A Literacy Timeline

A Literacy Timeline

by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn

Ancient History from Primary Sources: A Literary Timeline


Soft Cover Book
This is a reference book which guides the student on a selective timeline tour through ancient history, outlining the major events and personalities, and noting the primary literary sources from which these things are known. Time-wise, this book covers the period from the creation of the world to the fall of Rome in A.D. 476. Space-wise, this book covers the civilizations of the near east and west. Each event or person in history is accompanied by suggested readings from various ancient sources.

PLEASE NOTE: The DVD is no longer included.

This book will lead you by the hand through the maze of ancient literature and help you find what is appropriate for you and your children to read as you pursue your study of ancient history.

Generally speaking, the classical literature we cite is suitable for students ages twelve and up. Some of the literature is suitable for younger students (Aesop, some of Xenophon, Plutarch, Quintus Curtius, Gellius, Josephus and several others).

Textbook only ………………….. $59.00


Weight 2.00 lbs
ISBN 978-0-9743616-4-2
Pages 223
Binding softcover with lay-flat binding
Length 8 1/2 X 11
Price: $59.00

For more information:  https://www.triviumpursuit.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16172&cat=258&page=1

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send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number or to ask for internet banking number

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phone: 06 357-4399

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Teaching the Trivium

teaching_the_trivium.jpgteaching_the_trivium.jpgby Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn


640 page Soft Cover Book
Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style How can you give your children the tools they need to teach themselves? Long ago students were first taught how to learn. Today, students are taught an encyclopedia of subjects (trivia)?? but they are not taught the basic skills of learning: to discover, to reason, and to apply. They are not taught the Trivium. Placing classical education within a homeschool context, the Bluedorns offer a workable plan for every age and subject based on the study of grammar, logic and rhetoric. Their curriculum suggestions, teaching tips and advice on topics such as character building will help you provide your children with a solid education.Feature:

  • How Classical Education can be made distinctly Christian.
  • A Workable plan for teaching Latin, Greek & Hebrew.
  • Christian principles for studying classical literature.
  • Using ancient literature to study the time period 753BC-323BC.
  • How to fit different approaches to homeschooling into Classical Education.
  • How to teach each subject in those important early years.
  • 40 pages of curriculum and resources.
  • And much more.
  • To order do one of the following:

    send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

    post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

    fax 06 357-4389

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    Safely Home



    Paperback (110 pages)
    Author: Tom Eldredge

    The choice has always been knowledge or relationship. Which is more important? In Safely Home, Tom Eldredge shows how this was the original conflict in the Garden, a clash that would later be the dividing line between Greek (humanist) and Hebrew (biblical) worldviews. Mr. Eldredge offers practical and biblical hope for those dads who put relationships first and who dare to go safely home. After years of broken marriages, rebellious children and misplaced priorities within the Church, parents’ cries to God have been answered by a Holy Spirit-driven desire by fathers to turn their hearts to their children, by parent-directed Hebrew education and with the re-discovery of Biblical roles for men and women. Many Church shepherds now see that, despite a smorgasbord of programs, most children of believers will reject the Faith and blend into an increasingly pagan society. They grieve at the destruction of the family within their flocks, but they are at a loss for what to do. Here are Biblical solutions.
    To order do one of the following:

    send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

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    Training Our Children to Be Pure

    training_pure1.JPGtraining_pure.JPGby Barbara Smith


    72 page A4 compilation (bound photocopy)

    We want our children to be holy, righteous and pure. We want to teach them wisdom and purity in relationships. We want to teach them to be self-disciplined and to seek after what is right and good and not give in to fleshly desires. This book is a compilation of writings by some veteran homeschoolers from New Zealand and overseas on these matters. It also contains a great list of books and resources available to parents/children and youth to help them along on this path of purity.
    Topics Include:

    • Start Young
    • Set the Example
    • Never Compromise
    • Be Constantly Vigilant
    • Having serial boy/girl friends is, at best, emotional fornication
    • Dating teaches uncommitment
    • Parents must protect their children Dating develops a wrong concept of love
    • Making vows, signing letters and exchanging rings won’t, in themselves, keep our daughters & sons pure until marriage – more is required

    To order do one of the following:

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    Teach Bulletin – 1yr Subsciption

    teach-only.JPGteach-only.JPGTeach Bulletin – 1yr
    Edited by Craig S. Smith


    6 page A4 Bulletin. 1yr, 6 issues(Thorough Education Achieved in a Caring Home) is a monthly newsletter of the Home Education Foundation. Articles deal with political developments which may affect home educators, statistical and professional trends, correspondence with politicians and educationalists, and other items of general interest to home educators. Published since January 1997, TEACH Bulletin has been used to sound legislative alerts, rallying home educators to write submissions to their MPs and Parliamentary Select Committees when legislation unfavourable to home educators was introduced into Parliament.The six page newsletter comes out 6 times a yearTo order do one of the following:

    send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

    post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

    fax 06 357-4389

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