. But it should not be at the expense of liberty. True reform will give people more responsibility, not make them more dependent on government approval and direction.

At the Third Reading of this Bill, parents all over New Zealand will be looking to United Future to stand up for the principles of individual responsibility and parental choice in education.

On behalf of these parents, we ask you to vote against the Bill at its Third Reading if it contains the Social and Work Obligations and Sanctions.

Yours faithfully,

The Home Education Foundation of New Zealand


Barbara Smith

National Director

In 1877 New Zealanders lost the freedom to educate our children at home without applying for permission. Our forefathers let us down by not standing up for their rights.

In 2013, will we be the generation that begins to lose the freedom to preschool our own children, to make our own decisions about health care, or to invest our time in our families above a job?

We say NO

Let us protect the children of Beneficiaries

Because this could extend to ALL children

if this passes



Please feel free to repost, forward or pass on  this email

Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


Related Links:


From the Smiths:


Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




This link is motivational: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: https://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013-2/


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill


Home Education Foundation’s email to John Banks

22 March 2013

The Hon John Banks

Parliament Office
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings

johnbanks.epsom@parliament.govt.nz, john.banks@act.org.nz

Dear Sir,

Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

We are writing on behalf of the parents across New Zealand who have contacted us with fears that the Social Security Amendment Bill will destroy their freedom to make choices in the best interest of their children.

We had the privilege of reading your speech on behalf of the Bill at its first reading and were impressed to see you address some of the less popular truths about welfare. We couldn’t agree more that welfare needs reform, cutting back, and restoring to a small-community setting.

Unfortunately, National have seen fit to smuggle social obligations into the bill which will extend the government’s control over the choices of parents about their children’s education. We are very concerned about this for two basic reasons.

First, it will limit beneficaries’ choices about their children and give the government control over preschool education for beneficiaries. It will cause stress and hardship for people already in a bad situation, and it will give the government power it should not have to make decisions for other people’s families.

Second, giving the government control over preschool education for beneficiaries is prima facie discrimination according to the submission of the New Zealand Law Society. According to the Law Society, if you insist on government control of preschool education for beneficiaries, you must insist on government control of preschool education for everyone. Our concern is not simply for the many beneficiary families whom this legislation will force to make choices against their better judgement, but also for all New Zealand families if this government intervention becomes normative.

According to the ACT Party website, the guiding principle of the party is that individuals are the rightful owners of their lives and the proper purpose of government is to protect their rights without assuming their responsibilities. We applaud the ACT Party for taking this stand, and we are writing to you today to ask you to uphold this stand.

Parents have the responsibility to make decisions about their children’s education. Government intervention in this area is not a practical necessity: the voluntary early childhood education attendance rate is 90% among 3-year-olds and 95% among 4-year-olds. Many of the remaining percentage do not attend ECE either because there is no appropriate provider in their area, or because their parents passionately believe in providing quality ECE in their own homes.

The parents of these children should not need government permission to continue caring for their children in the way they see fit.

We understand that the welfare system needs reform. But it should not be at the expense of liberty. True reform will give people more responsibility, not make them more dependent on government approval and direction.

At the Third Reading of this Bill, parents all over New Zealand will be looking to the ACT Party to stand up for the principles of individual responsibility, parental choice in education, and limited government.

On behalf of these parents, we ask you to vote against the Bill at its Third Reading if it contains the Social and Work Obligations and Sanctions.

Yours faithfully,

The Home Education Foundation of New Zealand


Barbara Smith

National Director

In 1877 New Zealanders lost the freedom to educate our children at home without applying for permission. Our forefathers let us down by not standing up for their rights.

In 2013, will we be the generation that begins to lose the freedom to preschool our own children, to make our own decisions about health care, or to invest our time in our families above a job?

We say NO

Let us protect the children of Beneficiaries

Because this could extend to ALL children

if this passes



Please feel free to repost, forward or pass on  this email

Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


Related Links:


From the Smiths:


Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




This link is motivational: http://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: https://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013-2/


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill


Media Release 23 – Social Security Bill Passes Second Reading

March 22, 2013

Palmerston North, NZ – Minister for Social Development Paula Bennet’s Social Security Bill passed its second reading on Wednesday by a narrow one-vote margin and will soon progress to a third reading vote. While amendments to the Bill have made some concessions to parental choice in education, says Home Education Foundation director Barbara Smith, the social obligations contained in it will still put unacceptable restrictions on parental choice in health and education.

In her Second Reading speech, Ms Bennet stated that certain approved home-based early childhood programmes will be available to parents who prefer their preschoolers to remain at home under the amended Bill.

“This is about parental choices and decision-making,” says Mrs Smith. “Parents have the right to make decisions about where, and how, their children will be educated, with or without an approved programme. Restricting those choices for beneficiaries makes it clear that the government wants this right for itself.

“It also sends a clear message that no beneficiaries can be trusted to make responsible decisions for their children. And it opens the door to further government coercion of parental choices. We all know that beneficiaries are no less well-educated and responsible than everyone else. Will the government’s next step be to extend the same control to the employed?”

Debate at the Second Reading recognised this problem. According to Greens MP Metiria Turei, the government is removing from ordinary New Zealand parents the right to decide what is in their child’s best interests.

“The fact is that not all parents want their 3-year-olds to spend 15 hours—that is, nearly 3 school days—at the local early childhood education centre, at the creche, at the local kindy, or even, as is now revealed, with the lady down the road, who might be employed as a home carer, looking after kids of her own.”

Asenati Lole-Taylor of New Zealand First also stood against the Bill, saying that the government should not dictate to “dedicated parents who passionately believe in quality home education that they themselves are more than capable of providing.”

“I have gone through the submissions, and an overwhelming majority of parents want to decide for themselves how they raise their children and when the appropriate time would be for them to be enrolled in early childhood education.”

The Social Obligation compelling children to attend Well Child/Tamariki Ora checks also came under scrutiny during the debate. Metiria Turei highlighted the Minister for Social Development’s suggestion that these checks be used for “surveillance”. “Paula Bennett intends to use the Well Child programme to investigate families, simply because those families have to rely on a benefit to pay their rent and put food on the table.”

She says this will result in fewer families attending the health checks. “The Ministry of Health says that making Well Child checks compulsory, under the threat of losing the benefit, will put children at risk of worsening health and more presentations at the emergency department.”

Mrs Smith encourages concerned New Zealanders to write, call, and ring their MPs before the Bill’s Third Reading within the next week or two.

“The Bill passed its Second Reading by only one vote, 61-60,” she says.

“We particularly need to contact the Honourable Members for Epsom and Ohariu, John Banks and Peter Dunne, who have the option of changing their votes.

Electorate contact details Friday-Monday

Epsom –  John Banks, 07 817 9999

Ohariu – Peter Dunne, 04 817 6827

Contact details in Wellington – Tuesday-Thursday:

ACT:  John Banks 07 817 9999

United Future:  Peter Dunne 04 817 6827

email addresses

Epsom –  John Banks johnbanks.epsom@parliament.govt.nz or john.banks@act.org.nz
Ohariu – Peter Dunne vicki.norman@parliament.govt.nz and peter.dunne@parliament.govt.nz

“We only need one more vote to make history.”

More information on the bill, together with contact details for MPs, can be found at www.hef.org.nz.

About the Home Education Foundation

The Home Education Foundation has been informing parents for 27 years about the fantastic opportunity to de-institutionalise our sons and daughters and to embrace the spiritual, intellectual and academic freedom that is ours for the taking. Through conferences, journals, newsletters and all kinds of personal communications, we explain the vision of handcrafting each child into a unique individual, complete with virtuous character, a hunger for service to others, academic acumen and a strong work ethic. For more information, please visit www.hef.org.nz or more specifically hef.org.nz/2012/make-a-submission-reject-compulsory-early-education-for-3-year-olds/

In 1877 New Zealanders lost the freedom to educate our children at home without applying for permission. Our forefathers let us down by not standing up for their rights.

In 2013, will we be the generation that begins to lose the freedom to preschool our own children, to make our own decisions about health care, or to invest our time in our families above a job?

We say NO

Let us protect the children of Beneficiaries

Because this could extend to ALL children

if this passes



Please feel free to repost, forward or pass on  this email

Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


Related Links:


From the Smiths:


Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




This link is motivational: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: https://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013-2/


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill


Videos of the 2nd Reading of the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Families Children and Parents TogetherHere are the speeches in Parliament prior to the vote for the Second Reading of the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

http://inthehouse.co.nz/node/17645 – Part 3 – Do listen to this speech..Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill – Second Reading – Part 2 Video Post 20th Mar 13
Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill – Second Reading – Part 1 Video Post 20th Mar 13
20.3.13 – Question 7: Alfred Ngaro to the Minister for Social Development Video Post 20th Mar 13

The 2nd Reading Vote:

61 For
60 against

Thankyou New Zealand First

We have some work ahead to see if we can get Act and United Future to change their vote at the 3rd reading

Please ring and email John Banks and Peter Dunne

ACT:  John Banks 07 817 9999  johnbanks.epsom@parliament.govt.nz or john.banks@act.org.nz

United Future:  Peter Dunne 04 817 6827  vicki.norman@parliament.govt.nz and peter.dunne@parliament.govt.nz

and all the National MPs

The Issues as I see them. We will fight this Bill:

1. While ECE is compulsory for any 3 and 4 year old child

2. While the Government is making it compulsory for any mother to have to go to work while she still has children at home

3. While it is compulsory for any child to have to complete the Well Child Checks

Please ask these MPs to vote against this Bill while these three items are still in the Social and Work Obligations and Sanctions.

Then CC your email to all the other MPs so that they don’t change their vote from being against this Bill

In 1877 New Zealanders lost the freedom to educate our children at home without applying for permission. Our forefathers let us down by not standing up for their rights.

In 2013, will we be the generation that begins to lose the freedom to preschool our own children, to make our own decisions about health care, or to invest our time in our families above a job?

We say NO

Let us protect the children of Beneficiaries

Because this could extend to ALL children

if this passes



Please feel free to repost, forward or pass on  this email

Please do so with the whole post. Thankyou


Related Links:


From the Smiths:


Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




This link is motivational: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: https://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013-2/


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill
