2nd day in Court for the Johanssons and Ruby Harrold-Claesson

Dominics föräldrar gav ett mycket gott intryck

Christer och Annie utanför rättegångssalen vid Svea hovrätt.

Here is a rough internet translation:

Day 2 – on Friday, 23 November Friday’s förhanding is going on at the time of writing but, unfortunately, so will be held this afternoon’s hearing behind closed doors. In addition, day has been dominated by;from earlier tingsrättsförhandlingar. A further testimony of Annies was up in which she has told us what she has undergone, if severe trauma, collapse, and even on how she at least two occasions have been affected by cardiac arrest in the battle which followed disposal of Dominic.

Annie was a happy childhood and a happy marriage with Christer and on how happy fullkomnades when Dominic was born. Periodically, they lived in India and periodically in Sweden does not yet have decided to go for was the would become permanent. What that finally got them to choose to relocate to India was not first and foremost skolfrågan but social authority’s behavior.

There are many more significant details in Annies testimonies that right has to take into account. If the impartial listened and taken in the information it should affect the judgment of parents’ advantage.

Some close relatives testimony was also up to the right. All incomprehensible to Dominic placed under police protection. testimony was credible. Well-informed of the situation and coherent they talked about Dominic as an open, happy and curious boy who enjoyed enormous good with their parents. All certified to Dominics also had a good thorough upbringing.

Another very interesting testimony that was up was with Professor Archer that on some occasions had met with Christer and Annie. It was very shocking to hear when he expressed surprise that Annie was still life in the light of the condition she was in when they met. He described then scientifically how a human body will react and what happens when limits are being pushed ever caused by stress, anxiety, etc.

During the course of the afternoon was held further hearings with a known as a witness on the spot. Unfortunately, the doors were shut down then why reporting is absent so long.

Please keep praying for this family and Ruby.  Last day of court hearing Monday 26 November.


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Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds


1st day in Court for the Johanssons and Ruby Harrold-Claesson

Dominics föräldrar gav ett mycket gott intryck


Christer och Annie utanför rättegångssalen vid Svea hovrätt.

Here is a rough internet translation:

After a time negotiations at the Svea Court of Appeal has the suspicion that Dominic and his family is the target of an illegal practices. The objective in the Court of Appeal is about the municipality of Gotland to disbar Christer and Annie custody of Dominic and give the permanent to familjehemmet tvångsplacerad where he is.

District Court rejected the request and sentenced to the family’s advantage, and it is therefore the municipality and the prosecutor in the objective which is the complainant.

The prosecutor presented in their sakframställan disparate fragments which he believed was evidence that the municipality acted right when it is on 25 June 2009 in a very brutal way boarded the aircraft in which the family found itself in order to travel to Annies country India.
According to the prosecutor is the parents who caused Dominic difficulties which have given him traumatic experiences.

Defender responded to objectively and convincing each part of the Prosecutor svartmålningar of parents. Today’s last hearing consisted of a filmed hearings where Christer before district court on a very convincing factual way told the family had to face of harassment, ever since Gotland social services began to put themselves in their lives in 2006. The only direct reason to care 2009 which emerged during the first day was to Dominic temporary hemundervisades (home schooling) – something which also was legal according to the school teams are.

What also emerged was that Dominic was already enrolled in a school in India in which a large part of his family live.

The negotiations will continue tomorrow, on Friday (23 / 11) and is closed on Monday.

Please keep praying for this family and Ruby


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Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds


Johansson Family Back in Court 22-26 November

Ruby Harrold-Claesson has just rung me to let me know that the Johansson family are back in court Thursday, Friday and Monday. It is time for an update so we can all be praying for this family. This is from the HSLDA website:

Johansson Family Back in Court

Swedish Officials Again Seek to Terminate Parents’ Custody of Domenic

The Swedish government is seeking to overturn a court ruling that upheld the parental rights of Christer and Annie Johansson. Their son Domenic (pictured above) has been in state custody since 2009.

The Social Welfare Committee responsible for keeping Domenic Johansson separated from his parents for more than three years has appealed the June 2012 court ruling that upheld Christer and Annie Johanssons’ parental rights. The Svea Court of Appeal in Stockholm will hear the appeal this week on November 22, 23 and 26.

The Johanssons’ attorney, noted human rights advocate Ruby Harrold-Claesson, explained why the Social Welfare Committee has appealed the favorable ruling.

“The committee has stated that compulsory care of Domenic should continue for as long as necessary,” said Harrold-Claesson, “and also that a court-appointed custodian of the boy is essential to ‘avoid the risk of [his parents’] unauthorized interference’ with his care.”

The district court ruling from June 2012 included firsthand testimony from 10 individuals about Christer and Annie’s ability to care for their son.

“This oral evidence confirmed that Christer and Annie are loving, responsible parents who are more than capable of seeking Domenic’s best interests,” noted HSLDA Attorney and Director of International Relations Michael Donnelly. “The Social Welfare Committee’s continued attempt to terminate their parental rights is intensely disturbing, especially in the face of the numerous international treaties and documents that protect the essential and fundamental role of parents in the upbringing of their children.”

Read the text of the Berlin Declaration >>

The June 2012 ruling was the family’s first victory since Swedish police seized then 7-year-old Domenic on June 26, 2009. The boy and his parents were on board a jetliner minutes from departing Sweden for Annie’s home country of India when Dominic was seized. Authorities justified the taking by pointing to the fact that Dominic was homeschooled. Authorities initially allowed the family a short, supervised visit for one hour once every five weeks. However, Christer and Annie have not seen or spoken to their son since December 2010.

Please remember Christer and Annie in your thoughts and prayers as they return to court with their attorney Ruby Harrold-Claesson this Thursday, Friday and Monday.


From the Smiths:


Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds

What is happening for Domenic Johansson and His Parents!


I spoke to Ruby Harrold-Claesson a couple of  nights ago and asked her if she had been removed from the Johanssons’ case. She replied that she is still on the transfer of custody/guardianship case, which the Johanssons’ won in June, but the social council has appealed. (Ruby should be able to represent the Johansson’s in this appeal if it goes ahead.)
Ruby then went on to explain the situation that the Johanssons are caught up in two sets of cases in the two separate court systems in Sweden. There are the civil and criminal courts and the administrative courts. It was the administrative courts that removed Ruby from the Johanssons’ case in 2010, claiming that she was unsuitable, but the civil and criminal court (Gotland District court) appointed her as the Johanssons’ legal counsel in the guardianship case.
After winning the case in the District court in June, the Johanssons applied to the administrative court to have their son Domenic returned to them. The administrative court has refused to appoint Ruby as their public counsel for the case, so they have appealed and they are awaiting the decision from the administrative court of appeal.
By the way, Ruby won a case against Sweden in the European Court of Human Rights on April 5, 2012. Read about it here http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx#{%22dmdocnumber%22:[%22905687%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-110246%22]}. Congratulations Ruby.

Please keep praying for this family and writing words of encouragement to them and on their behalf.

HSLDA Attorney and Director of International Relations Michael Donnelly has been following the case closely…READ MORE

Contact Swedish Officials

Please contact the officials below to insist they return Dominic (above) to his family immediately in light of the latest court ruling.

Swedish Social Services Committee
Gotlands Kommun
621 81 Visby

The social workers

The social workers’ supervisors

Sweden in New Zealand

In New Zealand Sweden has a Consulate General in Wellington and a Consulate in Auckland. The Swedish Trade Council has an office in Auckland.

Consulate of Sweden Auckland

Consul: Frank Olsson

Consulate of Sweden
6 Renall Street
Freemans Bay
New Zealand 1011

Office Hours: By appointment only

Phone: +64-(0)-21 989 414
Fax: +64-9-909 75 31
Email: frank@olsson.co.nz

Consulate General of Sweden Wellington

Consul General: Hon William P. Jeffries

Consulate-General of Sweden
P O Box 125 38
New Zealand 6144

Visiting address:
Level 7
Molesworth House
101 Molesworth Street
Wellington 6011

Phone: +64-4-499 9895
Fax: +64-4-499 1464
E-mail: sweden@xtra.co.nz

To learn more about the Johansson’s go to these links:

Blog: http://friendsofdomenic.blogspot.co.nz/p/because-they-loved.html

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/returndomenic/

Link to read: Why is the Swedish State So Cruel and Heartless?

Link to read: The Dominic Johansson Case: Home schooled boy snatched from plane in Sweden


From the Smiths:


Updated 6 September 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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Why is the Swedish State So Cruel and Heartless?

What makes a government and the culture of a nation become cruel and heartless? An answer is to be found in the very nature of the authoritarian socialist systems so much in vogue today.

Why is the Swedish State So Cruel and Heartless?

Those of us who have been closely following the Domenic Johansson state-kidnapping case and the devastating effect the callousnessness of the Swedish State has had on this destroyed family, and have not been brainwashed by all the lies and propaganda emanating from the Swedish Government and its agencies, have been left stupified and with the burning question, Why? Was this a terrible one-off series of accidents and misjudgments or was this a part of a greater, unseen, and unreported systematic holocaust against anything and anyone who does not conform to the Swedish Utopia that has only come to the public forefont because of foreign sympathisers and a small Swedish homeschooling community who saw what it could possibly mean for them if they didn’t do something about it?

What perverse philosophy makes the Swedish State so indifferent to the human suffering and misery that their agencies have caused? What is it that so numbs the sensitivities of these people toward the suffering of families that they themselves have been instrumental in destroying? Do they hate families? Do they hate love? Are they even qualified to be dealing with human beings at all, let alone having such absolute power over them? Are they brainwashed? Are they emotional retards? Do they have any conscience, any sense of guilt for what they have done? What exactly are they and what has happened to their humanity?

Not until I was forced to probe deep into the political philosophy of this country which seems to be embraced by all the mainstream political parties (just as the political parties of the former German Democratic Republic were forced to embrace a communist social framework) did I begin to find the answers. It has taken me some time but what I have dug up greatly alarms me because Sweden is pursuing a social illusion that can only end up hurting more and more ordinary citizens who have been persuaded to so implicitly trust their government to see them right in everything.

In fact it is truly astonishing just how much the Swedish people trust their government and how truly shocked they will be when they find out what is really going on behind the scenes. They have no idea that thay have been gradually hijacked by a wicked, undemocratic political system that was exposed in the 20th century as having been responsible for untold misery and the deaths of more people than in all the other centuries of world history combined. And it’s the same system which lies behind the European Union today to which Sweden belongs and has perhaps even helped shape.

As far as child-abduction and homeschooling are concerned, the main players in this battle are the National Government in Stockholm, local municipal government (the kommuns), Social Services (Socialtjänst) and the Psychiatric profession which is linked, of course, to Big Pharma. Politicians on the national level, who have no direct one-to-one connection with such tragedies as Domenic Johansson I can understand up to a certain degree. It is hard to connect to something that is relatively ‘far away’. However, this is not to excuse national politicians — they have ultimate responsibility for everything that goes on in this country so they must be held accountable for what their agencies do and to take appropriate disciplinary action when their agencies violate fundamental human rights as they absolutely and unquestionably have done in the Domenic Johansson case, the loopholes in Swedish Law notwithstanding.

I am seeking to ask some very subjective questions today about human nature and the state’s attitude to it. I want to know if the government actually cares about individual people and families or whether we are just abstract statistics to them. In public they say they do (as Gustaf Hoffstedt, who presided over the Domenic Johansson case, has done) but in practice we are left to seriously wonder if this isn’t just media hype. It is easy to ‘talk the talk’ but a lot harder to ‘walk the walk’. With the exception of a tiny handful of MPs in the Swedish Parliament, the vast majority have been silent for they probably know that to speak out will not only rock their own boats but risk capsizing them too.

I can, of course, understand how we, as human beings, can become desensitised to things especially if they are bad things that happen often or far away…

Read the rest of the article here: http://www.americandailyherald.com/pundits/christopher-c-m-warren/item/why-is-the-swedish-state-so-cruel-and-heartless

I highly recommend that you read this whole article it is revelant to all of us no matter what  Country you live in.

Written by Christopher C.M. Warren on Friday, 03 August 2012. Posted in Opinion, Christopher C.M. Warren


From the Smiths:


Updated  28 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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