Global Christian Online Homeschool Conference – Day 2

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020:

Theme: Chats with Real Parents, Health & Wellness for Parents & Students

Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.

1. Overcoming Depression & Burnout (Cynthia Hancox)

Are you struggling with fear, anxiety, burn-out or depression? You are not alone! Be encouraged that there IS a way out of the pit of despair, and that no matter what is going on around you or in your life – current events, chaos at home, pressure to perform as a parent, spouse, home educator – you do not have to try to be Superwoman (or Superman). Listen as Cynthia shares some of her own story of experiencing and overcoming depression, along with her tips for how to deal with burn-out and depression.

2. Tea with Megan, A Conversational Q&A (Megan Erps)

Have you talked about the elephant in the room? What about this fall?
Have you become unnerving and frustrated? Are you confident in planning your year? Grab some coffee or tea and sit down with a real mom.

3. Weaving God’s Presence In Your Homeschool Experience (LM Preston)

The parenting and homeschooling session focused on how to bring God into your homeschool is for parents that want to create an environment that weaves in a healthy, close relationship with God through opening communication, encouragement and realistic approaches. LM Preston is the author of Homeschooling and Working While Shaping Amazing Learners and a homeschooling mother of four.

4. The Race Talk (Kwasi Agbottah)

This world can hurt. Not just people, but systems of interaction we experience and often label as “race.” How are we to socialize our children to address what’s going on in a meaningful way? I often wish that our ancestors could have a heart-to-heart and apologize for what they either helped create or painfully endured. But do I want to have that kind of conversation with my neighbors, and give up possible ways that I have benefitted? Join us as we try to do just that.

5. The Missions Talk (Kwasi Agbottah)

What does homeschooling have to do with missions? Welcome to Detroit! In this session, we’ll talk about how the Bible (in the hands of someone truly willing to hear from God) can create well-worn paths of cultivation in our hearts, breaking fallow ground and clearing distractions to make way for authentic worship that grows into indigenous missions! And you thought school was about lesson plans and down time? Come join us.

6. Homeschooling as a Single Parent Panel (Jaynel Jones and Sandi Gonzalez)

Single parenting and homeschooling can be challenging. But it can be done and these two moms tell us how through the good memories and the challenge and then giving it all to God for the solutions to those challenges. They get real about their needs as well.

7. Transformed From Worn Out and Weary to Hopeful and Helpful (Teresa Striplin)

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. God has put a message on each parent’s heart as to what she should teach her child. Come learn about creating a mission statement for your educational journey. During this time of uncertainty and so many options it is easy to become overwhelmed, having a mission statement is a good way to stay focused. Once you have a statement, the details may overwhelm and cause weariness for several reasons; when we try to homeschool alone, when we try to copy“school” at home and when we try to “do it all”.

8. Creating an Organized Homeschool Life (Melanie Wilson)

One of the biggest obstacles to long-term homeschool success is disorganization. If this is your first yearhomeschooling or you keep saying this is the year you’ll get organized and it doesn’t happen, you won’t want to missthis session with Dr. Melanie Wilson. She is a Christian psychologist turned happy homeschooling mom, despite herinitial lack of organization. You’ll learn simple steps for getting every aspect of your home and life in order, even if you weren’t born organized.

9. Homeschooling: What in the World is Going On? Facts, Stats, and Biblical Truth (Dr. Brian Ray)

Public schooling, private schooling, and homeschooling all teach, train, and indoctrinate children. How many parents know that the indoctrination in government/public schools is clear and blatant? What does scripture say who should have the duty and responsibility to educate children? Further, and more telling, what does scripture say about whoshould not be teaching, training, and indoctrinating the children of God’s children? Real-life examples of what is being done in the state/public school system, direct scriptural analysis, and 35 years of research on homeschooling will be brought to bear. Tighten your belts as Dr. Ray hits these topics hard, fast, and with some research statistics and a bit of humor.

10. Homeschool Dads Who Homeschool (Glenn Ballard, Kwasi Agbottah)

A homeschooling dad who homeschools is rare. You’ll want to listen in on this conversation! They talk about why they chose to homeschool, stories about the precious times with their children, going through some hard times and letting God use them to create a solution.

11. Creating Peace in a Chaotic World Panel – (Karen Chegwidden, Pat Sikora, Glenn Ballard, LaNissir James)

We all know about the difficulties happening in the world during covid-19. There is so much unrest and chaos.
What are we to do as Christians? Listen in on this panel of 4 people and hear what they are doing in their part of the world. Perhaps you’ll want to come along and join them!

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020:

DAY 1 – Topics

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference -Day 1 Speakers

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020:
Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.
Day 1
Theme: The ABC’s of Homeschooling, Diligent Prep for College

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020:

Global Online Christian Home Educators Conference – Day 1


Once registered, please join the Facebook Group, “GCHC Community,” and start talking to speakers, vendors, and panelists all over the world! There are interviews and panels throughout the week on this interactive Facebook Group.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020:

Under each video section, you will find the description of the session as well as the bio of the speaker and their picture!

Day 1
Theme: The ABC’s of Homeschooling, Diligent Prep for College

1. Welcome to the 1st annual Global Christian Homeschool Conference!

Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.

What you DO want to take advantage of is the SWAG BAG and it’s offers as some may be time sensitive. Obtain your bag download inside the vault. It is in PDF form so all you have to do is click the image provided to redeem the offer mentioned.

Comments have been enabled on the speakers sessions so please feel free to ask questions! Our prayer is that you are greatly touched by this conference! GOD BLESS YOU!

2. Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing (Andrew Peduwa)

We’ve all suffered it at one time or another: frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end, orperhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What do I correct and how do I give a grade? How much help is too much?Isn’t the assignment clear enough? Why don’t students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teachingmistakes that contribute to this frustration: Overcorrecting, Holding Back Help, Unclear Assignments, and Over- Expectation.

3. But..but..but…what about grammar? (Andrew Peduwa)

Knowing how to teach grammar is especially challenging for the parent who doesn’t feel confident in his or her owngrammar proficiency. Grammar programs often consist of piles of workbooks, wasted dollars, and way too much time spent trying to fulfill that subject. Often what is taught in those workbook pages doesn’t translate into success in writing. The results are poor mechanics and a less than stellar understanding of “What is a verb?” or perhaps more importantly, “How doverb choices enhance writing?” If you are asking, “But what about grammar?” AndrewPudewa has answers.

4. However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Teaching (Andrew Pudewa)

In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years ofteaching and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; process over product;all kids are different; “progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; what real “college and career readiness” is;and two secret keys to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.

5. Unschooling for Christians (Barbara Smith)

I love parts of the Unschooling Philosophy but as a Christian, I dislike other parts of it. Why? Because the Bible is very clear in saying we are to be diligent in training our children all the time. So what is different for Christians? In this video, I will talk about the first six goals that will help you disciple your children and train their minds.

6. The Adventurous Road from Homeschool to College (Denise Boiko)

It’s the journey of a lifetime. But as you think about homeschooling through high school, do the questions seem to outweigh the answers? You’re not alone! In this session, I’ll walk you through the most common questions that come up on the adventurous road – with the goal of providing answers, insights, and a sense of direction rather than confusion. Questions such as “What should our priorities be?” “What are colleges looking for” and “How do I begin my high school course planning?” will be front and center. You’ll also see a snapshot of what the college applications tasks will look like, and you’ll discover how you can begin to plan your students personalized “best route to college.” Come here and hear about how to personalize the GPs for this adventurous road trip!

7. Homeschool Resources – So Many! (Glenn Ballard)

The prospect of homeschooling can seem daunting, yea nigh impossible, to a parent contemplating homeschooling for the first time. I certainly felt that way. My wife did too. But the truth is there are so many resources – curriculum, books, DVDs, online classes, homeschooling communities, homeschooling co-ops. And we have the Internet, which opens upa “new world” of online possibilities that did not exist just 20 or 30 years ago. On top of all that,we have a wonderful organization called the Home School Legal Defense Association
(“HSLDA”), which helps protect us from a legal and regulatory standpoint and also provides guidance on how to comply with the regulations for homeschooling in every state. Thanks to a few wise and brave trailblazers in the United States about 40-45 years ago, and the LORD’smerciful providence, homeschooling has never been as easy as it is right now. Homeschooling is like parenting – just x10 (some days, maybe x100). Parents who earnestly desire to homeschool tend to find a way. And there are many fellow Christian homeschooling parents, who want to help you along the way.

8. Homeschooling with a Charlotte Mason Philosophy (Justina Ford)

In this training, Justina Ford shares the 20 Principles of a Charlotte Mason Philiosophy from the website. She shares why every Christian Homeschool family should be incorporating these principles whether or not you choose to use CM specific curriculum.

9. Fear Not, You and Your Student Can Learn Math Together (Steve Demme)

Math is so much more than memorizing rules and facts. With a unique and humorous approach, Steve demonstrates how to use hands-on manipulatives to illustrate important math concepts such as place value, double digit multiplication, fractions, algebra, exponents, squares, square roots, and factoring trinomials.

10. A Theocentric Christian Education (Graham & Alison Shortridge)

School years teach children so much more than just academics. They learn the basics of who they will become as adults, and the lessons learnt as children stay with them for the rest of their lives. Are you certain that your children are in the best hands? Are they being trained up in the way they should go? Are their minds, spirits and souls being cared for? Are you concerned about any of the following: A decline in the academic standardsSchoolyard bullying, The lack of individual attention in class, The introduction of interfaith and humanismLawless peer pressure, Theneed for instruction based on Christian values and principles, Moral decay and lack of discipline, Rising costs. If you are, and have not already discovered the solution to your concerns by HOME SCHOOLING. Why not start now?

11. Cultivating Language from Preschool to High School (Andrew Pudewa)

Listening and reading well, speaking and writing clearly, thinking and debating effectively are abilities that most parents hope to cultivate in their children. With that goal in mind, Andrew will explore various environments and activities which will accelerate the development of these language skills, beginning with the youngest students and continuing into the high school years.

12. How To Plan Your Homeschool Year for Success! (Sue Ruggles) In this session you will gain skills in:

  • Creating academic goals for your children.
  • Setting clear expectations for you and your family.
  • Brainstorming for planning lessons, weekly plans, and schedules.
  • Staying flexible when life doesn’t go as planned.
  • Incorporating health & wellness goals.

13. How to Make Curriculum Choices for Homeschool Sanity (Melanie Wilson)

Choosing curriculum is one of the most challenging parts of homeschooling, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. If you’re overwhelmed, you’ll benefit from using a checklist of simple criteria. You can save time and feel moreconfident that you’ve chosen materials that serve your family. Christian psychologist and veteran homeschooler, Dr. Melanie Wilson, will reassure you that even poor curriculum choices don’t have to steal your sanity.

14. Creative Writing with Kids (Katie Andrews Potter)

15. Homeschool to College (John Travis, Liberty University)
Listen to Admission Recruiter John Travis talk about the following:

  • Who is Liberty University?
  • What does the general admissions process look like at Liberty?
  • What does the International Admissions process look like at Liberty?
  • What does the Homeschool Admissions process look like?
  • What do students on Liberty’s campus have available to them?
  • What opportunities do students have available to them to have fun?
  • What scholarships are available to students?
  • How safe will my student be on campus?
  • How do we come visit?
  • What was your favorite part of your Liberty experience and what tips do you have for incoming students?

REGISTRATION OPEN until 31 August 2020:

Day 1 – Topics

First day of the first global Christian Home Education Conference

Registration here:

Here is what you’ll find in the Monday Vault:

  1. Welcome to the 1st annual Global Christian Homeschool Conference! Plus the swag bag with heaps of freebies!
  2. The ABC’s of Homeschool, Diligent Prep for College
  3. Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing (Andrew Peduwa)
  4. But..but..but…what about grammar? (Andrew Peduwa)
  5. However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Teaching
  6. Unschooling for Christians (Barbara Smith)
  7. The Adventurous Road from Homeschool to College (Denise Boiko)
  8. Homeschool Resources – So Many!! (Glenn Ballard)
  9. Gameschooling (Jaynel Jones)
  10. Homeschooling with a Charlotte Mason Philosophy (Justina Ford)
  11. Homeschooling a Child that Won’t Sit (Elizabeth Sharpe)

Live Videos now uploaded:

  1. Hothouse Transplants Panel with Christopher Adams, Jessica Allen, Sarah Venable
  2. A Theocentric Christian Education -Interview with Graham & Alison Shortridge from South Africa
  3. Cultivating Language from Preschool to High School? with Andrew Pudewa from the United States
  4. Homeschooling in Different Countries Panel with moms from Austrailia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and South Africa
  5. Redemption and Restoration for the Broken Family? with Juliet English, United Kingdom
  6. Homeschooling as a Single Parent with Jaynel Jones and others

Where are the pre-recorded videos? Once you pay the US$20.00 registration you will have lifetime access to the conference.

You will find the pre-recorded videos when you log into the Teachable vault. In there you will find the description of the sessions and the biography of the speakers. Each day is a different theme and the LIVE interviews will also be uploaded for that day.

Registration here:

Global Christian Online Conference begins today

“Hello everyone,

“We have started the Global Christian Homeschool Conference and we’re so excited to have you join us wherever you are in the world!

“First, please join the Facebook Group, “GCHC Community,” and start talking to speakers, vendors, and panelists all over the world!

“There are interviews and panels throughout the week on this interactive Facebook Group. Below is the list for the first day.”

SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2020 (already started)

5:45 pm – Hothouse Transplants Panel with Christopher Adams, Jessica Allen, Sarah Venable
Former homeschooling students out in the world with faith intact. They share who they are and what they are doing, why their parents homeschooled, great memories, challenges, how they overcame with God’s help, and some words of encouragement to those of you still in the trenches.


(All times USA times) (NZ begins about 12:30am and Australia 2:30am)

9:30 am – A Theocentric Christian Education -Interview with Graham & Alison Shortridge from South Africa

11:00 am – Cultivating Language from Preschool to High School with Andrew Pudewa from the United States

12:30 pm – Homeschooling in Different Countries Panel with moms from Austrailia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and South Africa

2:00 pm – Redemption and Restoration for the Broken Family with Juliet English, United Kingdom

TBA – Homeschooling as a Single Parent with Jaynel Jones and others


Have a great week and may God bless your efforts in reaching the next generation for Christ!